Hi all,

I found something that seems to work!!
Hope this helps someone else.


\version "2.25.11"
\language "english"

\layout {
  line-width = 3.5\in
  ragged-right = ##f

accidentalNoWidth = \tweak Accidental.extra-spacing-width #empty-interval \etc

\markup "No accidentals:"
\new Staff \with { \remove Accidental_engraver } <<
  \clef bass \key bf \major
  \voices 1,2 <<
    { f8 f g! f f f f a }  \\
    { bf,8 f e-\tweak extra-offset #'(0.05 . 0) _\markup \with-color #red 
\with-dimensions-from \null \draw-line #'(0 . -38) ef d c bf, c }

\markup "No tweaks:"
\new Staff <<
  \clef bass \key bf \major
  \voices 1,2 <<
    { f8 f g! f f f f a }  \\
    { bf,8 f e ef d c bf, c }

\markup "Using \accidentalNoWidth:"
\new Staff <<
  \clef bass \key bf \major
  \voices 1,2 <<
    { f8 f \accidentalNoWidth g! f f f f a }  \\
    { bf,8 f \accidentalNoWidth e! \accidentalNoWidth ef d c bf, c }

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