I got the iPhone 10S around launch time, and while of course face id
technically works with VoiceOver, I find its much less efficient and
time consuming than touch id.  It seems to take more effort than it
did with touch id.

At least a few to several times a day I have to manually enter my
passcode.  This was rarely the case with touch id, maybe with touch
id, I might have to manually enter my passcode a few times a week
rather than a few times a day.

I have to concentrate a little bit to get face id to work where as the
touch id "just worked," it was kind of like breathing you never had to
even think about it for a nanosecond.

I wish someone did a study to see how much longer it takes VoiceOver
users to unlock the phone with face id instead of touch id.  I would
be shocked if it the same or faster.

It probably takes, I'm just guessing, an extra 1-3 seconds on average
to unlock the phone.

I find it also is a much less natural movement to have to pull the
phone pretty far from my face to unlock it as opposed to using the

I am curious if the rest of you have this experience, or if you have
gotten face id to the point whereyou think its just as efficient and
does not take any longer than touch id.

I'm not sure if Jonathan Mosen still reads this list but he has
mentioned  as an example and data point that he does not miss the
touch id and he does not find the face id to be less efficient.

I would hate to go backwards but I find the face id to be at least a
moderate annoyance when I was used to touch id working nearly
perfectly 99% of the time.


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