Hi Richard, On 2024-Apr-17 06:45, rich...@oneill-griffiths.net wrote:
Hi, I’ve been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir and I’ve just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last quarter. How do I address the note spacing for the B/C clash in the 3^rd bar? Now if there’s also an easier way to show that voice split in the tenor part, I’d appreciate it.
Probably better ways to go about this, but what I came up with is to change the tenor part to: TenorMusic = \relative { g1 af2 c2 c2 \new Voice = "melody" { << \new Voice { \voiceFour \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.2 bf4 af4 g1 } { \voiceOne c2 c1 } >> } } This results in: -- Michael
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