okay, probably a dumb question, i excel at those!

i'm quarantining on average 1,000 messages per hour. no, this isn't 'stock' qmail-scanner, it's qmail-scanner-st, so most of what i'm quarantining is spam. without regard to the arguments for and against quarantining spam, i can say that for *me* and my customers, it works great. false positives are vanishingly low, the amount of crap kept out of our mailboxes high.

however, from this high rate of quarantining comes an unpleasant side effect - a gigantic quarantine. i clean out the quarantine using a rolling one day find - every hour it goes through and deletes everything 24 hours old. i like to keep one day as a bare minimum - if something were to be quarantined inappropriately, it's good to be able to yank it out.

the problem is that having 24,000 messages in a single dir taxes the filesystem, a not uncommon issue.

so, my dumbass question: is there any way - either a hook, or as a new feature - that qmail-scanner could use hash dirs within the quarantine to break it down? 0-9,a-f, something like that? doing that would allow me to increase the quarantine time a fair bit longer without FS issues.

i suppose it's probably a non-trivial modification. but i figured i'd toss the question out there.

Paul Theodoropoulos

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