> I've attached an example sdf file with 20 structures, all of which show this 
> behaviour.
> I hope someone can take a look and see if I'm doing something odd or how I
> might correct this.

As Craig said, you're not doing anything odd. Breaking ties is tough, and this 
type of testing really taxes the aromaticity detection as well.

I just tried your file (as well as several others) with the 2.3 trunk, and 
found that 44/48 cases passed. That still leaves 4 failures:
* One funny canonicalization bug with Cu phthalocyanine.
* Two aromaticity failures with fused rings containing multiple nitrogens
* One silly case with un-needed '[n]' sequences.

The good news is this -- it's been added as a unit test, so if you find more 
failures, just send me more files.

I can definitely tackle case #2 and case #3 in the near future. I'd need Craig 
to look at #1, but if we can reduce his test cases, we all profit. :-)

Thanks for the bug report TJ -- please send us any other failures you encounter.
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