Hi Reini and Malcolm,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m tidying up distributions that have shared 
first-come ownership, since PAUSE tries now to not let this happen — it 
maintains the permissions profile on the lead module, regardless of who 
releases (in the past the releaser would get first-come on newly added modules).

The B-C distribution is one of these.

Reini (RURBAN) has first-come on most packages, including the lead module B::C. 
For most of those modules, Malcolm (MICB) has co-maint. On just one of them — 
B::C::InitSection — the P5P user has co-maint.

Malcolm (MICB) has first-come on 6 of the packages, and on all of those RURBAN 
alone has co-maint.

There are also some packages appearing in the index against older releases of 
B-C, such as "int" and "double". Reini, if you could delete older releases of 
B-C, it would fix that problem.

Given that only RURBAN has ever released B-C, I’m guessing that MICB’s 
permissions are left-over from when the distribution was shipped with Perl?

In that case, Malcolm are you happy for me to transfer your first-come 
permissions to Reini, so he has full control over the distribution?


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