David Swanson wrote: 

"... cant seem to find 3" foam for the wings. Looked at Wick's didnt see it
online.... Aircraft Spruce... they say they dont carry anything that big.
Any Suggestions for 3" foam?


I don't recall anywhere in the KR plans where you would require 3" foam. If
I remember correctly, the KR-kit calls for 1" and 2" foam. When I had my
KR-2S, I bought my foam from Wicks (online).

However, if you really want 3" foam, you could laminate a 1" and 2" piece
together with micro-slurry or 5-minute epoxy or any other approved method
for bonding foam. 3M has a couple of spray products that are pretty good. 

Or, you can try this site:


Click on "Products >>> Foam"

They sell the bun stocks: 2ft x 4ft x 6ft

You could slice your own 3" pieces by making a cutting jig. 

Albert Pecoraro

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