I have run out of the foam that came with my partially completed KR2 and need to get some more Can anyone tell me what the specific foam type is and a good source? The manual says that it is "urethane foam" but I don't believe that it is correct, I am looking for the "flourist" type foam (geen stuff) Thanks Bill Masquelier
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field laser147 at juno.com
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Dave Acklam
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Chris Prata
- KR> KR foam? Bill Masquelier
- KR> KR foam? Mark Langford
- KR> KR foam? Bill Masquelier
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field chrisprata
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field bjoenunley
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field bjoenunley
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Bill Jacobs
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field brian.kraut at eamanufacturing.com
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field brian.kraut at eamanufacturing.com
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field peter
- KR> BRS vs Bean Field Chris Prata