Hi all In the past, i have used a separate voice as a "spacing voice" to control measures per line, horizontal space, etc.
For example, if i wanted 4 measures in a line, i would write : "s1*4 \break. etc..." in the new voice. However if i do this to a monophonic staff, the default stem direction changes to either "all up" or "all down", simply because there are now two "voices" present. My question: is it possible to add another STAFF to the score, to use only to control horizontal spacing? If so, how can it be hidden so it won't affect vertical space, show clefs & key signatures, etc? Or, am i missing something obvious regarding stem direction? If it is too much trouble, i will continue to use a spacing voice, and just manually adjust stem direction, but it would be nice if there were an easy fix. thanks so much! dirck