Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
On 2024-12-14 12:07, David Kastrup wrote: Dirck Nagy writes: Hi all In the past, i have used a separate voice as a "spacing voice" to control measures per line, horizontal space, etc. For example, if i wanted 4 measures in a line, i would write : "s1*4 \break. etc...&qu

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-15 Thread Dirck Nagy
thank you, Kieren! I'm trying it out. dirck From: Kieren MacMillan Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2024 3:11 PM To: Dirck Nagy Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List ; Subject: Re: spacing staff...can it be done? Caution: *External Email

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 11:42 AM Dirck Nagy wrote: > I'm still a little unclear on the use of "\\" > This helped me understand it (from somewhere in the documentation): << { c4' 4 4 4 } \\ { a4' 4 4 4 } >> equals << \new Voice = "1" { \voiceOne c4' 4 4 4 } \new Voice = "2" { \voiceT

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Dirck, > Is there a better way to set up voices in a template? One one option is included below. Hope it helps! Kieren. %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.23.82" rightOne = { c''8 d'' e'' d'' c'' d'' e'' d'' } rightTwo = { e'8 f' g' f' e' f' g' f' } leftOne = { \clef bass g8 a g a g

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread Dirck Nagy
Thanks David. OK, I will not try to create a separate spacing staff! Thanks! I'm still a little unclear on the use of "\\" Here is the score block from a piano template i use. Should i just leave out the "\\"? It seems to work, just trying it out, but i dont know

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread David Kastrup
Dirck Nagy writes: > OK, i just remembered there is a \stemNeutral command. > > This solves my immediate problem...sorry for the trouble! No, it doesn't. It just changes stem direction but not other voicing characteristics. Changing back to neutral voice settings is done using \oneVoice instea

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread David Kastrup
Dirck Nagy writes: > Hi all > > In the past, i have used a separate voice as a "spacing voice" to > control measures per line, horizontal space, etc. > > For example, if i wanted 4 measures in a line, i would write : "s1*4 > \break. etc..." in the

spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread Dirck Nagy
Hi all In the past, i have used a separate voice as a "spacing voice" to control measures per line, horizontal space, etc. For example, if i wanted 4 measures in a line, i would write : "s1*4 \break. etc..." in the new voice. However if i do this to a monophonic sta

Re: spacing staff...can it be done?

2024-12-14 Thread Dirck Nagy
OK, i just remembered there is a \stemNeutral command. This solves my immediate problem...sorry for the trouble! I knew there was something obvious i was forgetting. But would it be possible to add a spacing staff? or would it be more trouble than it is worth? thanks! dirck

RE: Re[4]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread carsonmark
Welcome so much Mark From: Steph Phillips Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 2:49 PM To:; Paul Scott ; Lilypond-User Mailing List Subject: Re[4]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Ah yeah, this did it. Thank you so much! ~Steph -- Original Message

Re[4]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Steph Phillips
Ah yeah, this did it. Thank you so much! ~Steph -- Original Message -- From To "Steph Phillips" ; "Paul Scott" ; "Lilypond-User Mailing List" Date 12/8/2024 10:28:09 AM Subject RE: Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Steph,

Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Dec 08, 2024 at 04:59:41PM +, Steph Phillips wrote: >Hi all! >I've got some parts that have grace notes at the very beginning. >The grace notes are appearing before the initial clefs, time sigs, >and key sigs. [...] Sounds like the same issue I ran into a month or two a

Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Paul Scott
Which is why I and probably many others have a separate common or timing definition that has time signatures and spacing and anything common to all parts: timing = {   time 4/4  \grace s8 s1*[whatever}, etc. } music = \fixed c'' { \acciaccatura{ d16 d } [firstNote, et

RE: Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread carsonmark
Subject: Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Well, adding a spacer rest in the beginning of the acciaccaturas seemed to help a little, but now we're back to the original issue of the time/key sigs and clefs not being engraved until after the grace notes ~Steph -- Ori

Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hey all, Isn’t this just Kieren > On Dec 8, 2024, at 12:40 PM, Steph Phillips wrote: > Hmm, I set everything to 16's and it seems more confused now. > > ~Steph __ My work day may look different th

RE: Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread carsonmark
Steph,, A dummy grace/acciaccatura must appear in all voices, e.g., \grace s8. Mark From: Steph Phillips Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 9:40 AM To:; Lilypond-User Mailing List Subject: Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Hmm, I set everything to 16&#

Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Steph Phillips
"Steph Phillips" ;; "Lilypond-User Mailing List" Date 12/8/2024 9:45:08 AM Subject Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing It looks to me that you should have chosen eighths. HTH, Paul On 12/8/24 10:40 AM, Steph Phillips wrote: Hmm, I set everything to

Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Paul Scott
ailing List" Date 12/8/2024 9:29:06 AM Subject RE: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Steph, Make the grace and the acciaccatura the same duration. Either both 8 or both 16. Mark *From:* *On Behalf Of *Steph Phillips *Sent:* Sunday,

Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Steph Phillips
Hmm, I set everything to 16's and it seems more confused now. ~Steph -- Original Message -- From To "Steph Phillips" ; "Lilypond-User Mailing List" Date 12/8/2024 9:29:06 AM Subject RE: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Steph,

RE: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread carsonmark
: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Edit: Here's the code I'm using for the percussion and violin staves Percussion: \NumberOneSetup \clef bass \key c \major \InstrumentChange "Timpani" #-0.5 \grace { a16 a } a2-> \ff r | -and- Violin: \NumberOneSetup \cle

Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Steph Phillips
a^^) \sfz r r4 c''2 \ff | -- Original Message -- From "Steph Phillips" To "Lilypond-User Mailing List" Date 12/8/2024 8:59:41 AM Subject Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Hi all! I've got some parts that have grace notes at the very beginning. The gra

Start of Score Grace Note Spacing

2024-12-08 Thread Steph Phillips
Hi all! I've got some parts that have grace notes at the very beginning. The grace notes are appearing before the initial clefs, time sigs, and key sigs. It's hard to describe, please check out the attached image. I'm sure there's some setting I'm missing, but I could use some help on this o

Re: System spacing with lyluatex

2024-11-04 Thread Xavier Scheuer
of lyluatex the staff-staff spacing is minimal/natural with insert=systems and not spaced out. So maybe increase minimum-distance to make sure spacing is not compressed. Kind regards, Xavier

Re: System spacing with lyluatex

2024-11-01 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Thu, 31 Oct 2024 at 23:29, Ben Bradshaw wrote: > > Hello, > I'm struggling figuring out how things like paper variables and stuff work inside lyluatex. I say in the usage manual that there's a fancy \newcommand for linebreaks, but I haven't been able to figure out

System spacing with lyluatex

2024-10-31 Thread Ben Bradshaw
Hello, I'm struggling figuring out how things like paper variables and stuff work inside lyluatex. I say in the usage manual that there's a fancy \newcommand for linebreaks, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do system spacing. When I try to override the StaffGrouper or Ve

Re: spacing between staff and tabstaff

2024-10-21 Thread Eric Roodenburg
Hi Walt, Can't you use the basic vertical spacing for staffs? %%% \version "2.24.4" nts = \relative {c'4 d e f } \score { \layout { \context { \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup .default-staff-staff-spacing .

Re: spacing between staff and tabstaff

2024-10-20 Thread Walt North
I may be on to something.  I just saw a note in the docs about setting staff affinity on a staff. Consenting out the affinity like this is now giving some change in spacing behavior I can play around with.     \context {   \TabStaff %  \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #UP

Re: spacing between staff and tabstaff

2024-10-20 Thread Walt North
Perhaps someone could tell me what this informatiokn in the annotated view is trying to tell me. extent-estimate. On 10/20/2024 6:54 PM, Walt North wrote: Additional info in case it matters. I did turn on annotate spacing but it didn't tell me much. On 10/20/2024 6:01 PM, Walt

Re: spacing between staff and tabstaff

2024-10-20 Thread Walt North
Additional info in case it matters. I did turn on annotate spacing but it didn't tell me much. On 10/20/2024 6:01 PM, Walt North wrote: Maybe it's just because it's been a long day but I'm just not seeing what I'm missing.  I've tried a lot of different things

spacing between staff and tabstaff

2024-10-20 Thread Walt North
quot; nts = \relative {c''4 d e f } \score {   \layout {     \context {   \Staff   \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing =   #'((basic-distance . 3) (minimum-distance . 20) (padding . 0))   \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing =  

Horizontal spacing in plainchant

2024-10-16 Thread Jonathan Tanner
17-11/Image_470a.jpg) and am struggling to get the spacing right, they have much closer spacing between notes within a syllable, and I can't figure out how to achieve this in LilyPond. Thank you Jonathan

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2024-10-14 Thread Matthew Fong
t example in > your email. I also tried \override LyricText.extra-offset = #'( . 0), > but in certain cases spacing between the previous lyrics is too large. > > What modifications might be needed to get your code to work with > LyricText.self-alignment-X? > > > Many

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2024-10-14 Thread Matthew Fong
st example in your email. I also tried \override LyricText.extra-offset = #'( . 0), but in certain cases spacing between the previous lyrics is too large. What modifications might be needed to get your code to work with LyricText.self-alignment-X? Many thanks, Matt On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-10-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Trevor, > Try turning on proportional notation for the duration of a measure. > Proportional notation spaces musical items while ignoring the width of > nonmusical items, like the accidentals in your original example: OOH! Thanks!! I swear I tried that at one point, but might not have… or ma

Re: Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Dimitri Sykias
Thank you very much Xavier! > On 17 Sep 2024, at 1:41 PM, Xavier Scheuer wrote: > > override #'(baseline-skip . 3)

Re: Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Tue, 17 Sept 2024 at 01:39, Dimitri Sykias wrote: > > How can I reduce the vertical spacing between the lines in a auto-footnote? > > I attempted the following code to reduce the spacing: > > \auto-footnote \italic “1.” \wordwrap \small { \override #'(line-spaci

Text markup length and bar spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Lib Lists
Hi everybody, I'm trying to find the right option to make sure that the bar spacing follows the length of a text markup. See this example: if it's one bar long it works, if 2 or more it doesn't. \version "2.25.19" \score { << \new StaffGroup <<

Re: Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-17 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Dimitri, > \auto-footnote \italic “1.” \wordwrap \small { \override #'(line-spacing . > 0.8) footnote text. } This doesn’t compile by itself. Adding \markup to it makes it compilable, but doesn’t demonstrate a multi-line footnote (which is, I’m guessing, what you’re trying t

Footnote line-spacing

2024-09-16 Thread Dimitri Sykias
How can I reduce the vertical spacing between the lines in a auto-footnote? I attempted the following code to reduce the spacing: \auto-footnote \italic “1.” \wordwrap \small { \override #'(line-spacing . 0.8) footnote text. } However, it didn't produce the desired result. Which is t

Re: Inquiry on Adjusting Vertical Spacing Between Systems in Automatically Wrapped Lines

2024-08-24 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 10:59 PM Peter X wrote: > > When LilyPond automatically wraps the music onto a new line, I am > interested in understanding how I can manually adjust the vertical spacing > between these automatically wrapped lines. Specifically, I’m looking for > the

Re: Inquiry on Adjusting Vertical Spacing Between Systems in Automatically Wrapped Lines

2024-08-24 Thread Carl Sorensen
Peter, To accomplish this you need to adjust the system-system spacing. The documentation for doing this adjustment is found in the Notation Reference, section 4.1.4. Probably all of section 4.1 is

Re: Inquiry on Adjusting Vertical Spacing Between Systems in Automatically Wrapped Lines

2024-08-23 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> When LilyPond automatically wraps the music onto a new line, I am > interested in understanding how I can manually adjust the vertical > spacing between these automatically wrapped lines. [...] As usual, please provide an example (both LilyPond code and an attached image) that shows

Inquiry on Adjusting Vertical Spacing Between Systems in Automatically Wrapped Lines

2024-08-23 Thread Peter X
instruments. When LilyPond automatically wraps the music onto a new line, I am interested in understanding how I can manually adjust the vertical spacing between these automatically wrapped lines. Specifically, I’m looking for the best method or property to control this spacing to achieve the desired

Re: Lyric spacing confusion

2024-08-19 Thread Laurie Savage
Thanks, that clarifies it. I assumed the numbers referred to duration - the same as entering notes in the melody. Laurie On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 at 09:55, Leo Correia de Verdier <> wrote: > Hi Laurie > > \addlyrics (like \lyricsto ) discards the lyric's durations an

Re: Lyric spacing confusion

2024-08-19 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
Hi Laurie \addlyrics (like \lyricsto ) discards the lyric's durations and uses durations from the voice the lyrics are attached to. The twelve ones in the beginning are creating twelve empty syllables, whose durations are then discarded and replaced with the twelve ”syllable-places” in the intr

Re: Lyric spacing confusion

2024-08-19 Thread Laurie Savage
Thank you for the clarification. Here is the code and the output: Laurie On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 at 05:55, Xavier Scheuer wrote: > On Mon, 19 Aug 2024 at 02:14, Laurie Savage > wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > I'm trying to set up lyrics to start on the upbeat of beat 4 in bar four > of a song (calling

Re: Lyric spacing confusion

2024-08-19 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On Mon, 19 Aug 2024 at 02:14, Laurie Savage wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm trying to set up lyrics to start on the upbeat of beat 4 in bar four of a song (calling the anacrusis bar 0). I succeeded but I'm very puzzled. Hello, Sorry but it is difficult to try to help you. You do not give the complete cod

Lyric spacing confusion

2024-08-18 Thread Laurie Savage
Hi, I'm trying to set up lyrics to start on the upbeat of beat 4 in bar four of a song (calling the anacrusis bar 0). I succeeded but I'm very puzzled. This code [image: image.png] Produced this output [image: image.png] The lyrics are attached to the right beat, but why? I tried using the note

Re: spacing between staves, globally

2024-07-07 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Jul 7, 2024 at 2:28 PM Dirck Nagy wrote: > Hi all > > Is there a way to set the default spacing between staves in the \paper > block? > > Or is there a way to do it in a different block? > > You know, the way you can set attributes like: > \paper { &

spacing between staves, globally

2024-07-07 Thread Dirck Nagy
Hi all Is there a way to set the default spacing between staves in the \paper block? Or is there a way to do it in a different block? You know, the way you can set attributes like: \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") system-system-spacing.basic-distance = 20 markup-markup-spa

Re: Adjust line spacing in markup column for fingerings

2024-06-21 Thread Vaughan McAlley
On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 11:09, Curt McDowell wrote: > baseline-skip seems to do the job: > > > > Found here: LilyPond snippets: Tweaks and overrides > > > Regards, > Curt > > On 6/20/2024 5:00 PM, Fennel wrote: > > Hi al

Re: Adjust line spacing in markup column for fingerings

2024-06-20 Thread Curt McDowell
baseline-skip seems to do the job: || Found here: LilyPond snippets: Tweaks and overrides Regards, Curt On 6/20/2024 5:00 PM, Fennel wrote: Hi all, Getting this behavior when trying to put fingerings in column form

Adjust line spacing in markup column for fingerings

2024-06-20 Thread Fennel
Hi all, Getting this behavior when trying to put fingerings in column format on chords: \version "2.24.3" \relative c'' { \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) } I’d like the 1 to be much closer to the 2. Does anyone know the correct property to adjust to make this happen / where in the docs

Re: vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score

2024-05-21 Thread Dirck Nagy
From: Werner LEMBERG Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 1:34 PM To: Dirck Nagy ; Subject: Re: vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score Caution: *External Email: Use caution responding, opening attachments, or clicking on links.* [Pl

Re: vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score

2024-05-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
On 2024-05-21 18:45, Werner LEMBERG wrote: Here, I want to make 7 lines spread out to fill the entire last page, but leave the other pages alone. Ah, I missed 'last page'. Perhaps all you need is ``` \

Re: vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score

2024-05-21 Thread Werner LEMBERG
ps all you need is > > > > ``` > > \paper { > > ragged-last-bottom = ##f > > } > > ``` > > the ragged-last-bottom = ##f does work in this case. Good. > I can see other uses for adjustable vertical spacing. Is there any > other way to do it, on a "

Re: vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score

2024-05-21 Thread Werner LEMBERG
>> Here, I want to make 7 lines spread out to fill the entire last >> page, but leave the other pages alone. Ah, I missed 'last page'. Perhaps all you need is ``` \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f } ``` Werner

Re: vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score

2024-05-21 Thread Werner LEMBERG
ll the entire last page, but > leave the other pages alone. > > Is there an "override" command i can use, or a way to add padding by > typing it into the appropriate spot in one of the voices? (BTW, i > have a separate "spacing voice" in my score) This has

vertical spacing between systems for only part of a score

2024-05-21 Thread Dirck Nagy
last page, but leave the other pages alone. Is there an "override" command i can use, or a way to add padding by typing it into the appropriate spot in one of the voices? (BTW, i have a separate "spacing voice" in my score) thanks! dirck

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 19 mai 2024 à 02:53, Walt North a écrit : > > David, thanks, this did indeed accomplish my goal - so I'm happy. Well, \bookpart will work *if* you are happy with having a page break between the two scores.

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 19 mai 2024 à 01:56, David Wright a écrit : > > Perhaps > > Indeed, but there was a more technical one, with Lukas I think.

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Walt North
ere I want to have different vertical spacing between two different scores.  I can get system-system spacing to change for both scores using a \paper variable. But if I'm understanding the documentation correctly I should be able to use the same variable in a distinct layout block in each

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread David Wright
On Sun 19 May 2024 at 01:24:44 (+0200), Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > Hi.  I have a case where I want to have different vertical spacing between > > two > > different scores.  I can get system-system spacing to change for both scores > > using a \paper variable. But

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Hi.  I have a case where I want to have different vertical spacing between two > different scores.  I can get system-system spacing to change for both scores > using a \paper variable. But if I'm understanding the documentation correctly > I should be able to use the same varia

vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Walt North
Hi.  I have a case where I want to have different vertical spacing between two different scores.  I can get system-system spacing to change for both scores using a \paper variable. But if I'm understanding the documentation correctly I should be able to use the same variable in a dis

Re: Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-11 Thread Raphael Mankin
S gives me the output and clearly there’s a difference in the spacing. Cheers, Kieren. Thank you for your suggestions. I am neither setting nor touching ragged-right. I suspect that part of the difference that we see is that you forced lilypond to spread a limited amount of music over two line

Re: Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-10 Thread Kieren MacMillan
t;Bar_number_engraver" } \context { \ChordNames \consists "Bar_engraver" \override = #'(-2 . 2) } } theChords = \chordmode { ef4 ef2:maj7 ef4:7 \break ef2 ef4:maj7 ef4:7 } \new ChordNames \theChords %%% SNIPPET ENDS gives me the output and cle

Spacing of chords on a chord lead sheet

2024-05-09 Thread Raphael Mankin
{ef2 ef4:maj7 ef4:7} then each symbol occupies the same amount of space on the line. The first chord does not occupy double the space of the other two. Is there a way of getting proportional spacing? --

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-08 Thread Graham King
any > other related setting. Sorry, I was unclear:  you are likely to _need_ ragged-right, otherwise the right-justification of the staves will trump the tight spacing of the mensural notation. > > What I meant by the other remark was exactly what you did when you > said "\break

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-08 Thread Giles Boardman
he answer 😉 Best Giles From: Graham King Sent: 08 May 2024 10:20 To: Giles Boardman ; Subject: Re: Spacing in mensural notation Hi Giles, please copy the list: it helps others, and you might get better advice than I can offer. Thought

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-08 Thread Graham King
Hi Giles, please copy the list: it helps others, and you might get better advice than I can offer. Thoughts interspersed below... On Wed, 2024-05-08 at 07:56 +, Giles Boardman wrote: > Hello Graham, > > This is perfect, except it only affects the last line. The lines wrap > and the rests are

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Graham King
ng, rather than to repoduce the pages, which are quite > elegant and legible enough already. > > Thanks for your help > > Best > > Giles > > From: Graham King > Sent: 07 May 2024 14:19 > To: Giles Boardman ; lilypond- > > Subject: Re: Spac

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Graham King
On Tue, 2024-05-07 at 09:18 +, Giles Boardman wrote: > By the way, I know it's not a Lilypond question, but if anyone can > tell me how to interpret "Verte"(?) that would be a help too. Sorry, I missed this part of your question. It just means "turn (the page)" - much like the modern "V.S."

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Graham King
make-moment 1/4) % \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 1 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration =  #(ly:make-moment -3) \override Score.SpacingSpanner.common-shortest-duration = 

Re: Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Kieren MacMillan
<< \new MensuralVoice = "alto" { \override = #'petrucci \omit Score.BarNumber \clef "petrucci-c2" \time 2/2 % \override Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/4) % \override Score.SpacingSpann

Spacing in mensural notation

2024-05-07 Thread Giles Boardman
quot;Obrecht" piece = "Alto" } \score { << \new MensuralVoice = "alto" { \clef "petrucci-c2" \time 2/2 \override = #'petrucci % \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/4) % \override Score.SpacingSpan

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-06 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all, I found something that seems to work!! Hope this helps someone else. Best, Kieren. %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.25.11" \language "english" \layout { line-width = 3.5\in ragged-right = ##f } accidentalNoWidth = \tweak Accidental.extra-spacing-width #empty-in

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-05 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Valentin, > if you want you could tell Lilypond to ignore Accidentals in spacing In concept, I love this idea… However it doesn’t work 100%: %%% SNIPPET BEGINS \version "2.25.11" \language "english" \layout { line-width = 3.5\in ragged-right = ##f } igno

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-05 Thread Valentin Petzel
Hi Kieren, if you want you could tell Lilypond to ignore Accidentals in spacing (N.B.: This can lead to collision with the previous head!): accidentalNoWidth = \override Accidental.extra-spacing-width = #(lambda (grob) (let ((ext (ly:grob-property grob 'X-extent))) (displa

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-05 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jean, > There might be ways to reduce the importance > of accidentals in the spacing problem I’ve tried a couple of different ways, but they are all pretty “destructive” (e.g., the accidentals are ignored entirely, so they end up on top of each other and the noteheads). Hopefully I ca

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> > If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see > > that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics, > > accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal > > room to make those eighth notes absolutely even — in fact, t

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-04 Thread Werner LEMBERG
gt; acting as MWE, below.) Unfortunately modifying the snippet to take > accidentals into account is WAY above my pay grade. Well, the lyrics don't make any difference in spacing, see attached image. This means that LilyPond itself does the wider spacing... Maybe you can play around with the spacing pa

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan
r/2022-11/msg00087.html % % This snippet gets rid of uglinesses in note spacing caused by lyrics. % By default, LilyPond always puts a lyric word exactly centered under % the note it attaches to. When there is a long lyric word, LilyPond reserves % space between notes so that there will be no collisions i

Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-04 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see > that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics, > accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal > room to make those eighth notes absolutely even — in fact, that kind > of th

how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan
and my stylesheets. So obviously what follows is a “first world problem” of the highest order… If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics, accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal room

Re: Spacing between staves

2024-04-25 Thread Mats Bengtsson
e slightly increased vertical spacing between staves. (It has 32nd and even a few 64th notes, and just looks a little "bunched up" to my eyes.) I can only see ways to set the vertical spacing globally in the \paper block. What I am

Re: Spacing between staves

2024-04-25 Thread Michael Werner
Hi Peter, On Thursday, 25 April 2024 09:44:56 EDT Peter Mayes wrote: > What I want is for the second movement, on the second page, to have > slightly increased vertical spacing between staves. (It has 32nd and > even a few 64th notes, and just looks a little "bunched up" to m

Re: Spacing between staves

2024-04-25 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
.. } > > FirstMovement = { ... } > > \score { >\new Staff { \FirstMovement } >\layout {} > } > \pageBreak > SecondMovement = { ... } > > \score { >\new Staff { \SecondMovement } >\layout {} > } > > What I want is for the second movement, on the sec

Spacing between staves

2024-04-25 Thread Peter Mayes
t; \paper { ... } FirstMovement = { ... } \score {   \new Staff { \FirstMovement }   \layout {} } \pageBreak SecondMovement = { ... } \score {   \new Staff { \SecondMovement }   \layout {} } What I want is for the second movement, on the second page, to have slightly increased vertical spacing betw

RE: Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread richard
d Wright Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 4:04 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant template On Wed 17 Apr 2024 at 11:45:51 (+0100), wrote: > Hi, I've been using the Anglican chant template to s

Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread David Wright
On Wed 17 Apr 2024 at 11:45:51 (+0100), wrote: > Hi, I've been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir > and I've just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last > quarter. > > How do I address the note

RE: Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread richard
Thanks. Appreciate the help -Original Message- From: On Behalf Of Mats Bengtsson Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 1:20 PM To:; Subject: Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant

Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread Mats Bengtsson
On 2024-04-17 12:45, wrote: Hi, I’ve been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir and I’ve just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last quarter. How do I address the note spacing for the B/C clash in the 3^rd bar? Now

RE: Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread richard
Thank you so much. From: Michael Werner Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 12:55 PM To:; Subject: Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant template Hi Richard, On 2024-Apr-17 06:45, <mailto:rich...@oneill-griffiths.

Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread Michael Werner
Hi Richard, On 2024-Apr-17 06:45, wrote: Hi, I’ve been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir and I’ve just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last quarter. How do I address the note spacing for the B/C clash in the 3^rd

Horizontal note spacing in chant template

2024-04-17 Thread richard
Hi, I've been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir and I've just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last quarter. How do I address the note spacing for the B/C clash in the 3rd bar? Now if there's also an easier way to show that voi

Re: ragged-bottom and spacing for individual pages

2024-03-21 Thread Paul Scott
On 3/21/24 9:46 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote: On 2024-03-21 02:08, wrote: Hi Paul, I have a separate voice where I put all my breaks and pageBreaks.  I haven't been able to make a blank markup.  TIA on how to do that. e.g.: \version "2.25.1" \paper {     indent = 0

Re: ragged-bottom and spacing for individual pages

2024-03-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
On 2024-03-21 02:08, wrote: Hi Paul, I have a separate voice where I put all my breaks and pageBreaks.  I haven't been able to make a blank markup.  TIA on how to do that. e.g.: \version "2.25.1" \paper {     indent = 0     ragged-bottom = ##f } {     \repeat

Fwd: ragged-bottom and spacing for individual pages

2024-03-21 Thread Paul Scott
Forgot to copy this to the list. Paul Forwarded Message Subject:Re: ragged-bottom and spacing for individual pages Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 23:38:37 -0700 From: Paul Scott To: On 3/20/24 6:08 PM, wrote

Re: ragged-bottom and spacing for individual pages

2024-03-20 Thread kieren
Hi Paul, I have a separate voice where I put all my breaks and pageBreaks. I haven't been able to make a blank markup. TIA on how to do that. e.g.: \version "2.25.1" \paper { indent = 0 ragged-bottom = ##f } { \repeat unfold 2 { c'1 \break c'1 \pageBreak } c'1 \break c'1-\

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