te of April 30th.
Mika Pyyhkala
On 4/22/21, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> They start selling them tomorrow.
> Buy one and try.
> /A
>> 22 apr. 2021 kl. 22:18 skrev Joseph Hudson :
>> Nobody will be able to try these until after next week. Or whenever
Mika Pyyhkala
On 9/10/20, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to see if a FedEx package is on the way to your house if you
> don't have the tracking number. I remember people talking about packing
> tracking app, but never paid any attention to their functi
Square has a new chip based reader which should be actually more accessible.
The older reader required a headset splitter.
On 8/28/16, Laura Bratton wrote:
> Hi All,
> Has anyone used the Square.com site and app?If So is it accessible with VO?
> Thank you for the help,
> Laura
VoiceOver accessible:
Can you get in contact with your developers and engineering team on this?
Mika Pyyhkala
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or
ncial organizations.
One final tidbit, again OT, is Capital One has an Alexa skill.
Mika Pyyhkala
On 9/7/16, Scott Granados wrote:
> Wow this is no good, I use this app a lot and have their cards.
> I have forwarded on the email to help support the request.
> Big than
loper resources on accessibility and VoiceOver:
Email already sent to Capital One!
On 9/7/16, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks I've noticed this also I have three Capital One cards, and as
> an aside they have a good p
I have signed up as well, you may want to post more of a description,
and we could encourage people on Twitter who follow the #a11y hashtag
to sign up also. Or people on Facebook.
On 4/25/12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Ok, i have signed up, now to see if i get accepted.:-)
> /Kri
Yes, Zello is very heavily used in the blind community of VoiceOver users.
I think they have made a few VoiceOver tweaks, and are working with
Serotek to make the Windows application more accessible.
On 5/15/12, Mike Busboom wrote:
> Hello to all of you,
> Has anyone ever used
Has anyone compared the features, accessibility, etc. of SkyDrive vs.
Dropbox vs. the Google Drive? Just curious what the main differences
I have largely just used Dropbox previously.
On 5/24/12, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hi.
> I used to have a Live Drive account and have
It is possible they just forgot to pay their bill for the domain
registration, etc. Does anyone actually know who was involved in the
On 6/21/12, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> may I ask what this service did exactly? also,on another list someone
> simply indicated that an expire
I'm also curious for those of you who have used both Fusion and
bootcamp if you have found bootcamp based Windows installations to be
a lot more responsive, etc.
On 8/10/12, Alex Hall wrote:
> 1. You can read, but not write, the mac partition in windows. It works the
> same in mac os:
;ve never needed windows at the same time. I hope this makes sense and
> that it helps a little.
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mika Pyyhkala
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 201
Just an FYI that as of today you can buy a $100 iTunes gift card for $80.00 from
The iTunes gift card will be emailed to you.
I saw this on @dansDeals
and I am not sure how long the item will be stocked.
Also once you redeme the gift card in to your account
e and kiosk
accessibility which DOT is seeking public comment on.
Mika Pyyhkala
On 11/14/11, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> Hello,
> I was having some difficulty with the popup choices presented by the JetBlue
> website when using Webkit, and since I have heard wonderful pra
I've also done this on the phone, but I would welcome a way to do it
in iTunes with a grid list type layout.
It can get tricky if you have full pages and a lot of apps. Its
do-able but just not the best experience.
On 2/20/12, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> I've never been able t
Hi Donna,
Thanks for that.
Did you happen to talk to them about any of the reported hardware issues with
the device? The issues I have heard of are:
**The usb port tends to get dislodged as the port for charging is on the seam
of the device.
**The joystick tends to fall off, although if it d
I also have a local Balm rep in Massachusetts, Amy Ruell, so I can ask
her about the hardware issues & shipping ETAs.
On 3/10/15, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Chris,
> According to information that they just sent, they expect to resume shipping
> end of February early March. Wonderin
the heart beat monitoring, and like that it
will be in one device rather than also say having to get a Fitbit.
On 4/19/15, Cheree Heppe wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> With all that has been posted and written, I finally stopped by our
> city's Apple sto
ll running Jaws in 40 minute mode until I tweak this.
Any advice?
Mika Pyyhkala
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
network choice instead of the normal choices where
you choose disk utility, OS reinstall utility, etc. So I'm wondering
if it really has done a cold shut down & reboot?
Mika Pyyhkala
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If y
Once you
>> find your network, press enter and then enter your password. Upon pressing
>> enter again, you should be placed in your recovery partition. Now go ahead
>> and install the operating system as you normally would
>> Sent from my iPhone
Thanks for your tips and background on this.
My roommate read me the choose network screen, and then I was able to
activate VoiceOver. I would say it took 4-6 minutes to download the
recovery partition and there was no way to know besides just trying
Command+F5 regarding when the download was com
home screen of the watch, and I agree the complications could be cool.
That being said I have not worn the watch for a month or so again
probably because of the issue with the band but I want to get back in
to it again!
Mika Pyyhkala
On 4/6/16, Scott wrote:
> I like that
If you email
he should be able to help you replace the file and or get ahold of Ann.
My understanding is that Mosen Consulting would help you with any
issue like this directly.
On 3/3/16, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I need to get ahold of Ann urgently.
on options?
Do any of you have contacts at Starbucks corporate?
Also I'm not sure if there are other lists or forums now that are more
geared to iOS?
Mika Pyyhkala
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
umber of unlabeled buttons have been introduced.
The geolocation map data about where your arriving car is at it comes
to pick you up remains inaccessible.
Mika Pyyhkala
On 12/18/15, Jean wrote:
> Gabe and All:
> The new update for Lyft arrived on Dec 18. Because it h
I just had a crash with my iPhone 6 on iOS 8 where I had to restore
it. The Lire app was sluggish, and I rebooted the phone. THen the
Apple logo appeared for a few seconds, and it would then turn itself
Frequently it is as is the phone somehow resets itself.
Somewhat often I get apps that
Thanks, can you please post some real life examples or scenarios where
you have put this to use?
On 10/15/14, Slau Halatyn wrote:
> Folks,
> For the longest time, I've been looking for some app or script that would
> allow me to move the mouse pointer in fixed increments in any
Its normal on day of launch. Just keep trying.
On 10/16/14, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hey all. I'm trying to install the non-beta version of Yosemite over the
> beta and when I do, the App Store becomes busy and I have to toggle VO on
> and off for it to stop being busy. I get a dialog
I wonder if Windows 7 32-bit would run any smoother under VMWare than
the 64bit version?
On 6/14/11, Gary Readfern-Gray wrote:
> Well, i was running fusion with 2gb of ram and windows 64-bit on my mbp and
> it was a bit sluggish. If performance is your main priority, you should run
Can anyone also please post the key sequence to boot up the machine
and bring up the Lion partition?
On 7/27/11, Dan Roy wrote:
> The problem is, when you boo from that partition, the window chooser isn't
> available. VO does work, but, it's a subset of the normal features.
> O
ery partition will
> come up.
> Doug
> On 2011-07-27, at 11:24 AM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:
>> Can anyone also please post the key sequence to boot up the machine
>> and bring up the Lion partition?
>> Thanks,
>> Mika
>> On 7/27/11, Dan R
What are the primary advantages you see the the MBP (MacBook Pro) as opposed to
the MBA (MacBook Air)?
Just wondering if people appreciate more the ports, or if it is speed of the
machine, etc?
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries
hey're not built-in, so that's extra hardware you need to haul around.
>> The Air is a great portable device, but the MacBook is a more powerful
>> computer, with more features built-in.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 15, 2011, at 12:18 PM, Mika Pyyhka
this shortcut a lot on Twitter and if you read through the
characters of the URL you may be able to remember it for easier
I also have a keyboard shortcut on my iPhone qai that enters the url:
On 6/6/13, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
I have still not been able to get it to fully work with the update,
but it may just be I'm not doing something right.
I get the text prompts about orienting the page, and once its right, I
press Take Picture.
Usually it doesn't do anything or just gives tones, and I'm not sure
what the tones mean
When I am in my downloads folder and try to use VO+comma to select an
item from downloads to drag, it says:
"is not draggable, item may be hidden by"
I have pressed the command 3 to show the files in columns, but it
still will not let me drag.
I am trying to use airdrop to copy items from one
I am also interested I'n tips on this app.
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 5, 2012, at 21:10, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> For those who use Launch Bar, would you be willing to walk me through of the
> ways in which you access cvarious elements of the program?
> In part
nd am
inclined to get a laser printer as I would mostly be printing text.
Finally as of earlier in the summer the Boston Apple store did not
stock many of these, so I have not been able to check the models out
in person in terms of the hardware.
Mika Pyyhkala
You received this me
of the lack of an SD
> card slot, this is a question of personal preference and usage.
> The processor question is a tricky one. The processor on the MBA is slower
> than that on the MBP. But the solid state drive should make up for a lot of
> the difference there.
> Chee
What are the main differences and/or benefits that people see with
this new version 4?
Does it have any enhancements for Lion?
On 9/14/11, Jeff Bishop wrote:
> You will be emailed within 30 days with the new license code for version 4
> if you bought it off of their site. If yo
I wouldn't really worry a lot about an unlimited data plan. Even the
capped plans at 2GB a month, you'd be hard pressed to use 2GB of 3G
data in a month.
Some of the time you'll be using WiFi in most circumstances so the
WiFi use does not count against your data cap.
If you had say a 2GB or a 4G
iCloud on iOS devices works well, but the
web site has not worked for me at all at least with a Windows screen reader.
On 10/24/11, Andrew Lamanche wrote:
> Hello Listers,
> In your experience, how accessible is iCloud with Voiceover? Is iCloud
> functioning fu
It might seem convenient, but I would not get that excited about being
able to schedule rides.
When you schedule a ride, my understanding is that the system just
puts your ride request in to the real time queue at some point when it
seems like that would be the best time to leave.
It is not like
I don't see any reason why Sprint would not take you back as a customer.
You may just have to check also on the number porting if that is
important to you.
On 8/15/17, Jessica Moss wrote:
> Thanx so much for passing this along. I wish they’d stated however,
> where/how to obtain this
I would also encourage you and others on this list to write to them
either through the official customer support channels or through
executives at the company.
I wrote to them a while back, and they basically just said that
accessibility is not a priority.
Also if they have any federal government
I would check out Zoom meeting, also Jonathan Mosen has a course &
information about it at
You can download the intro to the course for free which covers
attending meeetings, and then there is a more extensive tutorial for a
small cost on how t
Once the ride is requested, the issue also largely goes away.
I also have a spare iPhone 5S running now iOS 11 so I am going to do a
test and see if that gets the same results.
Anyone ever heard of an issue like this? Do you think its more a
Fasten or Apple bug?
The f
I believe it will "work," but I am worried about the extra .75 to 1.25
of a second that may be needed every time one wants to unlock the
phone. I could be wrong, but it seems like touch id would be faster,
and it can be accessed with the phone in a lot of different
configurations and placements.
Can you just explain practical situations how it can help in your life?
I mean it doesn't matter what features it has if we don't know how
practically what kinds of tasks or things it could help with in the
real world. :)
Also how much will it cost and when will it be available?
Just want th
They only offer cash in a very few markets, and really, credit/debit
card is the preferred method to use.
You can obtain for example an American Express serve debit card which
is a prepaid debit card if you don't want to use a traditional debit
or credit card.
There are many such cards like this
I got the iPhone 10S around launch time, and while of course face id
technically works with VoiceOver, I find its much less efficient and
time consuming than touch id. It seems to take more effort than it
did with touch id.
At least a few to several times a day I have to manually enter my
st lock the
>> screen, wait a second or so then go through the process again and it
>> unlocks.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Apple Teacher
>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On May 7, 2019, at
I have been using the Nest thermostat for a while, and I like it,
other than the setting to review and modify the schedule is not
So I use many of the features outside of the schedule.
Also the schedule is typically built just by the thermostat watching
your nromal patterns of how
I think with DocuSign you have two options:
Option 1 to draw your signature; or
Option 2 to type your name.
So if option 2 was aavailable, that should be accessible. I have
signed documents with DocuSign in this way in the past. However, each
DocuSign client may be able to configure their servic
I have also seen this problem on an AT&T iPhone 10S running the latest
build of iOS 12 with VoiceOver.
The problem is not constant though as right at this moment I do have
recent calls hsowing.
On 10/25/18, Vaughn Brown wrote:
> Good morning,
> Ever since I updated the IOS system
Ever since I got the iPhone 10S, I've thought of going back to the
iPhone 8 for touch id.
While I can use Face id, I think on balance touch id is quicker and
more efficient.
It is hard to say on the 2019 models how much better the face id angles will be.
You really have to move the phone pretty
Thanks for the review.
Can you describe what these three hardware buttons do?
I would also be interested if anyone has configured the printer under Windows.
On 1/22/20, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello All,
> As I have received several off-list requests for the information regardin
Hi, the experiences are going to vary a little bit driver to driver and market
to market. I have definitely have them wait for me before, but like I might
have mentioned, I had one driver saying he did not want to wait while keeping
the same trip going. Also sometimes it can work and sometimes n
I look forward to trying this, and maybe I should be, but I'm not that
concerned if Google knows where I have gone. :)
I have been extremely disappointed lately with Siri. Even saying
something like "how many days is it in 90 days," which often I need to
check that for work, it will often do a we
Also, if you can swing paying for the entire device in one payment, a
good credit card will cover you for theft and extended warranty.
However, you typically need to purchase the entire cost of the item at
once on the credit card.
American Express seems to have the best and also most accessible
If you pay the full retail price for an AT&T phone, I'm not sure if
its unlocked?
Also even when your order on apple.com shows "preparing for shipment"
you may be able to track the package before Apple updates your order
with a tracking#.
Go to:
click on tracking
click on the track
by default but if you’re fully paid they should
> unlock for you.
>> On Sep 14, 2016, at 12:46 PM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:
>> If you pay the full retail price for an AT&T phone, I'm not sure if
>> its unlocked?
>> Also even when your order on a
Starbucks and pick it up, and then
have the same Uber wait for me.
Also sometimes if I am taking a long trip I will have them first stop
at Starbucks, usually I'll do the order on the mobile app, and then
we'll go forth with the long trip.
On 10/11/16, Sarai Bucciare
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