
Thanks for the review.

Can you describe what these three hardware buttons do?

I would also be interested if anyone has configured the printer under Windows.


On 1/22/20, M. Taylor <mk...@ucla.edu> wrote:
> Hello All,
> As I have received several off-list requests for the information regarding
> the HP laser printer mentioned in a previous thread, I have decided to
> repost the info here, in a new thread.
> Mark
> Original Post:
> Subject:  Here is a Very Good AirPrint Laser Printer that I am Now
> Recommending
> Hello All,
> I purchased the HP LaserJet Pro M15w Wireless Laser Printer (W2G51A) from
> Amazon and I absolutely love it.
> It has all of the features I require including the ability to insert
> standard mailing envelopes into the sheet feeder as a custom slot.
> In order to use this printer, as an AirPrint, printer, you must download
> the
> free HP Smart app, once.  You use the app to configure the printer for use
> on your network.  This is to say, the app facilitates the ability to enter
> your network password, etc.  As I said, you only need to do this once as,
> once done, all Apple devices can see the printer on the network and you may
> print to your heart's content.  The app is 100% VoiceOver accessible.
> The printer is the tiniest laser printer I've ever seen.  It uses a
> mini-toner cartridge so it's perfect as a portable laser printer.
> Oh, this is not a color laser.
> Even when printing photos, it takes less than 10 seconds for the unit to
> start printing.  When printing documents, the unit begins printing almost
> immediately.  Of course, this is my experience, your milage may vary.
> From what I can tell, most of the negative reviews about the unit, on
> Amazon, come from Windows users.
> To be clear, you do not need to install any HP software on any of your
> Apple
> devices in order to use the printer, save the HP Smart app, on one device,
> to configure the unit.  For you more advanced users, the printer has its
> own
> web server so you can log directly into the unit via a web browser, should
> you wish.
> Although the unit ships with a USB cable, for use with Apple devices, it is
> not necessary.
> Now, in full disclosure, I have not used the printer with a Windows device.
> From what I can tell, the process of configuring the unit is more
> complicated on Windows but I cannot speak to that.
> The printer costs approximately $110.00 USD.
> As for unpacking the unit, it would probably be best to have a sighted
> person handy as un-taping the various parts could be challenging for an
> inexperienced user.  The only assembly is to unpack the toner cartridge and
> preparing it for installation.
> There are only 3 hardware buttons on the unit that are flush with the
> surface but one can certainly put tape on them to mark their location.
> Also, the unit makes a definite sound when plugged into the wall so there
> can be no doubt as to when the unit is powered up.
> Okay, here is the URL for the printer on Amazon.
> HP LaserJet Pro M15w Wireless Laser Printer (W2G51A)
> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079QRKWLX/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_i_c_deufEbMKW1STR
> Enjoy,
> Mark
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