I would also encourage you and others on this list to write to them
either through the official customer support channels or through
executives at the company.

I wrote to them a while back, and they basically just said that
accessibility is not a priority.

Also if they have any federal government installations that could be a
Section 508 issue.

I too found it possibly useable, although all functions may not work
and it may be cumbersome to use.

Also I'm not sure if anyone knows of a similar request management
system that is fully accessible that may be in use at large


On 8/23/17, Mike Arrigo <n0...@charter.net> wrote:
> I use it every day, it's useable but yes, the accessibility falls short
> because many of the buttons are not labeled and some of the pop up
> menus are not standard. I had emailed them about this when we first
> started using Zendesk and the response was basically, the site was not
> really designed with accessibility in mind, that's really helpful! It
> points out a problem that is all too common though, many sites are not
> designed from the ground up with accessibility in mind even though they
> should be.
> Original message:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I’ve started a new job, and my employer uses Zendesk. I was just
>> wondering if anyone on list has used it recently, say within the last 6
>> months? I understand accessibility left much to be desire from what
>> I’ve red online. I was just hoping to get input from anyone who has
>> used it recently.
>> Thanks.
>> Ricardo.
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