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Subject:        Re: ragged-bottom and spacing for individual pages
Date:   Wed, 20 Mar 2024 23:38:37 -0700
From:   Paul Scott <>

On 3/20/24 6:08 PM, wrote:
Hi Paul,

I have a separate voice where I put all my breaks and pageBreaks.  I haven't been able to make a blank markup.  TIA on how to do that.


\version "2.25.1"

\paper {
    indent = 0
    ragged-bottom = ##f

    \repeat unfold 2 { c'1 \break c'1 \pageBreak }
    c'1 \break c'1-\tweak padding 132 _\markup  " " \pageBreak
    \repeat unfold 2 { c'1 \break c'1 \pageBreak }

Hope that helps!

It did!  It took me a while to factor it into what I needed which is :

\version "2.25.13"

\paper {
    indent = 0
    ragged-bottom = ##f

notes = { \repeat unfold 5 c'1 }

breaks = {
  s1 s1 \break s1-\tweak padding 128 _\markup  " " \pageBreak
  \repeat unfold 2 { s1 \pageBreak }

\score{ \new Staff << \notes \breaks >> }

Thank you,


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