Hi Chris & Stevan, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly added modules). MooseX-Daemonize is one of these distributions — PERIGRIN did the early releases, and has first-come on the lead module and one other. STEVAN did a later bunch of releases, so has first-come on four modules.
We could give all first-comes to PERIGRIN as the original author, or to STEVAN, who has most first-comes. Another option is to give all first-comes to ETHER (with you two retaining co-maint on all packages), as Karen has done all releases since 2013. What’s your preference? I’m happy to make the changes for you, once you decide who should get first-come. Cheers, Neil