Hi Sebastian, Fred, and Matt,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared 
first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it 
maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who 
releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly added modules).

You each have the first-come permission on one of the modules in the 
Class-DBI-Sweet distribution, and there’s a large number of co-maints, again 
not the same on each module.

SRI did the first release, then MSTROUT did some, then MRAMBERG, and most 
recently PHRED.

It hasn’t had any releases in the last 9 years, so maybe none of you are that 
interested in maintaining it, but I’d like to resolve the ownership, and I’ll 
also reindex your last release PHRED (it looks like at some point you didn’t 
have co-maint on Class::DBI::Sweet::Topping, and so the entry for that module 
in the index refers to an older release).

The two obvious candidates to have all first-comes are SRI, because he did the 
original release and still has first-come on the lead module, or PHRED, because 
he did the most recent 3 releases. Another option is to give it to ADOPTME, if 
none of you are interested? :-)

As a default, I suggest PHRED, just so the ownership matches the name on the 
most recent release, so if someone does want to adopt it, the person they’re 
most likely to contact can give them co-maint.


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