Thank you so much. From: Michael Werner <> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 12:55 PM To:; Subject: Re: Horizontal note spacing in chant template Hi Richard, On 2024-Apr-17 06:45, <> wrote: Hi, I’ve been using the Anglican chant template to set items for our choir and I’ve just a note spacing problem with one chant (Walford Davies) last quarter. How do I address the note spacing for the B/C clash in the 3rd bar? Now if there’s also an easier way to show that voice split in the tenor part, I’d appreciate it. Probably better ways to go about this, but what I came up with is to change the tenor part to: TenorMusic = \relative { g1 af2 c2 c2 \new Voice = "melody" { << \new Voice { \voiceFour \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.2 bf4 af4 g1 } { \voiceOne c2 c1 } >> } } This results in:
-- Michael