Hi Giles,

> I am new to Lilypond


> I would like to remove the space from around the notes and bunch them up like 
> in the original. I tried a couple of things I found that looked relevant - 
> they're commented out in my snippet - and "\compressEmptyMeasures" but to no 
> avail .....

Let’s start here:

\version "2.25.11"

%\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = "Odhekaton"
  composer = "Obrecht"
  piece = "Alto"

\layout {
  system-count = 1
  indent = 0.25\in

\score {
    \new MensuralVoice = "alto" {
      \override NoteHead.style = #'petrucci
      \omit Score.BarNumber
      \clef "petrucci-c2"
      \time 2/2
%      \override Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 
%      \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
      \[ d'1\melisma f'1. \melismaEnd \]
      e'2 d'1 c'1. d'2 e'1 f'2. e'4 f'4 g'4 a'1 g'4 f'4 e'2 d'1 c'2 d'1. c'4 b4 


1. I added a \layout block with "system-count = 1"; I wasn’t sure if you wanted 
it on one system, but that’s one way of forcing that (and I figured you should 
know about it).

2. By commenting/uncommenting those SpacingSpanner overrides, you’ll see they 
do very little (at least in the one-system layout). If you change the number 
1/4 in the first line to 1/1 or 1/64, you’ll see bigger differences… Maybe one 
of those is closer to what you want, or maybe not?

3. You can adjust the effective duration (and thus horizontal space) of a note 
using a multiplier. Observe what happens when you replace
      \[ d'1\melisma f'1. \melismaEnd \]
      \[ d'1*1/8\melisma f'1.*1/8 \melismaEnd \]
This kind of “hack” can be a useful mechanism to get notes closer together.

Hope something in there helps!

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