> I have about 50 MOPAC Z-matrix files for which I need 2d
> representations for publication.

Here's one easy way -- without needing to install anything else. I'm assuming 
you can use a Linux box with bash, or something similar. I use "curl" but 
"wget" can also work here with slightly different command-line options.

for x in *.out; do
  echo $x;
  inchi=`babel $x -oinchi 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1;}'`
  curl -s -o ${x%%.out}.png 

Basically, you use OB to convert to an InChI and pass it through the NIH 
chemical resolver. There are a number of format options you can specify with 
the end of the URL:


You mentioned wanting to add some text, so you might look at the header/footer 
options in that blog post. Noel mentioned a few Python modules -- this 
basically does the same thing.

Hope that helps,
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