Hi Joe,

About 16 years ago I submitted a module to CPAN called "SlideMap.pm".  The 
module converted coordinates from microtitre plates to spotted arrays.  The 
software was used at The Institute for Genomic Research.

After I submitted my work, I was able to find the code in CPAN when I needed a 
fresh download.  Now, it seems, I am not able to find the distribution.

Can you tell me whether this code is still in CPAN?  If not, why not.

It is still on CPAN, in your author directory:

It is also listed in the CPAN Index, and I just installed it locally by running 
the following:
    cpan J/JW/JWHITE/SlideMap_1_2_2.tar.gz

Even though it’s listed in the index, it doesn’t appear on your author page on 
MetaCPAN, and searching for SlideMap on MetaCPAN doesn’t return anything. CPAN 
has a convention that underscores in the version number of a release indicates 
a developer release, so even though it’s in the index, that may be why.

If you want it to appear on MetaCPAN, and be easier to find, the simplest thing 
you could do is:

• bump up the version of the module, to something like 1.3, and put a note in 
• perl Makefile.PL
• make dist
• You’ll end up with a tar ball like SlideMap-1.3.tar.gz
• You can then upload this, and it should be indexed
• Various things have changed since 2005, both in Perl, and in the CPAN 
conventions for a distribution, so there are things you could brush up, but the 
above should get a working distribution on CPAN.


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