Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 4:29 PM
To: KRnet (
Cc: Teate, Stephen
Subject: KR> Foam Bonding
Some time ago there was a discussion about gluing pieces of foam together to
make a larger block that can then be sanded. For years I used the biggest
blocks I could find
Hello Stephen,
Many years ago I used urethane can foam that you can purchase from the big home
improvement box stores. Its the same foam that is used to seal around electric
outlets or wherever you have crack leaks in your home walls or water lines
passing through walls.
Be aware that they al
Some time ago there was a discussion about gluing pieces of foam together to
make a larger block that can then be sanded. For years I used the biggest
blocks I could find and used spots of five minute epoxy to join them together.
Then just hoped I didn't hit a glue spot. It worked but only
-Original Message-
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of
codylee.cramer via KRnet
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 9:02 AM
To: krnet at
Cc: codylee.cramer
Subject: KR> Foam
Who do you use as your supplier for foam and what are you using? I need
Two Pound / per cubic foot Polyurethane Foam, Green color, Virg
On 12/16/2016 10:01 AM, codylee.cramer via KRnet wrote:
> Who do you use as your supplier for foam and what are you using? I need to
> replace the foam in the stub wings that I cut out to install the Diehl main
> From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> codylee.cramer via KRnet
> Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 9:02 AM
> To: krnet at
> Cc: codylee.cramer
> Subject: KR> Foam
> Who do you use as your supplier for foam and what ar
Who do you use as your supplier for foam and what are you using? I need to
replace the foam in the stub wings that I cut out to install the Diehl main
gear and I am having troubles locating a good foam to work with.
Cody CramerMiddleburg, florida
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
A better source for AN970 washers is Wick Aircraft. There washers are a lot
cheaper and they are a bigger supporter of the KR movement.?
Paul Visk?Belleville Il ?618 406 4705
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Yes, use
> My question is do i need to replace all the foam I have been
> digging out of the stub wing to get the Diehl gear in place and
> squared up. Also did anyone just use little washers on there bolts
> or did you fab some kind of plate to distribute the pressure
> exerted on the gear over a lar
Cody said: I"m trying to install a diehl main gear in place ?the conventional
retract gear on my kr2. My question is do i need to replace all the foam.
There is one nice thing about the KR. ?The foam is vary forgiving. Were ever
there's a hole just square up the hole and glue in a new piece foam
I cut out a section of the leading edge from top to bottom, as cleanly as
possible, back to the spar. With the plane upside down, I also cut out a
section on the bottom, behind the spar, large enough to allow me to work. I
made all these cuts as cleanly as possible. If I were doing it today, I
I am trying to install a diehl main gear in place of the conventional retract
gear on my kr2. My question is do i need to replace all the foam I have been
digging out of the stub wing to get the Diehl gear in place and squared up.
Also did anyone just use little washers on there bolts or did you
In the 70's it was $16.00 for that same size. Figure in Inflation
and see
what it would be, Virg
On 8/26/2015 11:11 PM, Bill Masquelier via KRnet wrote:
> I just checked on the price of extruded polystyrene at Whitecap- it is $76
> per sheet (2" x 4' x 8'). Does that sound anyth
sounds about 4 times as expensive as I would have thought!
> Bill Masquelier
>> To: krnet at
>> Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 20:29:04 -0700
>> Subject: Re: KR> Foam, peel ply and tank vents...
>> From: krnet at
>> CC: billmasq at
g 2015 20:29:04 -0700
> Subject: Re: KR> Foam, peel ply and tank vents...
> From: krnet at
> CC: billmasq at
> Colin
> I was avoiding extruded polystyrene since I couldn't find it here in Southern
> California but since you brought it up ag
I also received my plans, thanks Steve..robert duneavy
On Monday, August 24, 2015 12:38 PM, Mark Langford via KRnet wrote:
Search the KRnet Archives at
To UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message
First off, I got my plans! Thank you, Steve!
So the original foam was a Dow product, which has been replaced with a similar
product that does not require CFC's to manufacture. Something that should work
for us is available at Home Depot.
The folks at raise an interesting point,
ose to the template, then sanded to finish
using an 8' long sanding board.
Rob Schmitt
-Original Message-
From: Bill Masquelier via KRnet
To: KR List
Cc: Bill Masquelier
Sent: Sat, Aug 22, 2015 10:29 pm
Subject: Re: KR> Foam, peel ply and tank
Colin; Spruce, if you please, not puce, goose. Dosvidanya, Peter
Several thoughts gents,
Bill, high there, I'll write soon, but continuing, unless you want to use wing
tanks, remember that Styrofoam is a much better product than Urethane foam
which I would NEVER ever use.
It crushes and has no rebound unlike polystyrene foams, so if you drop
something on you
so if anyone else here in SoCal needs it it does exist!!
Thanks Colin and best on your trip over the Bearing Straits and beyond :)
> To: krnet at
> Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 23:23:19 +0100
> Subject: KR> Foam, peel ply and tank vents
Bill Masquelier wrote:
> I have run out of the foam that came with my partially completed KR2
and need to get some more
> Can anyone tell me what the specific foam type is and a good source?
It is indeed 2 pound / cubic foot urethane foam, available from Wicks
and AS&S, and perhaps even you l
Thanks Mark
I will give that a shot
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 22:15:30 -0500
> To: krnet at
> Subject: Re: KR> KR foam?
> From: krnet at
> CC: ml at
> Bill Masquelier wrote:
> > I have run out of the foam that cam
I have run out of the foam that came with my partially completed KR2 and need
to get some more
Can anyone tell me what the specific foam type is and a good source?
The manual says that it is "urethane foam" but I don't believe that it is
correct, I am looking for the "flourist" type foam (geen st
I used 2-inch thick Styrofoam insulation, 4' x 8' sheets, from Lowes to make
my cowl. Lowes had 4-inch thick Styrofoam, but I did not need that.
Blocking up the 2-foam worked ok for me. I attached the blocks together and
to the engine and firewall with hot melt glue. The resin for lay up was
I am looking for any and all input I can get regarding where I can get
I have bought 1" and 2 " urethane foam from Wicks and paid the ridiculous
shipping charges to ship a box of air.
I have completed the build of my forward deck using 1" foam with good
The downside to that effort w
that was a cured foam with a skin on
each side. This foam was very similar in nature to what we commonly are
referring to as the KR foam as ordered from the kit spec's.
The Dow foam is more difficult or time consuming to shape and sand but to me
not a deal breaker. The other observ
many projects.
> > Pat Russo
> >
> > -Original Message- From: jon kimmel via KRnet
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 9:12 AM
> > To: KRnet ; GaryH
> > Subject: Re: KR> foam...
> >
> > Dow sold trymer 2000 to itw several years ago...if
with success on many projects.
Pat Russo
-Original Message-
From: jon kimmel via KRnet
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 9:12 AM
To: KRnet ; GaryH
Subject: Re: KR> foam...
Dow sold trymer 2000 to itw several years ago...if you go to this website
and follow the links for where to get
m effects might be. I have also used the blue board insulation with
> success on many projects.
> Pat Russo
> -Original Message- From: jon kimmel via KRnet
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 9:12 AM
> To: KRnet ; GaryH
> Subject: Re: KR> foam...
> Dow sold
Dow sold trymer 2000 to itw several years ago...if you go to this website
and follow the links for where to get it you will get distributors in your
area...i drove to dallas for mine.
I'look up the distributor tomorrow but i bought a bun 2x3x4 of trymer 2000
cut up in sheets of 1/2 inch, 1 inch and 2 inch pieces.
On Jun 17, 2014 9:41 PM, "GaryH via KRnet" wrote:
> Okay. Who
Okay. Who out there has a good supplier for urethane foam sheets as per KR
plans, and inexpensive.
Soli Deo Gloria
Alamos, NM
> - Original Message -
> From: Phillip Matheson
> Sent: 01/03/14 07:33 PM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: KR> Foam Ply - parts wanted
> Any Aussie builders, or anyone know of the following Items I need please?
> Kr2 Foam ply to make some wing tanks, (
>Kr2 Foam ply to make some wing tanks, ( or good advise on metal tanks)
I used the same foam that I built the rest of the airplane with as
called for in the plans.
Larry Flesner
- KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN
Daniel R. Heath -?Lexington, SC
-Original Message-
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of Phillip
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 9:34 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: KR> Foam Ply - parts wanted
Importance: High
Any Aus
Any Aussie builders, or anyone know of the following Items I need please?
Kr2 Foam ply to make some wing tanks, ( or good advise on metal tanks)
Icom A200, or A210 or Microair or even Xcom late model transceiver.( Note I
purchased an A200 about 5 years ago from Ebay new in box, it now needs a
I made my wing skins using 1/2 inch divinycell as the core. I had to cut score
marks and make a caul plate to glass the inside on a curve. My wing is one
piece and each side had a contour rib midway out as well as on each end. This
stuff does not sand easily, but end result is superior to ur
Hi Larry,
I wholly agree about the pro's of Klegicell and I would love to have a set of
"skins" made with it. However, Dan Diehl's skins were made with Lastifoam.
It's a lot better than the urethane but not nearly as tough as klegicell.
I know this because I hangared with Dan for 18 years and
As Oscar states below, a common practice many many years ago to make fiberglass
unusual shaped items such as air intake?boxes,?cabin air boxes,?fuel tanks etc
guys including myself used Dow Styrofom as the core or shape needed,
fiberglassed over it? and
Pete and all, obviously many have used this type of foam over the years . It
provides as a filler to form a shape just as does the rigid urethanes most have
used for their wings. Yes urethanes sand fast and easy but again it too is
easily delaminated as many have found out over the years. The
I made a front deck from the blue foam...then realized that i was going to
use a header i tested a sample in a jar with a little bit of the morning i had 2 sheets of fiberglass and nothing else.
Oops...i guess that is my proof of concept...i do plan on using it on my
turtle deck.
glued to with flox.
Should I consider building a new frame or wait and watch to see if there will
be an issue?
Pete Klapp
> From: laheze at
> Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:23:07 -0600
> To: krnet at
> I discovered someth
I discovered something interesting a few days ago. Maybe I'm behind times but
new to me. I thought I would pass it on in case any of you have the same need
some day.
I am building a small camping trailer. While insulating the walls with the home
depot pink and blue insulating foam. The foam stuc
The entire M-19 Flying Squirrel is constructed using rigid extruded polystyrene
board with a fiberglass skin. Either pink Owens-Corning "Foamular" or blue Dow
"Styrofoam" extruded board is used for construction, 3/4" thickness, with no
plastic film. It is glassed in the same fashion as the ure
I am looking for a local source of foam. I know some have used trymer
2000 but it looks like Dow quit selling that productdoes anyone
have a source?
Thanks Gary. Almost got off on a tangent here designing a 8 foot long
battery powered hand held hack saw with that cuttin wirejust to cut the
occasional urethane sheet. The only time I use urethanes is for gas tank
work I use polystyrene for everything else. I'll lay this topic to rest for
> Gary
> - Original Message -
> From: "Patrick and Robin Russo"
> To: "KRnet"
> Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 8:14 AM
> Subject: Re: KR> Foam cutting large scale
>> You've got me thinking here! Is that
On 1/15/2011 3:22 AM, Mike Taglieri wrote:
> Just remember if you want to hot wire and live to tell about it, don't use
> urethane foam. It breaks down under heat to produce hydrogen cyanide gas.
> You might get away with it if you have extremely good ventilation, but
> better to use a foam intend
Everyone has his reasons.
- Jean Renoir "The Rules of the Game"
- Original Message -
From: "Gary Robison"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 7:25 AM
Subject: KR> Foam cutting large scale
Mark. I just bought a tail wheel just like yours from Aviation
Products Inc. but haven't been able to locate
a tail spring for it. Where did you get yours?
Building a KR2s
will work out, plus
others could borrow the machine. It would scale easily.
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Foam cutting large scale
> Don't go too crazy guys. With some 36
Sure blew the hell out of all the estimates for your first 1,000 hours;
Here are the two that came near?
William W
5:16 PM
Ron Lendon
Dec 16 2009
4:05 PM EST
Patrick Driscoll
Saint Paul, MN
If you can read th
Don't go too crazy guys. With some 36 grit sandpaper glued to an aluminum
angle, you can probably sand both wings completely to shape in 2-3 hours.
That's probably less time than we've killed dreaming up a "better" way to do
it. I thought of a "better" way to do it with the internal fiberglass
Or you can go this route. I've been
looking at building one of these machines.
On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 7:20 PM, Paul & Karen Smith
> I buy my foam from a cool room manufacturer. They make their own
> polyurethane foam sheet.
> They pour a mix into a
That is interesting Paul
Maybe next time around ask the fellow about the wire.
I could cut smaller blocks and glue it all together or
glue it all together - paste some .25" thick .25" under sized
airfoil templates on the ends - set the wash out - and let the
wire do the work following the templa
I buy my foam from a cool room manufacturer. They make their own
polyurethane foam sheet.
They pour a mix into a steel reinforced mould 1.2m x 2.4m x 1m deep and lock
a lid on before it expands.
This results in a block of predictable density foam that they then cut into
sheets (any thickness)
Kevin you have it As a machine, not as hot wire.
We are just exchanging thoughts.
I am not sure, the wire may to fine a grit and may
fill up and not cut.
Just some thinking (Day dreaming)
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: KR
s for a start
This is about a buck a foot, I have seen it at .25 a foot.
- Original Message -
From: "Patrick and Robin Russo"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 8:14
ary 02, 2011 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Foam cutting large scale
> You've got me thinking here! Is that wire the same that Remington
> developed
> for hacksaws some decades back? What is the diameter and where did you
> locate it? I have several aluminum hot wire frames, 2&
You've got me thinking here! Is that wire the same that Remington developed
for hacksaws some decades back? What is the diameter and where did you
locate it? I have several aluminum hot wire frames, 2'Long to 8'Long and the
thought of a battery operated bandsaw type frame 6-8 feet long might be
OK OK I do not post here muchat all ...hardly ever...A LURKER
I have started the Corvair engine project.11 months ago it went idle
I need to get that up and going again.
Because? WellMy excuse is lack of a place to build...I guess...
As soon a the spring weather dries up I will
Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 8:49 PM
Subject: KR> Foam expansion.
Hey Guys, I will be mounting my aluminum stub w
The problem with the two part foam, is that it does not "STOP" expanding.
You may think that it has stopped, then when it is sitting on the ramp on a
90 degree day under full sun, you start seeing blisters coming up on your
wing skin. I don't recommend this approach.
See N64KR at http://KR
Hey Guys, I will be mounting my aluminum stub wing tanks this week and am
wondering if the x30 two part foam will pick the tank up ? I plan to weight it
down just in case. I also just mixed up a batch to check expansion size and
laid a 1 x 4 on the largest mass of it and I don't believe it lift
That foam should still be excellent
Larry Howell wrote:
> If you are so inclined to try Divinycell as a core for your wing surfaces,
> Divinycell's HT series was developed for aircraft cores. You could choose
> their HT50 which is 3.1 lb/ft3.. It has a 100psi compressive strength, 73
> psi shear strength etc.
I'm not anywhere cl
If using foam in the fuel tanks to reduce "sloshing", are you able to do
away with building in baffles and how much does the foam reduce tank
capacity by?
Darren Crompton
My web site:
I have to mention something here. Please anybody
chime in if you have better experiences..
I used to build glass and wood boats. I built
more than a few fiberglass fuel tanks.
Just building a hollow tank and having no debris
in the fuel coming out is a big challenge. It generally
Here in Australia we have a saying that goes "RTFQ"
If you read the question, you will see that nowhere did I mention about
building the fuel tanks out of fiberglass. Maybe I need to be a little more
clear for you, but the foam I am referring to is made specifically for that
application. See
a kind of "gum" that, very often,
obstructs the carburetor.
Regards for all,
Claudio Holanda
- Original Message -
From: "Darren Crompton"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Foam filled tanks.
> JG
> He
-Mensagem original-
De: [] Em nome
de Cláudio Holanda
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2007 07:33
Para: KRnet
Assunto: Re: KR> Foam filled tanks.
Dear Friends:
Here, in Brasil, we preferfuel tanks made with alumi
ça-feira, 5 de junho de 2007 07:33
>Para: KRnet
>Assunto: Re: KR> Foam filled tanks.
>Dear Friends:
>Here, in Brasil, we preferfuel tanks made with aluminum (best alloy
>5052 - used for boats) . But why?
>Many guys here are using autogas and our gas
I'm the one who brought up foam filled tanks. The idea came from
military applications where a low density foam is used to make the tanks
explosion resistant. The foam displaces 2% of the tank volume and has a
density of about 1.2 to 1.4 lbs/cu. ft. Vinylester resin is fuel resistant.
- Original Message -
From: "Bill"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Foam filled tanks.
> I'm the one who brought up foam filled tanks. The idea came from
> military applications where a low density foam is used to make the tank
at taking bugs off car windshields. In time even this application
left you with an unusable piece of foam.
Bob Morrissey New Bern NC
- Original Message -
From: "Bill"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Foam filled tanks.
> I
Hi Netters,
A product call "Explosafe" or similar name was composed of aluminum foil
mesh. Its purpose was to prevent rapid drainage of gas after a tank rupture.
It also reduced sloshing. Then alcohol reared it's ugly head. Alcohol loves
water. It will remove water vapour from the air in the tan
Thanks for that Dan.
On 6/6/07, Dan Heath wrote:
> >From the people who make the BaffleFoam:
> *Dan,
> Our branch in the UK has referred your inquiry to us for reply.
> Foam displaces approx. 6% of the tank's volume.
> Regards,
> Dave Dack
> *
For those interested in low density foam for fuel tanks that will take
up only 2.5% of the volume see the following link.
Our Attitude Makes The Difference!
-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Bill
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:25 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> Foam filled tanks.
For those interested in low density
To anyone that is interested in the 2lb. Foam this is the data sheet
and contact information is on the sheet. Its a very good price and they
will ship but you will have to call them about the shipping for full sheet's.
UPS has limits on the
I recently purchased some Owens Corning pink rigid insulation foam from Home
Depot for insulating a project I was working on at my office. This foam looks
similar to Divinycell foams and looks like a foam that a guy might want to use
in an airplane project, but looks can be deceiving, anyway abo
I also took a look at tis same pink foam. Cheap, good density, nice to work
with. I even built some vacume bagged parts with it. I went to Eaa at Oskosh
last year, and someone looked at my pictures and said "do not use this stuff".I
went home and pulled up the manufacturer's specs on the net (lo
If NASA can't get its foam right on the shuttle what chance have we puddle
I used the cheaper powdery refrigeration urethane foam on my turtle deck and it
is behaving the same as Mark's, that is, the resin and micro soaked component
is tearing away from the rest leading to bubbles. As
Also, be aware that any colour other than white, will give you many
opportunities for blisters. When I had a dark primer on my plane and had it
outside in the sun for only a little while, two large blisters formed.
Since I have it painted white, no more blisters have formed.
See N64KR at http:/
Can anyone direct me to clarks foam e mail or site? Looking for that
1/4" 4lb density foam that people are making their tanks out of.
David Swanson
David Swanson wrote:
> Can anyone direct me to clarks foam e mail or site? Looking for that
> 1/4" 4lb density foam that people are making their tanks out of.
See "Last-A-Foam" which it was renamed to about 10 years ago, at
>Hi All
>I have a very old and (not complete) set of plans for the KR2 and
>noticed that they call for 1" foam ribs on the wings but looking at all the
>pics on Kr sit like Mark/L no ribs are used.
If you are building y
David Swanson wrote:
"... cant seem to find 3" foam for the wings. Looked at Wick's didnt see it
online Aircraft Spruce... they say they dont carry anything that big.
Any Suggestions for 3" foam?
I don't recall anywhere in the KR plans where you would require 3" foam. If
I reme
I have the details of where in Melbourne they make it.
I'll get it for you when I'm home again
I'll be driving there early next week to pick some up.
Its in South Dandenong??
Phillip Matheson
A question for Australians, can anyone tell me where I can get some foam from,
I have tried about 6 companies locally in Sydney but they all charge something
like $1000 for a block of foam about 4 ft by 2 ft by 1 ft, and if any one can
advise on a good resin for glassing and where I can get it t
heets with narrow 1mm grooves
cut in it that allow it to be bent to shape to minimise sanding and wastage.
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Johnston"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:40 PM
Subject: KR> foam and resin
>A question for Austra
, 2006 10:40 PM
Subject: KR> foam and resin
A question for Australians, can anyone tell me where I can get some foam
from, I have tried about 6 companies locally in Sydney but they all charge
something like $1000 for a block of foam about 4 ft by 2 ft by 1 ft, and if any
one can advise on a good
A good fit is better, but the Flox epoxy mix will fill in the gaps well.
Rough up the glass, paint on a norm mix of epoxy, vinyl ester ( what ever
you are using) then mix the rest up with Cotton Flox, thick, so it will not
run, and it should be OK.
Phillip Matheson
manjaro Cloud"
Paris, France
"Phil Matheson"
Envoyé par :
09/01/2006 02:56
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 09/01/2006 02:58
Pour : "KRnet"
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Foam ribs
As some of you may remember, I removed and resurfaced my WAFs, and for
that, I had to remove a few ribs from the wings and the stubwings (I have
premolded wing skins, so the ribs are fairly accessible). I built two
types of replacement ribs: the inner ones are made of thick (50mm)
extruded poly
Hi, everyone. I am going to fill the wings and i need
to know the density of the foam. What density dou you
recommends me to do it.
Happy new year
Eduardo Navarrete
+593-9-8243079 (cell)
+593-2-2344568 (home)
+593-2-2906898 (office)
2 lb is the density.
Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI USA
E-mail me at
Visit my NEW
KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at
- Original Message -
From: "Eduardo Navarrete"
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2005 2:11 PM
Subject: KR> Foam (density)
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