Hi Karen & Dave, I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat; I’m sorting out situations where CPAN distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases not getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules get missed. PAUSE tries to not let this happen now, but there are some historical cases, which I’m working through. MooseX-ClassAttribute is one such.
You both have first-come on some of the packages in the dist; Karen has first-come on the lead module MooseX::ClassAttribute, but Dave seems to have done all releases of the dist. So I’m guessing the module was originally part of the Moose distribution, and then split out? Given Dave seems to be maintaining the dist, does it make sense to give him all the first-comes? If so, I’ll make the changes for you, though you’re welcome to, of course :-) Cheers, Neil