If you look at:
they link to a number of members of the tech media that have tried and
reported on preview of Airtags.

Other blogs and Youtube will also have these early previews.

One question I am still wondering about is if you get the engraving on
the tags, how many characters are you allowed to have engraved?  I'm
just curious for instance if you can engrave a 10 digit phone number.

Most of what I read seemed to suggest you may only be able to engrave initials.

Also its possible electing for the engraving might delay your order
beyond the first available date of April 30th.

Mika Pyyhkala

On 4/22/21, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
> Hi!
> They start selling them tomorrow.
> Buy one and try.
> /A
>> 22 apr. 2021 kl. 22:18 skrev Joseph Hudson <jhud7...@gmail.com>:
>> Nobody will be able to try these until after next week. Or whenever they
>> receive them.
>>> On Apr 22, 2021, at 3:16 PM, tiborniesner <tibornies...@seznam.cz>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a question for AirTags.
>>> what do you thing about  new Apple AirTags?
>>> Did you try it?
>>> What is the AirTags volume? Is it very nois? I’m asking, because i’m
>>> hearing-impaired.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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