Hi Pierre,

I’m emailing you both wearing my PAUSE admin hat, and also as someone who 
adopted your Class::Hook module. I’m working on tidying up clashing permissions 
and old releases being indexed.

Your old release (0.03) is still indexed on CPAN, because it included a FOO 
module for testing, which ended up being indexed. I changed it so that test 
modules won’t get indexed. Here’s what’s in the index:

    Class::Hook  0.05   N/NE/NEILB/Class-Hook-0.05.tar.gz
    FOO          undef  P/PD/PDENIS/Class-Hook-0.03.tar.gz

Are you ok with me scheduling the deletion of your old release? If so, you’ll 
get an email from PAUSE confirming this, and there will be a 72-hour delay 
until the files are actually deleted, to give you time to change your mind.


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