I believe it will "work," but I am worried about the extra .75 to 1.25
of a second that may be needed every time one wants to unlock the
phone.  I could be wrong, but it seems like touch id would be faster,
and it can be accessed with the phone in a lot of different
configurations and placements.  I also wish they had included a
fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone.

I would be curious though to hear from someone that embraces this
change and feels its overall a positive development, especially with
the blind use case.

I would note it failed at the keynote demo just as one small data point.

I can only hope that my initial thoughts about Face id are wrong and
that perhaps it is just as fast or faster than touch id.  Or that in a
future release Apple will indeed bring a touch id sensor to say the
back of the device.

After all, they do slowly push out features so there is a reason to
upgrade every year.

I will 99% buy the iPhone 8 as a result, otherwise if it had touch id
I would have bought the X.


On 9/13/17, 'Catherine Turner' via MacVisionaries
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I too get sick when people whine - including when people whine about
> words/sentiments that weren't even expressed in the first place.
> I didn't want to start people off venting about the problems of the
> blindness community.  I only wondered how the quitting/loading of VO
> and accessing home and the app switcher could be done without a home
> button - wondering how something can be done does not equal saying it
> can't be done.  I am curious and hopeful to see how this pans out; at
> the same time, yes, a little concerned as sometimes when changes
> happen, usability can become problematic or other problems arise - but
> I am not whining.  I am wondering and imagining and questioning, and
> there is nothing wrong with that.
> Catherine
> On 9/13/17, Raymond Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> I’m backing my friend Krister on this point.  Frankly, I am getting just
>> plain sick and tired of al these blind people whining that something is
>> going to suck or not be usable even before we know all the details of how
>> it
>> works.  Talk about a drain on one’s energy.
>> Sent from the only computer with built-in screen reader access for the
>> blind:
>> Sincerely,
>> The constantly barefooted Ray
>>> On Sep 13, 2017, at 2:41 AM, Krister Ekstrom <kris...@kristersplace.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Why do blind people always have to invent worst case scenarios even when
>>> the phone hasn’t come out yet? Ok, ok before you say anything i was also
>>> doubtful for many years, wondering how Apple would solve this or that,
>>> turned out they did and did it good at that.
>>> At tha risk of getting flamed, but hell i’ve been that before and
>>> survived, one thing the apple user base could learn from the Android one
>>> is to show some appreciation for what is being done. Every time Talkback
>>> comes out, even if its features are virtually useless for some, they get
>>> praise, but every time Voiceover comes out the negative always outways
>>> the
>>> positive and it lasts for months on end. Is Voiceover really *that* bad
>>> or
>>> am i stupid and unintelligent, and if it sucks so hard, why is it that
>>> after eight months in Android land i left probably not to return again
>>> and
>>> went back to iOs?
>>> /Krister
>>>> 13 sep. 2017 kl. 08:03 skrev 'Catherine Turner' via MacVisionaries
>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>>:
>>>> Also without a home button I wonder how we'll start/stop VO, use the
>>>> app switcher and get to home.  Probably using the app switcher and
>>>> going home could be done with gestures but what about
>>>> starting/quitting VO...?
>>>> Catherine
>>>> On 9/13/17, Simon Fogarty <si...@blinky-net.com
>>>> <mailto:si...@blinky-net.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Interesting,
>>>>> Samsung have a full screen no buttons face recognition and a finger
>>>>> print
>>>>> sensor.
>>>>> Why can’t apple do that also.
>>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 13 September 2017 3:40 PM
>>>>> To: macvoiceo...@freelists.org <mailto:macvoiceo...@freelists.org>;
>>>>> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>;
>>>>> viph...@googlegroups.com <mailto:viph...@googlegroups.com>
>>>>> Subject: I’m worried that FaceID is going to suck—and here’s why
>>>>> I’m worried that FaceID is going to suck—and here’s why
>>>>> Ars Technica  /  Ron Amadeo
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> Enlarge<https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/10-1.jpg
>>>>> <https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/10-1.jpg>> /
>>>>> This right here. This gesture. Doing this 80 times a day sucks.
>>>>> The all-new iPhone
>>>>> X<https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/09/apples-radically-different-smartphone-is-called-the-iphone-x/
>>>>> <https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/09/apples-radically-different-smartphone-is-called-the-iphone-x/>>
>>>>> is out, and it's packed with technology. But one thing it's not packed
>>>>> with
>>>>> is a fingerprint sensor. Like many phones in 2017, the iPhone X goes
>>>>> for
>>>>> a
>>>>> nearly all-screen design, which means there's no more room for a front
>>>>> Touch
>>>>> ID sensor. Rather than locate a fingerprint sensor on the back, like
>>>>> many
>>>>> phones have done, Apple chose to do away with Touch ID entirely.
>>>>> Instead,
>>>>> the X is relying only on the new "Face ID" facial recognition feature
>>>>> for
>>>>> biometric security.
>>>>> Face ID on the iPhone X uses a "TrueDepth" camera setup, which blasts
>>>>> your
>>>>> face with more than 30,000 infrared dots and scans your face in 3D.
>>>>> Apple
>>>>> says this can "recognize you in an instant" and log you into your
>>>>> phone.
>>>>> None of that matters. Face ID is still going to suck.
>>>>> This is not the first phone we've tried with a facial recognition
>>>>> feature,
>>>>> and they all have the same problem. It doesn't matter how fast or
>>>>> accurate
>>>>> Face ID is, the problem is the ergonomics: you need to aim it at your
>>>>> face.
>>>>> This is slow and awkward, especially when compared to a fingerprint
>>>>> reader,
>>>>> which doesn't have to be aimed at anything.
>>>>> Consider the "taking it out of your pocket" use case: If you're good,
>>>>> you'll
>>>>> stick your hand in your pocket and grip the phone so your finger lands
>>>>> on
>>>>> the fingerprint reader. Touch ID works as both an "on" button and an
>>>>> "authentication" button. In one touch, you've turned on the phone and
>>>>> logged
>>>>> in. You haven't even fully taken the phone out of your pocket yet, and
>>>>> it's
>>>>> already on and unlocked. By the time you bring the phone to your face,
>>>>> the
>>>>> unlock process is finished and you're looking at the home screen.
>>>>> To use the iPhone X's Face ID, you have take the phone out of your
>>>>> pocket,
>>>>> lift it up to your face, swipe up to turn it on, and only then can can
>>>>> you
>>>>> start the unlock process. The difference is probably one or two
>>>>> seconds,
>>>>> but
>>>>> for something you do 80 times a
>>>>> day<https://techpinions.com/apples-penchant-for-consumer-security/45122
>>>>> <https://techpinions.com/apples-penchant-for-consumer-security/45122>>,
>>>>> having the fastest possible unlock system really matters.
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> Hardware involved in Apple's True Depth Camera system.
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> Example of how Face ID maps and learns your face.
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> Demo of Face ID setup.
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> Animojis, which move to mimic your facial expressions.
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> 3D mask produced with facial recognition on the iPhone X.
>>>>> [Image removed by sender.]
>>>>> Face ID recognition along with a tap of the side button can
>>>>> authenticate
>>>>> Apple Pay.
>>>>> Consider authenticating with Apple Pay. With a fingerprint reader, you
>>>>> can
>>>>> slam your iPhone on the credit card terminal while holding your finger
>>>>> on
>>>>> the Touch ID button, and everything will just work. You're
>>>>> continuously
>>>>> authenticating and beaming credit card data at the same time, which is
>>>>> easy,
>>>>> intuitive, and hard to mess up. According to Craig Federighi's Face ID
>>>>> demo
>>>>> during the keynote, you now have to open up Apple Pay first, then aim
>>>>> the
>>>>> phone at your face so Face ID can work. Only then can you tap against
>>>>> the
>>>>> credit card terminal. That's two extra steps.
>>>>> A fingerprint sensor, because it works by touch, is basically active
>>>>> all
>>>>> the
>>>>> time. Anytime you need it, you just press it, and it will work. Facial
>>>>> recognition has to be specifically started by an app though. So to
>>>>> authenticate a payment, you now have to open Apple Pay first, because
>>>>> something has to tell the facial recognition system to turn on. If you
>>>>> ignore this and just put the phone against a credit card terminal
>>>>> without
>>>>> authenticating, I suspect Apple Pay will open and ask for a Face ID
>>>>> scan,
>>>>> which won't work because the phone won't be aimed at your face.
>>>>> There's also the "on a table" use case: where before you could just
>>>>> press
>>>>> the home button to unlock the phone, now you'll need to pick it up
>>>>> and,
>>>>> again, aim it at your face.
>>>>> We've kind of already experienced this with the Galaxy
>>>>> S8<https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/04/samsung-galaxy-s8-review-shiny-new-hardware-meets-old-software-habits/
>>>>> <https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/04/samsung-galaxy-s8-review-shiny-new-hardware-meets-old-software-habits/>>
>>>>> (and Note
>>>>> 8<https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/08/hands-on-with-the-galaxy-note8-havent-we-seen-this-before/
>>>>> <https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/08/hands-on-with-the-galaxy-note8-havent-we-seen-this-before/>>).
>>>>> On that phone, Samsung didn't do away with the fingerprint sensor
>>>>> entirely,
>>>>> but it has such an awkward size and
>>>>> location<https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/04/samsung-galaxy-s8-review-shiny-new-hardware-meets-old-software-habits/3/#h1
>>>>> <https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/04/samsung-galaxy-s8-review-shiny-new-hardware-meets-old-software-habits/3/#h1>>
>>>>> that the S8 might as well have not had a fingerprint sensor at all.
>>>>> The
>>>>> phone design asks users to rely on its Iris or face recognition for
>>>>> biometrics, and it's just so slow. The "Let me take a selfie" pose
>>>>> that
>>>>> you
>>>>> have to make every time you unlock the phone is slow, tiring, and
>>>>> annoying.
>>>>> It requires a pause and a level of precision that just isn't needed
>>>>> with
>>>>> a
>>>>> fingerprint reader.
>>>>> I will admit I have not tried Face ID yet, but it's hard to imagine a
>>>>> facial
>>>>> recognition system that solves the problem of having to carefully aim
>>>>> a
>>>>> phone at your face. We won't get a chance to try many of these
>>>>> scenarios
>>>>> until we get some extended time with the phone, but it would take some
>>>>> serious magic to solve them.
>>>>> With a nearly $1000 price tag, Apple is billing the iPhone X as its
>>>>> super-high-end, no-compromise phone, but the lack of a fingerprint
>>>>> sensor is
>>>>> going to be a big downside. Sure, there's no room on the front
>>>>> anymore,
>>>>> but
>>>>> plenty of phones have an easy and ergonomic rear fingerprint reader,
>>>>> and
>>>>> it's something Apple could have done while it waits for that mythical
>>>>> under-screen fingerprint
>>>>> technology<https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/06/qualcomm-vivo-show-off-slow-but-convenient-under-display-fingerprint-sensor/
>>>>> <https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/06/qualcomm-vivo-show-off-slow-but-convenient-under-display-fingerprint-sensor/>>
>>>>> to work.
>>>>> Facial recognition is just not a good idea for a device that doesn't
>>>>> always
>>>>> need to be aimed directly at your face. I can't imagine Face ID won't
>>>>> feel
>>>>> like a big step backwards compared to Touch ID. If my experience with
>>>>> the
>>>>> Galaxy S8 is anything to go by, I suspect a lot of users will just opt
>>>>> to
>>>>> type in a PIN.
>>>>> Original Article: https://arstechnica.com/?p=1164837
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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