
I have briefly tested the new app, and while they have introduced some
unlabeled buttons, there do not appear to be any showstoppers that
would prevent you from using the app as you did before, though they
have not addressed key accessibility barriers known for a while.

Once a driver accepts your trip request, you can see the driver name,
driver star rating, make, model, license plate, and color of the car
on the main trip dispatch screen using VoiceOver.  You no longer need
to access the car & driver tdetails screen to view this driver &
vehicle information.


A number of unlabeled buttons have been introduced.

The geolocation map data about where your arriving car is at it comes
to pick you up remains inaccessible.

Mika Pyyhkala

On 12/18/15, Jean <radiofore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Gabe and All:
> The new update for Lyft arrived on Dec 18. Because it has a new design I am
> hesitant about updating it. Perhaps if someone has two devices and is a Lyft
> user they could try it on one of them and let us know if it is still
> accessible?
> Jean
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