I used 2-inch thick Styrofoam insulation, 4' x 8' sheets, from Lowes to make 
my cowl.  Lowes had 4-inch thick Styrofoam, but I did not need that. 
Blocking up the 2-foam worked ok for me.  I attached the blocks together and 
to the engine and firewall with hot melt glue.  The resin for lay up was 
West System epoxy.  I weighed some of the foam and found it was about 5 
pounds per cubic foot.  I was not concerned about the printed overlay on the 
surface nor the foam density regarding weight. All the outside surface was 
sanded off during the carving stage. The 5-pound foam is easy to work and 
reasonably rigid for the sanding and lay-ups.   After the outside lay-ups 
were done, the foam inside was also removed,  Very little foam remained in 
the finished cowl.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

I am looking for any and all input I can get regarding where I can get
I have bought 1" and 2 " urethane foam from Wicks and paid the ridiculous
shipping charges to ship a box of air.

I have completed the build of my forward deck using 1" foam with good
The downside to that effort was a complicated form with many supports to
prevent the foam from bending while sanding it to shape.

I have been through numerous builder sites on the KRNET looking for ideas
and have tried roofing companies and lumber yards with some luck but what I
found was limited to 2" thickness which has a kind of cardboard glued to
both sides. I had some of this same stuff that I found while dumpster
diving and was able to remove the facing but it was time and labor

I really would like to use the method that Mark Langford used which will
require 6" foam.
Mark- any input you could give would be appreciated as well as comments
from anyone else on where to get 6" foam.

Where the heck does one get foam without paying an arm and leg for shipping
I am willing to drive to pickup but am having no luck finding a source.
Jim  Litchfield
Va Beach VA


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