> Where does OpenBabel store atom names? I realize not all formats have 
> named atoms, but some (e.g. PDB) do, and I'm not sure where in the 
> OBAtom/OBMol/other objects I can find this info.

For PDB-related formats, these are stored in the OBResidue:

> Is there a way to tell whether the partial charges came directly from 
> the input file, or if they have been auto calculated?

Yes. Starting in OB 2.2 and later, there should be an OBPairData stored with 
the molecule (e.g., from a quantum output file):

      OBPairData *dp = new OBPairData;

In particular, the SetOrigin method for generic data reflects whether data is 
perceived (i.e., generated by Open Babel) or from the file format.

> I'd like to be  able to trust the supplied charges, if any, but would prefer 
> to use a 
> different method in preference to OpenBabel's Gasteiger charge calculation.

Out of curiosity, what method would you like to use. In the latest development 
code, there's a new framework for charge models, and we have support for 
Gasteiger, MMFF94, QEq, and QTPIE. Other methods could certainly be added.


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