Hi Rick & Dave,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared 
first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it 
maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who 
releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly added modules).

The DateTime-Format-Strptime distribution is one of these. Rick did the first 
21 releases, and so has the first-come indexing permission on 
DateTime::Format::Strptime. Dave has done all releases since 2010, and has the 
first-come indexing permission on DateTime::Format::Strptime::Types.

PAUSE’s policy now, when new modules are added, is to give the same permissions 
on the module as on the lead module, so Rick would get first-come on any new 
modules. We could follow this policy and give Rick first-come on both modules 
in the distribution.

But I wonder if it makes more sense to give Dave first-come on the 
distribution, since he’s been maintaining it for the last 10 years?

If you’re happy with this Rick, I can make the change for you?


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