Hi Netters, A product call "Explosafe" or similar name was composed of aluminum foil mesh. Its purpose was to prevent rapid drainage of gas after a tank rupture. It also reduced sloshing. Then alcohol reared it's ugly head. Alcohol loves water. It will remove water vapour from the air in the tank and make a solution of it. Aluminum also likes water. Liquid water would come out of the alcohol/gas mixture and form a liquid coating on the aluminum mesh. So far this does not sound like a problem until you drain any water in your sumps before going flying. Now pull a high G loop or very steep turn. You converted your plane into a centrifuge. The water is forced to slide down the aluminum mesh and pool in the bottom of your gas tank. You may suddenly end up with enough water to try running on water instead of gas. Bad scene. You have no way of getting rid of that water while up there. The future dictates that the gas of the future will have alcohol in it. Lets face it, you should use a steel gas line now as you build your plane. Use either a neoprene gas bladder in the tank or use a steel tank. Beware of any non-resistant to alcohol parts in your carb. The alcohol content of future fuels will vary. You will not get vapour lock in a carb that has it's gas under pressure and kept cool. I think that there is too much panicky and not enough solid scientific facts going around. Regards, Harold Woods Orillia, ON. Canada L3V2G6 haroldwo...@rogers.com