> So you see, in this case qmail-scanner process is 29479 and its
> parent 29478, in your second example qs process was 22020 and its
> parent 22017 that had end with an status 256 (error), before the
> message from qmail-scanner.
Cool. I disable qmail-scanner, and verified that you
Long story short: New qmail setup, and MSN (hotmail) rejects mail from my
server. Filled out this form to see if Microsoft would pretty please
accept my mail:
That was yester
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
y you don't limit/stop such large messages being
accepted by your Qmail system (i.e. /var/qmail/control/databytes)
i've no problem with that much memory usage in the bigger scheme of
things, though i probably should think about adding more ram to the box.
I must say that the option of
At 06:02 AM 2/2/2006, you wrote:
Have you tried increasing your softlimit value?
(See Resource Issues)
my softlimit's at 200MB.
Paul Theodoropoulos
i posted the following question over on the clamav mailing list, but
the suggestion was that whatever is calling clamav, in my case
qmail-scanner, was the likely place to look for a way to control
this. but i'm not too clear on what i'm missing.
here's what i posted. though
At 10:14 PM 11/29/2005, Noc Phibee wrote:
anyone know if they have a linux Version to Symantec for use it
with my qmail-scanner ?
or a other products based on the virus definition of symantec.
Because actually i use Clamav and Kaspersky but i have a lot of
virus that not detected
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At 06:49 PM 7/17/2005, you wrote:
Probably won't happen, but you might consider switching to a different
FS format, which doesn't have the same issues... Also, consider whether
qmail-scanner is suffering from this, or is this performance issue only
noticed when you do an ls on t
okay, probably a dumb question, i excel at those!
i'm quarantining on average 1,000 messages per hour. no, this isn't
'stock' qmail-scanner, it's qmail-scanner-st, so most of what i'm
quarantining is spam. without regard to the arguments for and against
At 06:30 PM 6/26/2005, Jason Haar wrote:
What is - is that your Qmail-Scanner server? Or is that
reported on your Qmail-Scanner server delivering to someone else?
right, sorry i should have made that clear.
I'm going to assume it is the Q-S server, in which case what coul
finitely. but i'm also not sure where to look to debug.
obviously, just the right circumstances would have to obtain for it
to happen again, which could potentially mean leaving the
qmail-scanner logging on indefinitely, which i don't relish.
anyone else experienced this? i'm *gu
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
I want to change the qmail-scanner-queue.pl
to filter certain subject lines, but not drop the spam, but to dump them
into a system wide directory. Specifically, I'd like to take all the spam
with the
subject line of "SEXUALLY-EXPICIT:" and drop it into a specific directory
so I
r yes and the script hangs.
If I run --scanners none
It continues on just fine,
If I run --scanners clamdscan
It continues on just fine
However if I let it autdetect or put spamassassin in the --scanners, the
script hangs. SpamAssassin is configured and running nicely on this box
using the
At 10:00 PM 6/1/2004, McKeever Chris wrote:
just a suggestion, but if you
pulled the scanner onto a seprate gateway/filter box you can then have
that as the MX record for the domain(s)
you want to check and then relay it to the real mail server and for those
you do not want to check just have th
the large
message size.
From: Fabiano F. Vitale
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: [Qmail-scanner-general]Insufficient memory
My email server is using qmail-scanner and
uvscan. When I try to send
a email wit
At 07:17 AM 5/19/2004, Chuck wrote:
first examine message headers. At the end of the qmail-scanner-queue entry
will be a process time. with only a few exceptions it should NEVER exceed 0.3
seconds. If it does, look for reasons why it is being delayed in the external
what metric are you
, Nick
why not use /var/qmail/control/locals?
Paul Theodoropoulos
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ght be going on with this?
Maybe clamav hasnt been configured correctlly. Any help would be
greatlly appreciated.
in qmail-scanner-queue.pl, set the path to clamscan to use clamdscan. many
orders of magnitude faster than plain clamscan. you'll of course need to
set up the clamd daemon first.
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
ted to suidperl, since it's also weird that
qmail-scanner never shows up in 'top', but multiple instances of
'perl5.8.3' do. but that's a longshot.
Cees Hek's comments about deltatime may be it. but i actually ran across a
few messages that took in excess of
rything from fundamentals to system
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
> /var/spool/qmailscan/working/new/pravda.smileglobal.com1080927
> 03357446026
> Fri, 02 Apr 2004 09:30:57 -0800:46026: --- all finished.
> Total of 24.215865
> secs
Just checked mine. Here is an example:
Fri, 02 Apr 2004 13:58:04 EST:24833: cleanup: /bin/rm -rf
o technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
x27;s acceptable.
>> However, what the mail server did is continue to receive messages, and
>> instead of leaving the messages in the queue until the error went away -
>> it would hit the "can't find clamd" and proceed to throw the message
>> away.
This seems like a rather destructive behavior on the part of Qmail-Scanner.
(I haven't seen a comment about this in the archives - I'll admit I didn't
go through every month)
I've seen this happen several times, and the last time was EXTREMELY bad -
happened for a full day
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
>>I've just installed qmail-scanner and spamassassin on a running
>>qmail/vpopmail system. After the installation, all my customers >domains
>> are tagged by SA as expected, but mails for my own domains >does not get
>> tagged even though SA (spamd) says
Hi list!
I've just installed qmail-scanner and spamassassin on a running
qmail/vpopmail system. After the installation, all my customers domains
are tagged by SA as expected, but mails for my own domains does not get
tagged even though SA (spamd) says it has a sufficient high score in the
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
i've confirmed with the clamav team that the --max-space option to clamscan
is in kilobytes, meaning that the default supplied by qmail-scanner is
rather excessive -
the value qmailscanner sets is --max-space=100 which would be 100
kilobytes, or about a gigabyte. I suspect a
At 11:48 AM 11/11/2003, Samuel Murez wrote:
I'm following the instructions on http://www.qmailrocks.org/qmailscanner.htm
no, you're not. the instructions there specify qmail-scanner-1.16. you're
using qmail-scanner-1.20.
1.20 uses the qscand user/group, 1.16 does not. you may h
delete your qmail-scanner installation
(including /var/spool/qmailscan) and re-install.
qscand:qmail is incorrect as well, by the way. re-read the requirements
section of the qmail-scanner webpage.
Paul Theodoropoulos
At 09:28 AM 11/11/2003, Samuel Murez wrote:
I'm running qmail vpopmail redhat 9. I'm trying to add clamav spamassassin
Everything is installed fine.
no, that's incorrect.
I'm using the c wrapper to solve suidperl problems I was having.
In qmail-smtpd log, I
At 09:58 AM 11/7/2003, robert schwartz wrote:
I'm using Qmail-Scanner + Spamassassin and it's working great (I threw
clam av in too). I have one question, I put Spamassassin preferences in
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf but I can never seem to alter the
default behavior of SA. Is
At 05:37 AM 11/7/2003, Matt wrote:
There is a header.. it says the AV version.. as well as the spamassassin
Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] by hercules by uid 503 with
qmail-scanner-1.14 (clamscan: 0.54. spamassassin: 2.44
Clear:SA0(-2.4/5.0):.. Processed in 3.487954 secs);
yikes! you
At 09:33 AM 11/6/2003, Jeremy Oddo wrote:
Matt said:
> Isn't that the size of an e-mail Q-Mail will accept?Someone told me
> that I need to increase the scanning size limit of qmail-scanner so that
> I can catch some of the viruses that are getting through the scanner?
At 06:47 AM 11/6/2003, Doug Monroe wrote:
Matt wrote:
Where do I set my size scanning limit?
that's incorrect. that controls the maximum message size that your
qmail-smtpd will allow to pass through the server. It has no effect on
scanning except indirectl
/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 392,
line 57.
i suppose it's a razor2 error, but i wasn't getting it before upgrading
Paul Theodoropoulos
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Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
by the sub-clamscan.pl script during
configuration of qmail-scanner sets the value as
which, if we go by the clamscan interpretation, is 100 kilobytes, or
is this an appropriate default? or is the clamscan man page and '--help' wrong?
it s
Hello list ..
Is there anyway to send messages to local hosted domains (more then 1
domain) that are sent a unaccepted attachment or a virus infected
I have tried this once but was able to send to only to one domain hosted by
my server. It seems like qmail-scanner is able to send
At 03:43 PM 10/27/2003, Jeff Koch wrote:
Our mailserver running qmail-scanner/SA runs at a Load Average of about
0.90 and sometimes hits 2.00. However, the CPU is still 95% idle. Can
someone explain what load average means and how we can use more of the CPU
in order to get greater throughput
At 07:18 AM 10/15/2003, Matt wrote:
I'm using clam-av with qmail-scanner. Is anyone else STILL haven't
problems blocking the "microsoft" virus e-mail?
I seem to be catching SOME of them.. but not ALL of them.
Any idea how this could be happening?
is your scanning size limit a
any help is appreciated.
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Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
to know now is how to list
multiple domains in that @my_localdomains value and have qmail-scanner send
to all the domains i host .. it will wend to one domain if i list it .. bu
tnot multiple ..
how can i list multiple domains in @my_localdomains?
Hello list ..
I tried the gentoo list with this problem, but no luck ..
I have finally taken the shot at trying to get this working ..
What is working?
Qmail, vpopmail, courier-imapd, qmail-pop3d and squirrelmail, qmail-scanner,
clamav(minor problems)
this all works ...
what I am trying to
oes [EMAIL PROTECTED] contain
domain1.com,domain2.com,domain3.com? 10/08/2003 14:24:24:2024: i_u_e:
based on the qmail-scanner log .. if it identifies with a domain listed in
the array the lind reads 'does [EMAIL PROTECTED] contain
domain1.com,domain2.com,domain3.com? 10/08/
L PROTECTED] contain
domain1.com,domain2.com,domain3.com? 10/08/2003 14:24:24:2024: i_u_e:
based on the qmail-scanner log .. if it identifies with a domain listed in
the array the lind reads 'does [EMAIL PROTECTED] contain
domain1.com,domain2.com,domain3.com? 10/08/2003 14:24:24:2024: i
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Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
y state it? Here's a
> snippet:
> Q-S qmail-queue.log
> Thu, 28 Aug 2003 12:28:51 -0400:29661: scanloop:
> scanner=clamuko_scanner,plain_text_msg=1
> Thu, 28 Aug 2003 12:28:51 -0400:29661: scanloop:
> scanner=spamassassin,plain_text_msg=1
> Thu, 28 Aug 2003 12:
Robert McIntosh scribbled on 24 June 2003 23:04:
> I'm trying to install the prereqs for qmail-scanner, however
> I've hit a stumbling block on installing Time::HiRes 1.48 perl mod.
> The system is Red Hat 9.1.x with Perl 5.8.0. Qmail is
> already installed and runnin
Are there any know issues with this patch and qmail-scanner?
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>As i said in another topic, there is a little bug with the ending date
>of the Received header (problem with the month in the locale).
>I've written a patch for the 1.16 version.
>--- qmail-scanner-queue.pl.orig 2003-03-18 16:16:50.
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:13 AM
> Subject: [Qmail-scanner-general]Clamscan errors?
> Is anyone else getting clamscan errors from the updates?
> ERROR: Can't connect to port 80 of host clamav.elektrapro.com
> ERROR: Connection with clam
I have just installed a new server Redhat8.0 qmail-scanner 1.16 and
PPerl. I followed the suggestions from the list and got this message
when attempting to send email
92] Unable to close pipe to /var/qmail/bin
I have just installed a new server Redhat8.0 qmail-scanner 1.16 and
PPerl. I followed the suggestions from the list and got this message
when attempting to send email
92] Unable to close pipe to /var/qmail/bin
can take approx 5 minutes sometimes.
So I'm trying to pipe a message to the new scanner perl script.
Not sure how to do it. How do I do it?
I managed to re-inject to qmail with the ruby script below, though now I
don't have any raw emails to re-inject even when I have the right script.
So I
Rietsch Thierry wrote:
> and then it scans all incoming mails? am i right?
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: In-Tuition List QMail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2002 13:48
> Try something like:
> 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="
Rietsch Thierry wrote:
> hi
> i've installed successfully the qmail-scanner with
> clamantivirus. but know i
> have a question how to tell qmail to scann all incoming mails (i mean
> that qmail use qmail-scanner-queue instead of qmail-queue). my
> problem is: if i put in
Just installed Qmail-Scanner (on RH 8 system) but it appears not to be
running. I had a few probs with the permissions (couldn't setuid) but I
used the qmail-scanner-queue.c in the contrib directory to solve this
and it all appears to be ok apart from not blocking the
This mail is an attachment? Read http://www.jensbenecke.de/misc/outlook.html
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collect ¤500).
However, due to the suid nature of qmail-scanner-queue I keep getting
errors passing the IP variable to my script, I tried system() and
How would I best do this? Better yet, how would I best do this so that I
can upgrade to new qmail-scanner versions relatively easily?
On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 02:39:37PM +1200, Jason Haar wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 07:35:55PM +0200, Jens Benecke wrote:
> > Where in qmail-scanner would I have to do this? As a first step,
> > how/where do I extract the Received: headers so that it appears in the
> > not
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