First off, I got my plans! Thank you, Steve!

So the original foam was a Dow product, which has been replaced with a similar 
product that does not require CFC's to manufacture. Something that should work 
for us is available at Home Depot. 

The folks at raise an interesting point, that the foam we use 
doesn't spring back when compressed, and that could cause a composite surface 
to delaminate. If that were going to be a problem, though, wouldn't we be 
seeing this fairly commonly? 

I would think that if the layup is done properly, the epoxy/fabric skin would 
distribute the load enough to prevent a dent that later becomes a void.

And how much of an issue is moisture absorption? Not every plane is hangered.. 
Have KR builders seen any issue with this?


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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