> openbabel command line, it would seem that the results are different 
> from those obtained with the AddHydrogens() method embedded in the pybel 
> library, with the correctforpH option.

Well yes, if you're comparing AddHydrogens() with and without correctForPH, 
then the results are different. But I can assure you that Pybel calls the same 
calls as the command-line when you supply the same options.

> Does pybel use also the /data/phmodel.txt file?


> It is documented that it is possible to convert [N+]([O-])=O to N(=O)=O, 
> but it doesn't work for the other representations of the nitro groups, 
> like [N](-OH)=O.

I have never seen a nitro group represented with an explicit H. Can you give us 
a real example? Or a list of the "other representations of nitro groups" that 
you expect?

> To this end, which file (containing the SMARTS patterns) is employed in 
> the pybel method?

CorrectDativeBonds does not use SMARTS patterns. Instead, it looks for atom 
pairs with neighboring "+" and "-" formal charges and it increases the bond 
order to remove the formal charges.

Hope that helps,
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