Every instrument/voice must start with the same grace or acciaccatura. Either with a pitch or with a spacer, āsā, and of the same duration. Mark From: Steph Phillips <> Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 9:59 AM To: Paul Scott <>;; Lilypond-User Mailing List <> Subject: Re[2]: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Well, adding a spacer rest in the beginning of the acciaccaturas seemed to help a little, but now we're back to the original issue of the time/key sigs and clefs not being engraved until after the grace notes ~Steph ------ Original Message ------ >From "Paul Scott" < <> > To "Steph Phillips" < <> >; <> ; "Lilypond-User Mailing List" < <> > Date 12/8/2024 9:45:08 AM Subject Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing It looks to me that you should have chosen eighths. HTH, Paul On 12/8/24 10:40 AM, Steph Phillips wrote: Hmm, I set everything to 16's and it seems more confused now. ~Steph ------ Original Message ------ >From <> To "Steph Phillips" < <> >; "Lilypond-User Mailing List" < <> > Date 12/8/2024 9:29:06 AM Subject RE: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Steph, Make the grace and the acciaccatura the same duration. Either both 8 or both 16. Mark From: <> <> <> On Behalf Of Steph Phillips Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 9:07 AM To: Steph Phillips <> <>; Lilypond-User Mailing List <> <> Subject: Re: Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Edit: Here's the code I'm using for the percussion and violin staves Percussion: \NumberOneSetup \clef bass \key c \major \InstrumentChange "Timpani" #-0.5 \grace { a16 a } a2-> \ff r | -and- Violin: \NumberOneSetup \clef treble \key c \major \acciaccatura { g8( } a^^) \sfz r r4 c''2 \ff | ------ Original Message ------ >From "Steph Phillips" < ><> > To "Lilypond-User Mailing List" < <> > Date 12/8/2024 8:59:41 AM Subject Start of Score Grace Note Spacing Hi all! I've got some parts that have grace notes at the very beginning. The grace notes are appearing before the initial clefs, time sigs, and key sigs. It's hard to describe, please check out the attached image. I'm sure there's some setting I'm missing, but I could use some help on this one. š ~Steph