> The following informations could be useful:
> 1) I exported the file directly from Material Studio
> 2) The problem seemsto be size dependent, i.e. conversion works if I cut 
> down the structure to 150 atoms

I suspect this isn't a specific problem with "car" format, rather with 
bond/aromaticity perception in systems with lots of fused rings. So if you're 
looking at a zeolite or diamondoid structure, for example, the computational 
time goes up dramatically.

You can short-circuit this. For example, since you're converting to XYZ, you 
don't need the bonds:

babel -H car
car  Accelrys/MSI Biosym/Insight II CAR format
Read Options e.g. -as
  s  Output single bonds only
  b  Disable bonding entirely

So what you'd want to do is something like this:

babel file.car -ab file.xyz

This will convert from CAR to XYZ without attempting bond perception. (I 
suspect the slow part isn't bond perception, rather the default option of 
attempting to perceive multiple bonds.)

Hope that helps,
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