Hi Werner, > You are aware of https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=1154 ?
Oh! I vaguely recall that. Thanks for the reminder. I believe I applied it to my score, but it didn‘t make a change in m7. It might be because of the accidentals…? (See modified snippet acting as MWE, below.) Unfortunately modifying the snippet to take accidentals into account is WAY above my pay grade. Thanks, Kieren. %%% SNIPPET BEGINS %%% \version "2.25.11" \language "english" % Snippet author: Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> % Original thread: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2022-11/msg00087.html % % This snippet gets rid of uglinesses in note spacing caused by lyrics. % By default, LilyPond always puts a lyric word exactly centered under % the note it attaches to. When there is a long lyric word, LilyPond reserves % space between notes so that there will be no collisions in the lyrics. % However, this can lead to uneven note spacing. This snippet completely % removes the presence of lyrics in note spacing so that it is natural % according to the note lengths, and uses a spacing algorithm that shifts % lyrics automatically in order to avoid collisions. % % Some technical comments follow. % % The spacing problem is set up as a quadratic optimization problem. Each % lyric word has a strength value (by default, all words have a strength % of 1.0). The demerit associated to a lyric word is s(x-p)², where s % is the strength, x is the X coordinate and p is the ideal X coordinate % where the lyric word would be centered on its associated note. An % acceptable solution is a solution where no lyric words collide. The % weight of a solution is the sum of the demerits for each of the words. % Solving the lyric spacing problem means finding an acceptable solution % of minimal weight. % % In practice, words should not touch each other, but maintain a minimum % distance between each other (controlled by LyricSpace.minimum-distance % and LyricHyphen.minimum-distance). This is reduced to the form above % by widening one of the two words for each LyricSpace or LyricHyphen % grob, by the amount given by the minimum-space property. % % The algorithm to solve the lyric spacing problem uses dynamic programming % and runs in linear time. We add words one by one from left to right. After % adding each word, the problem given by the words added so far is solved. % The base case (zero words) is trivial. To add a word, it is very intuitive, % and not hard to prove, that the following technique works: if adding % the word at its optimal position produces no collision, then keep it % there; else, make this word 'push' on its left neighbor and move these % two words simultaneously to the left until the optimal position for % these two words together is reached; if this still produces a collision % then add the third word and consider the three words stuck together, etc. % Note that once two words have been stuck together, they won't need % to be taken apart again: they will be adjacent ("stuck") in the final % configuration. % % Written in this form, this algorithm looks quadratic. While probably % acceptable in usual scores, this might become a problem with ly:one-line-breaking. % However, with a bit of simple algebra, you can see that optimizing for two % words stuck together (and, by extension, any finite number of words stuck % together) is equivalent to optimizing for one single (imaginary) combined % word, of which the length is the sum of the two lengths, the strength is % the sum of the strengths, and the optimal coordinate is given by a simple % formula (see the code). Therefore, instead of simultaneously considering % two words stuck together, you can replace them with just one fresh problem % variable. At each word added during the algorithm, there is a constant processing % overhead, plus an overhead linear in the number of times a word is newly % stuck to a group, forming a new group. If you imagine that all words start % out black, and every word becomes white as soon as its group is stuck to % the group on the left, it is clear that the total number of "add to group" % operations is linear in the number of words. At the end, there is a % step to compute the offset of each word from that of its group, which % is made linear by caching the offset of a group as soon as it is % visited. In this way, the total number of operations is linear. % % #(ly:set-option 'compile-scheme-code) #(use-modules (ice-9 match) (ice-9 hash-table) (oop goops)) %% convenience stuff: #(define-syntax-rule (transform! lval proc) (set! lval (proc lval))) #(define -> (make-procedure-with-setter (lambda (instance . path) (let loop ((instance instance) (path path)) (match path ((slot) (slot-ref instance slot)) ((slot . rest) (loop (slot-ref instance slot) rest))))) (lambda (instance . args) (let loop ((instance instance) (args args)) (match args ((slot new) (slot-set! instance slot new)) ((slot . rest) (loop (slot-ref instance slot) rest))))))) #(define-class <lyric-variable> () (ideal #:init-keyword #:ideal) (extent #:init-keyword #:extent) (strength #:init-keyword #:strength) (tied-to #:init-value #f) (tied-offset #:init-value #f) (final #:init-value #f)) #(define (merged-variable! group var) (let* ((delta (- (interval-end (-> group 'extent)) (interval-start (-> var 'extent)))) (new (make <lyric-variable> #:ideal (/ (+ (* (-> group 'strength) (-> group 'ideal)) (* (-> var 'strength) (- (-> var 'ideal) delta))) (+ (-> group 'strength) (-> var 'strength))) #:extent (cons (interval-start (-> group 'extent)) (+ (interval-end (-> group 'extent)) (interval-length (-> var 'extent)))) #:strength (+ (-> group 'strength) (-> var 'strength))))) (set! (-> group 'tied-to) new) (set! (-> group 'tied-offset) 0) (set! (-> var 'tied-to) new) (set! (-> var 'tied-offset) delta) new)) #(define (propagate! variables) (match variables ((var) variables) ((var group . rest) (let ((have-overlap (<= (+ (-> var 'ideal) (interval-start (-> var 'extent))) (+ (-> group 'ideal) (interval-end (-> group 'extent)))))) (if have-overlap (let ((merged (merged-variable! group var))) (propagate! (cons merged rest))) variables))))) #(define (finalize! variables) (define (finalize-one! var) (unless (-> var 'final) (set! (-> var 'final) (if (-> var 'tied-to) (begin (finalize-one! (-> var 'tied-to)) (+ (-> var 'tied-to 'final) (-> var 'tied-offset))) (-> var 'ideal))))) (for-each finalize-one! variables)) #(define (solve-lyric-spacing-problem! variables) (fold (lambda (var groups) (propagate! (cons var groups))) '() variables) (finalize! variables)) #(define (respace-lyrics! grob) (let ((elt-array (ly:grob-object grob 'elements #f))) (when elt-array (let* ((elts (ly:grob-array->list elt-array)) (refp (ly:grob-system grob)) (with-iface (lambda (iface) (filter (lambda (g) (grob::has-interface g iface)) elts))) (words (filter (lambda (word) (interval-sane? (ly:grob-extent word word X))) (with-iface 'lyric-syllable-interface))) ;; Includes both LyricHyphen and LyricSpace (constraints (with-iface 'lyric-hyphen-interface)) (variables (map (lambda (word) (let* ((xalign (ly:grob-property word 'self-alignment-X)) (coord (ly:grob-relative-coordinate word refp X)) (orig-ext (ly:grob-extent word word X)) (align-point (interval-index orig-ext xalign)) (ideal (+ coord align-point)) (extent (coord-translate orig-ext (- align-point))) (strength (or (assq-ref (ly:grob-property word 'details) 'strength) 1.0))) (make <lyric-variable> #:ideal ideal #:extent extent #:strength strength))) words)) (word-to-variable (alist->hashq-table (map cons words variables)))) (for-each (lambda (constraint) (let ((added (ly:grob-property constraint 'minimum-distance)) (left-var (hashq-ref word-to-variable (ly:spanner-bound constraint LEFT)))) (when left-var (transform! (-> left-var 'extent) (lambda (e) (cons (interval-start e) (+ (interval-end e) added))))))) constraints) (solve-lyric-spacing-problem! variables) (for-each (lambda (word variable) (let* ((xalign (ly:grob-property word 'self-alignment-X)) (orig-ext (ly:grob-extent word word X)) (align-point (interval-index orig-ext xalign))) (ly:grob-translate-axis! word (- (-> variable 'final) (ly:grob-relative-coordinate word refp X) align-point) X))) words variables))))) % A StanzaNumber is side-positioned against lyric words. % Its X-offset will be computed before line breaking, with % default offset values, then these values will change, so % we have to update it. #(define (recompute-offset-with-moved-lyrics! grob) (let ((support (ly:grob-object grob 'side-support-elements #f))) (when support ;; Make sure each LyricText in the support goes to its ;; updated location. (for-each (lambda (word) (let ((axis-group (ly:grob-parent word Y))) (ly:grob-property axis-group 'after-line-breaking))) (ly:grob-array->list support)) (let* ((parent (ly:grob-parent grob X)) (coord (ly:grob-relative-coordinate grob parent X))) (ly:grob-translate-axis! grob (- (ly:side-position-interface::x-aligned-side grob) coord) X))))) \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) \override LyricSpace.springs-and-rods = ##f \override LyricHyphen.springs-and-rods = ##f \override VerticalAxisGroup.after-line-breaking = #respace-lyrics! \override StanzaNumber.after-line-breaking = #recompute-offset-with-moved-lyrics! } } doReserveSpace = \once { \revert LyricSpace.springs-and-rods \revert LyricHyphen.springs-and-rods } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% global = { \key bf \major \time 4/4 s1 } tenorNotes = { d'8 f g a bf c' d' ef' } leadNotes = { bf2. f8 f } baritoneNotes = { f8 f g! f f f f a } bassNotes = { bf,8 f e ef d c bf, c } theLyrics = \lyricmode { you! A ver -- y, ver -- y hap -- py } \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = "lt" \with { instrumentName = \markup \center-column { Tenor Lead } } << \clef "treble_8" \global \new Voice = "tenor" << \voiceOne \tenorNotes >> \new Voice = "lead" << \voiceTwo \leadNotes >> >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenor" \theLyrics \new Staff = "bb" \with { instrumentName = \markup \center-column { Baritone Bass } } << \clef bass \global \new Voice = "baritone" << \voiceOne \baritoneNotes >> \new Voice = "bass" << \voiceTwo \bassNotes >> >> >> >> \layout { line-width = 3.5\in ragged-right = ##f \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } \context { \ChoirStaff \override InstrumentName.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.25) } } } %%% SNIPPET ENDS %%% ______________________________________________ My work day may look different than your work day. Please do not feel obligated to read or respond to this email outside of your normal working hours.