On Wed 17 Apr 2024 at 11:45:51 (+0100), rich...@oneill-griffiths.net wrote: > Hi, I've been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir > and I've just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last > quarter. > > How do I address the note spacing for the B/C clash in the 3rd bar?
voiceThree will provide the offset, and handle the stem correctly. You can reduce the amount of bracketing too, as attached. > Now if there's also an easier way to show that voice split in the tenor > part, I'd appreciate it. Conventionally, one uses an arpeggio bracket to resolve the ambiguity with semibreves, as shown. I would advise against abandoning convention, and confusing the bass eye, by any use of stemDown in the tenor part. Cheers, David.
\version "2.24.0" \language "english" global = { \key c \minor s1*4 \bar "|." } TenorMusic = \relative { g1 af2 c2 c2 << c2 \new Voice = "melody" { \voiceThree bf4 af4 } >> \arpeggioBracket < c g >1 \arpeggio } BassMusic = \relative { af,1 df2 c2 f2 bf,2 ef1 } \markup { \fill-line { \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \clef "bass" \global \new Voice = "Tenor" << \voiceOne \TenorMusic >> \new Voice = "Bass" << \voiceTwo \BassMusic >> >> >> >> \layout { \context { \Score fineBarType = "||" } \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } } } } }