CPAN - rationalising indexing permissions on the B-Utils distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi all, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through distributions that have split ownership, typically caused because releasers with co-maint added new packages, and in the past PAUSE would give them first-come on the new package. PAUSE now tries to ensure consistent permissions, so I’

CPAN - fractured ownership of DhMakePerl distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out distributions that have fractured ownership, as PAUSE tries to not let this happen now[1]. DAM did the first release of DhMakePerl, and has the first-come permission on most packages. JEREMIAH has done all releases from 2010 through 2017, an

CPAN - rationalising ownership of distributions (Perl Power Tools)

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi brian, Casey, and Sean, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions modules get missed. One such dist is "ppt", which has three pac

CPAN — problems with the manish-db distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Manish, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m looking at distributions that have strange patterns of permissions. Your manish-db distribution contains a lot of modules that belong to other people, which is why they’re listed as unauthorized on MetaCPAN:

CPAN - indexing permissions on the Test-Compile distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Marcel, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working on resolving situations where two or more people own parts of a distribution. PAUSE tries hard now to make sure this doesn’t happen, but there are some historical cases that we’re tidying up. You originally released Test::Compile, but sinc

CPAN - resolving clashes in the CPAN index

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sherzod, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through some historical anomalies in PAUSE. Recent changes to PAUSE stop these happening, so I’m trying to tidy up the existing cases. For example, in your Class-PObject distribution you renamed the DB_File class to db_file, and which PA

Re: CPAN - indexing permissions on the Test-Compile distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Marcel replied back just to me, saying that he’s happy for Evan to take full ownership, so I’ve just made that change. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - making the first-come permissions on CPU-Z80-Assembler consistent

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi David, I’m mailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m sorting out distributions that have fractured ownership, as PAUSE tries to not let this happen now[1]. In 2008 you released CPU::Z80::Assembler to CPAN, and got the first-come indexing permission. Since then PCUST has been regularly doin

CPAN - ownership of the Getopt-Long-Descriptive distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dieter, Are you also happy for me to give Rik all first-come permissions on Getopt-Long-Descriptive? This is another dist where you two have split ownership, but Rik has done all releases for the last 10 years. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - ownership of the Getopt-Long-Descriptive distribution

2020-08-01 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dieter, Thanks — I’ve transferred all first-comes to RJBS. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - ownership of Module-CPANTS-Analyse

2020-08-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Thomas, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through distributions that have split ownership, typically caused because releasers with co-maint added new packages, and in the past PAUSE would give them first-come on the new package. PAUSE now tries to ensure consistent permissions, so

CPAN - split ownership of Net-Amazon-EC2 distribution

2020-08-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mark & Jeff, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through distributions that have split ownership, typically caused because releasers with co-maint added new packages, and in the past PAUSE would give them first-come on the new package. PAUSE now tries to ensure consistent permission

Re: CPAN - ownership of Module-CPANTS-Analyse

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi domm, > Yes, please do. I won't spend any time on CPANTS in the future, so > handing all of it over to Ishigaki is definitly a good idea! Great, thank you — I’ve just made that change. That was the only split ownership you were involved in; on all other dists you’re either the owner or co-mai

Re: CPAN - resolving split ownership of perl-ldap distribution

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Thanks both — I have transferred all first-come permissions to Peter (MARSCHAP), so the distribution now has single ownership. Cheers, Neil

Re: Adopt Tie::RegexpHash?

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
hi Theo, > I'm interested in adopting the Tie::RegexpHash module. If you can grant me > the privilege I will release the next version. Given it was marked as ADOPTME, that’s fine. I’ve just transferred the first-come permission to VANHOESEL. As an aside, when you make requests like this, it hel

CPAN — ADOPTME on LockFile-Simple

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Johan, I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m making permissions on distributions consistent across all packages in the dist. For the LockFile-Simple distribution, the lead module LockFile::Simple is assigned to ADOPTME, but the other packages aren’t. Can I just check that you intend for the enti

CPAN - rationalising permissions on MooseX-ClassAttribute

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Karen & Dave, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat; I’m sorting out situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules get missed. PAUSE tries to not let this happen now,

CPAN - rationalising indexing permissions on MouseX-Getopt

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Nakagawa-san and Fuji-san, I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m sorting out situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules get missed. PAUSE tries to not let this happen now, but

Re: CPAN - resolving first-come permissions on Algorithm-Diff

2020-08-03 Thread Neil Bowers
Thanks all. I have transferred all first-come permissions on Algorithm-Diff to Rik Signes (RJBS), who has stepped forward to fix a bunch of the outstanding bugs, given this is fairly high up the CPAN River. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - rationalising permissions on MooseX-ClassAttribute

2020-08-04 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Karen, > Fixing all the permission so Dave is f and I am c would make the most sense, > and that is what I expected it would have been already :) > > I've pushed the button at Yay — thank you! Neil

Re: CPAN - rationalising permissions on MooseX-ClassAttribute

2020-08-04 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Karen, I’ve just given you co-maint on the packages in MooseX-ClassAttribute. DROLSKY had first-come on all the packages in the most recent release. There are four packages which were in previous releases, but now aren’t part of   MooseX-ClassAttribute. Those are the ones where DROLSKY has co

old releases appearing in the CPAN Index

2020-08-04 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Paul, You’ve got old versions of some of your Device-* distributions indexed, because you changed the name of modules (I’m guessing). Can you delete the following files from your author directory please: Device-Chip-DS1307-0.02.tar.gz Device-Chip-INA219-0.03.tar.gz Device-Chip-MAX7219-0.03.t

Re: Adoption Request: Alien::Sodium and Crypt::NaCl::Sodium

2020-08-04 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chase, > I'd like to request the adoption of Alien::Sodium and > Crypt::NaCl::Sodium. I attempted to contact the author, Alex (AJGB), > via email on April 28th and have not had any luck making contact. I also didn’t get any reply, so I’ve given you co-maint on those distributions. Alex, if you

Re: CPAN - rationalising first-come permissions on XML-Feed

2020-08-05 Thread Neil Bowers
I have transferred all first-comes on XML-Feed to DAVECROSS. Thanks, Neil

CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of Business-BalancedPayments distribution

2020-08-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Khaled and Naveed, I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m working through distributions where multiple people have first-come permissions on different packages. These days PAUSE tries to ensure that the lead author retains first-come on all packages, regardless of who first releases them[1]. KHUS

Re: CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of Business-BalancedPayments distribution

2020-08-05 Thread Neil Bowers
I heard back from Khaled, who said he’s happy for the permissions to be transferred to IRONCAMEL. I’ve bcc’d this to Khaled, who replied via his private email address. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - your Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot distributions

2020-08-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Nathan, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. PAUSE is the system used to upload Perl distributions to CPAN. In 2005 you uploaded the first version of your Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WebPivot module, with version 0.01. Unfortunately the naming of the upload file didn’t follow conventions, so various

CPAN - resolving split permissions on Business-OnlinePayment

2020-08-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ivan and Jason, I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m working through distributions where multiple people have first-come permissions on different packages. These days PAUSE tries to ensure that the lead author retains first-come on all packages, regardless of who first releases them[1]. JASONK

Re: CPAN — ADOPTME on LockFile-Simple

2020-08-05 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Johan, Thanks for getting back to me. I hope you’re safe and well? > Yes, the idea was to have the whole distribution adopted. Ok — I’ve transferred first-come to ADOPTME for all packages. > Apparently Steffen Schwigon already adopted the distribution in 2012 (and > put it up for adoption, ag

Re: Tidying up old releases to free up permissions

2020-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Igor, Early July I emailed you, asking you to tidy up your author directory, so that old releases wouldn’t be indexed. This is to let you know that I’ll schedule the deletion of your old releases this weekend. You’ll get an email confirmation from PAUSE, and will have 72 hours to stop the d

Re: Requesting Permissions for Test-DB

2020-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Al, I haven’t heard back from MADSKILL, so I’ve sent him an email saying that I’m going to schedule deletion of his old releases, to free up the package name. There’s a 3-day delay on that, so this time next week should be safe. Cheers, Neil

Re: Fwd: CPAN - split ownership of Net-Amazon-EC2 distribution

2020-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Yep, that is totally fine with me! Thanks Jeff — I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions to Mark, so now you have co-maint. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - tidying up old modules and releases

2020-08-07 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Pierre, I’m emailing you both wearing my PAUSE admin hat, and also as someone who adopted your Class::Hook module. I’m working on tidying up clashing permissions and old releases being indexed. Your old release (0.03) is still indexed on CPAN, because it included a FOO module for testing, w

CPAN - making first-come permissions on OpenGuides consistent

2020-08-08 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dominic, I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m working on making the ownership (the first-come permission) of CPAN distributions consistent. PAUSE tries to do this automatically now, but there are historical cases that need a bit of gardening. You released OpenGuides between 2004 and 2010, and ha

CPAN - first-come permissions on Template-Mustache

2020-08-10 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Pieter, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through distributions that have split ownership, typically caused because releasers with co-maint added new packages: in the past PAUSE would give them first-come on the new package. PAUSE now tries to ensure consistent permissions, so I’m

Re: CPAN - first-come permissions on Template-Mustache

2020-08-10 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Pieter, > I’m not sure whether I follow the implications of the change completely Each module in a distribution can have one person who has the "first-come indexing permission". This means that not only can you release that module, but you can give other people co-maint on that module. People

CPAN - shared first-come on

2020-08-10 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mike & Karen, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen. There are six Dist-Zilla plugin distributions with two packages in each, where you each have first-come on one package.

Re: CPAN - shared first-come on

2020-08-10 Thread Neil Bowers
> I plan to not work on anything listed here, so please take as much off my > hands as possible (presumably by giving it all to ETHER). I don't need or > want to retain any permissions for these. Thanks Mike — I’ve transferred all first-come to ETHER. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - ownership of Apache-GeoIP distribution

2020-08-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Pascal, Thanks for getting back to me. > I took it over 7 years ago after writing > > which was getting it to work on apache 2.4 but then I have learned > something which I have now forgotten and unders

CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of Cpanel-JSON-XS

2020-08-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Reini & cPanel, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come o

Re: CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of Cpanel-JSON-XS

2020-08-11 Thread Neil Bowers
> Nope, RURBAN is the correct owner. CPANEL never used it nor maintained it. Ok. I’ve transferred first-come on Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type to you. > How come CPANEL requested ownership? I don’t know when or how the CPANEL user got perms, given you have done all releases. Was it part of another dist

CPAN - first-come permissions on ZeroMQ

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Maki-san, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newl

CPAN - sorting out indexing permissions on Clustericious-Admin

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Brian & Graham, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come o

Re: CPAN - sorting out indexing permissions on Clustericious-Admin

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Brian, > Yes -- I'm quite fine with that. Please feel free to make the change. Thank you — I’ve just transferred first-come to Graham. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - sorting out indexing permissions on the XRI distribution

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Fen & Matthew, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on

Re: CPAN - sorting out indexing permissions on the XRI distribution

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Both Matthew and Fen’s email addresses bounced, and neither has been active for at least 13 years, so I just transferred the first-come to FEN, give he did all releases, and had the majority of first-comes.

CPAN - mixed ownership of Tie-TZ distribution

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kevin, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly a

Re: CPAN - first-come permissions on ZeroMQ

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Maki-san, > I don't think I will work on ZeroMQ hereafter, so please transfer them to > Steffen. I have just transferred the first-comes on the sub-modules of ZeroMQ to Steffen. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - tidying up permissions and indexing of JSON-RPC

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Hannyaharamitu-san and Maki-san, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would

Re: CPAN - mixed ownership of Tie-TZ distribution

2020-08-12 Thread Neil Bowers
> I didn't intended to take SelectTZ at all actually. […] > > I see for a start I should make a Tie-TZ upload with corrected no_index. > Then delete the old one I suppose. I'll do that shortly. Perfect — thank you. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - tidying up permissions and indexing of JSON-RPC

2020-08-13 Thread Neil Bowers
> deletion done on my part Thank you.

Re: [ ] CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of Cpanel-JSON-XS

2020-08-14 Thread Neil Bowers
> I don't believe anyone at cPanel has ever requested ownership of > Cpanel::JSON::XS. I have no idea how those perms would have been set. So it seems like everyone had a "huh?" moment over this :-) At some point in the past, someone or something gave CPANEL perms over Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type. R

CPAN - resolving mixed first-come permissions on CPAN-Testers-Report

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Adam & David, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on

CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of DateTime-Format-Strptime distribution

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Rick & Dave, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on n

PAUSE - update on resolving split first-come permissions

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
This is an update on my project to sort out distributions which have two or more people with first-come indexing permissions. When I started this project, there were 547 distributions with mixed ownership. So far I’ve resolved 76% of them, leaving 130 on my hit list. With projects like this, I

Re: Fwd: CPAN - resolving mixed ownership of DateTime-Format-Strptime distribution

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Rick, > Dave is now the maintainer of these modules and I'm happy with any changes > you need to make. Thank you — I transferred the first-come permission to Dave, so you’re good now. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - tidying up the permissions on the Git distribution

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Mike and Yo-An, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come o

CPAN - resolving split permissions on the B-C distribution

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Reini and Malcolm, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-com

CPAN - consolidating PAUSE permissions on DateTime-Format-ISO8601 distribution

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Joshua, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly

Re: CPAN - consolidating PAUSE permissions on DateTime-Format-ISO8601 distribution

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
> Yes, I'm OK with making the change. Thanks Joshua — I’ve just made the transfer. You’re all good now — you weren’t involved in any other split ownerships. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - tidying up permissions and old releases in the CPAN Index

2020-08-17 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Ioannis, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly

Re: CPAN - tidying up the permissions on the Git distribution

2020-08-18 Thread Neil Bowers
> I think you can give MSOUTH the permissions. I guess I have one time ever > uploaded these modules but I deleted them eventually. Thanks — I have transferred the permissions to Mike. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - resolving permissions and CPAN Index issues

2020-08-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on tidying up permissions issues with CPAN distributions, and situations where old versions of distributions are appearing in the index. There are two old releases of the WWW-TypePad distribution appearing in the index, because releases done by the


2020-08-19 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on tidying up permissions issues with CPAN distributions, and situations where old versions of distributions are appearing in the index. An old version of the SQL-Shell distribution is appearing in the CPAN Index, because it contains the Tie::Rowset

Re: CPAN -

2020-08-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Nicholas, > Yes, please go ahead and delete all of the old releases of SQL-Shell from > BBC’s author directory on PAUSE. Thank you — I’ve just scheduled deletion. Also, when MGUALDRON was given permissions on the distribution, one of the packages was missed, so I just gave him that as well.

Re: CPAN -

2020-08-20 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Miguel, > I have made the last three releases of SQL-Shell, and I believe that the > module Tie::Rowset::InMemory is still part of the code in the latest version > (1.17) of file SQL/  This was the situation when I started making > changes to SQL::Shell a couple of years back. Ah, I

CPAN - resolving split ownership of Class-DBI-Sweet distribution

2020-08-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sebastian, Fred, and Matt, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get f

Re: CPAN - resolving split ownership of Class-DBI-Sweet distribution

2020-08-21 Thread Neil Bowers
Thanks both — Fred is now the proud owner of Class-DBI-Sweet, though that might just be down to you two being quicker on the draw ;-) Neil

CPAN - resolving split ownership of HTML-Lint distribution

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Andy, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly ad

CPAN - resolving PAUSE permissions clashes

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly add

CPAN - tidying up ownership and indexed releases of Jifty distribution

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Alex, Shawn, Thomas, and Jesse, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would

CPAN - resolving split ownership of MooseX-Daemonize

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chris & Stevan, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come o

Re: CPAN - resolving split ownership of MooseX-Daemonize

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
> Whichever Karen prefers. I’m easy. Karen was happy to get first-comes on the dist, so I’ve transferred them from Stevan and Chris to Karen, with Stevan and Chris retaining co-maint. Thanks all, Neil

Re: request ownership of Locale::TextDomain::OO::Extract::Xslate

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Kevin, > Heikojansen gave me ownership of Locale::TextDomain::OO::Extract::Xslate a > while back. I was just on CPAN today and hit the wrong button and gave up > ownership of it, it's now owned by ADOPTME. Could someone give that back to > I’ve transferred the first-come perm

Re: CPAN - tidying up ownership and indexed releases of Jifty distribution

2020-08-23 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Jesse, > Thanks so much for working to clean this stuff up.  Everything should move to > BPS. > > I believe we're in a similar situation with GnuPg-Interface, which should, > ideally, also all be indexed under BPS. Thanks — I’ve transferred permissions from JESSE to BPS where there were perm

CPAN - tidying up the CPAN Index and indexing permissions

2020-08-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi François, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions where either multiple people have first-come permission on modules in the distribution, or some modules have no first-come. Your CORBA-XS distribution is one of these. It looks like you renamed some of the modules in a past

CPAN - shared ownership of Catalyst distributions

2020-08-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Matt, There are seven Catalyst-* distributions where you have first-come on one or more of the modules, and someone else has first-come on the rest:     Catalyst-Controller-WrapCGI     Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex     Catalyst-Engine-Apache     Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Plain     Catalyst-Plugin-Sub

CPAN - tidying up the CPAN Index and PAUSE permissions

2020-08-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Darren, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions where either multiple people have first-come permission on modules in the distribution, or some modules have no first-come. Your Locale-KeyedText is one of these. It looks like you renamed some of the modules in a past releas

CPAN - tidying up the CPAN Index and PAUSE permissions

2020-08-24 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Tobias, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. I’m tidying up distributions where either multiple people have first-come permission on modules in the distribution, or some modules have no first-come. Your Mojolicious-Plugin-InputValidation is one of these. It looks like you renamed so

Re: CPAN - resolving split ownership of HTML-Lint distribution

2020-08-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Andy, > I don't think LEIRA ever did any releases, and I haven't heard from her in at > least a decade. All the HTML::Lint perms might as well go back to me. Done — you now have first-come on all the modules in the distribution. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - tidying up the CPAN Index and PAUSE permissions

2020-08-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Darren, > I have just logged into PAUSE and pruned my account so only the single newest > version of each distribution is kept and the rest have been marked so they > will > be deleted on Friday. Hopefully that will resolve the problem. Great — thank you for doing that. > I also deleted the d

Re: PAUSE indexing permissions on dual-life distributions

2020-08-25 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Peter, > * Math-BigInt: I am the current maintainer of Math-BigInt distribution, but I > have no strong opinion on who is first-come as long as I can release new > versions of the distribution. It was TELS who gave me the permissions I have > now. Given that, I’ve just transferred first-come

Re: PAUSE indexing permissions on dual-life distributions

2020-08-25 Thread Neil Bowers
> This is incorrect. [Math::Complex and Math::Trig] have not been removed from > core. Module::CoreList is correct. Indeed. I was using MetaCPAN to check — when you look at Perl 5.8.9 and earlier, Math::Complex and Math::Trig are listed as being part of the Perl release. They’re not listed in l

Re: CPAN - making first-come permissions on OpenGuides consistent

2020-08-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dominic, Are you happy for me to give Bob Walker first-come permissions on all packages in the OpenGuides distribution? If you’d rather keep the first-come permissions yourself, that is fine, and I’ll make that change instead. Cheers, Neil

Re: CPAN - making first-come permissions on OpenGuides consistent

2020-08-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dominic, > I don't really mind either way. Bob is much more involved day to day but I'm > still a stakeholder (and FWIW hold other assets such as the project > domain name - there's probably a different discussion to be had about that). I’ve just transferred the first-come permissions to Bob.

Re: CPAN - resolving split permissions on the B-C distribution

2020-08-29 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I tried contacting Malcolm (MICB) a few days, but didn’t get any response. Given that Malcolm hasn’t done any CPAN releases for nearly 20 years, I decided it was fine to transfer all the first-come permissions on B-C to Reini (RURBAN). Malcolm retains co-maint on all modules. Cheers, Neil

Re: Fwd:

2020-09-02 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Joe, About 16 years ago I submitted a module to CPAN called "".  The module converted coordinates from microtitre plates to spotted arrays.  The software was used at The Institute for Genomic Research. After I submitted my work, I was able to find the code in CPAN when I needed a

Re: Adopt Text::Truncate?

2020-09-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Szymon (SNEZ) wrote: > I'm interested in adopting the Text::Truncate module. If you can grant > me the privilege I will release the next version. > PAUSE id: SNEZ And Robert (RRWO) replied: > It's owned by ADOPTME so will have to fix that. I’ve

CPAN - resolving ownership of Set-Object distribution

2020-09-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving all the cases where a distribution has the first-come permissions shared between multiple people. PAUSE tries to make sure this doesn’t happen now, but in the past it was easy for it to happen, when someone with co-maint adds a new m

Re: MIME::Base64 Adoption

2020-09-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Chase, Given that MIME::Base64 is a dual-life module, I’d like to check that Sawyer and P5P are happy for you to take it on. I’ll make it clear that I think that this is fine, and you’re an appropriate person to take on such a module. Cheers, Neil

Adoption of MIME::Base64

2020-09-09 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sawyer, I’m writing this as one of the PAUSE admins. Gisle Aas has said that he will no longer be maintaining his CPAN distributions, and that he’s happy for responsible adoption to take place. Chase Whitener has asked to adopt MIME::Base64[1], so he can merge some outstanding PRs[2] and re

Re: CPAN - resolving ownership of Set-Object distribution

2020-09-10 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, Thanks — I’ve transferred your first-come to Reini, so he now has first-come on all modules in the Set-Object. Cheers, Neil

CPAN - resolving permissions on the XPlanner distribution

2020-09-10 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Michael, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through distributions that have split or partial ownership of the packages in the distribution. Your XPlanner distribution has a number of packages in it. You have first-come on some of them (and they also have co-maint given to HANDOFF), but

Re: CPAN - rationalising indexing permissions on the B-Utils distribution

2020-09-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, All of the early releasers of B-Utils are long gone, and the ownership was split, so I have given first-come on B-Utils to JJORE, as they did the majority of the recent releases. The obvious other candidate was ETHER. Depending on who does the next few releases, if any, we can revisit this

CPAN - tidying up old releases of RDFStore and conflicting PAUSE permissions

2020-09-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Alberto, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on tidying up situations where there is conflict between PAUSE permissions, and where a distribution’s permissions are split between two or more people. Your RDFStore distribution is tied into one of these conflicts, because of module names

CPAN - resolving partial ownership of your Deliantra-Client distribution

2020-09-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Marc, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working through the CPAN distributions that don’t have consistent ownership of the modules in the distribution. Your Deliantra-Client is one of these: you have the first-come indexing permission on two of the modules, but no-one has any indexing permiss

Re: CPAN - resolving partial ownership of your Deliantra-Client distribution

2020-09-13 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Marc, Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve just triggered a reindexing of Deliantra-Client-2.11.tar.gz, and will check the permissions when it’s done. > Any idea why this didn't happen the first time it was uploaded? I’m not sure whether you either didn’t get the permissions, or they have bee

Re: CPAN - resolving PAUSE permissions clashes

2020-09-13 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Sam, Are you happy for me to schedule deletion of old releases of HTML-Template from your author directory? Cheers, Neil On 23 Aug 2020, 14:28 +0100, Neil Bowers , wrote: > Hi Sam, > > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared > first-come owne

Re: Adopt Lingua::StopWords?

2020-09-13 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Helmut, I’ve transferred the first-come indexing permissions on the Lingua-StopWords distribution to you. Thanks for helping fight the CPAN bitrot. Cheers, Neil

Re: Could you give Sympa community co-maintainership of MHonArc, please?

2020-09-13 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Luc, I’ve just given co-maint on MHonArc to DVERDIN, NEZUMI, HORNBURG, and LDIDRY. Cheers, Neil

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