Re: good laptops

2001-04-19 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 03:35:23PM -0700, Paul Clifford ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > What are some good laptop vendors that will run Debian Linux reliably? The Compal 2020 OEM system has been serving me fine since January. This was previously sold as the TuxTops Amethyst 20U (who I bought it f

2.4 kernel how good is it?

2001-04-19 Thread John Griffiths
Hi All, now that Adrian Bunk has created an apt method for upgrading to kernel 2.4 while running potato I've got a couple of questions I'd appreciate some help with. 1) Is it any better on low end machines? I've got a swarm of 486's, p133's up to a p266 running 2.2.19 right now. Is 2.4 going t

Re: X Window System - Mouse - Newbie Question

2001-04-19 Thread Anthony
Thanks Tim I finally got the mouse working. I had to configure the XF86Config file not using the GUI. I just changed the mouse to PS/2 and that worked. I'm not sure why the GUI didn't work. I'm thinking it may have saved the new file in the wrong place. Oh well, it works. Now I'm trying to figure

apt-get upgrading packages of same version

2001-04-19 Thread CaT
Because I have mysql dealing with a db whose files are >2gig I've installed linux 2.4.2 on the box and recompiled glibc for it (before compiling mysql). This is to make sure tha tmysql would have as happier an environment as possible for 64bit file sizes. The glibc compile was done with apt-get -b

Wordperfect8 missing

2001-04-19 Thread Doug Hespe
Hi, I'm having trouble reinstalling Wordperfect8 on a Potato system. It was running fine a couple of months ago after I installed libc5 and xlib6 but it is now complaining /usr/local/wp8/wpbin/xwp: can't load library '' When I try ~#locate I get /us

Can't ssh in as a normal user anymore

2001-04-19 Thread Deirdre Saoirse Moen
I rebooted my system today (probably after a few too many things were changed) and all of a sudden I can't ssh in as a normal user. I've got a fairly minimal system, but it seems a strange thing to break upon reboot. All I can figure is that some package is in some peculiar state (I *was* tracking

RE: applying _only_ security updates

2001-04-19 Thread Price, Tim
Regardless, Is it possible to do? I ask because I am running a potato system with many packages from woody, and some security packages take longer to get into testing then they do to get into stable. Cheers Tim > -Original Message- > From: Ethan Benson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: T

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 08:45:13PM -0500, Robert Barrett wrote: > > Will Debian Gnu/Linux 2.2 run on compaq pentium III and > AMD Athlon processors free of problems ? > Thank you for your attention to this matter. No problemo senior... But that is about OS and hardware. Debian is RTFM distributi

Re: HDD partition suggestion -- raiding...

2001-04-19 Thread Alvin Oga
hi ya if you have 4 18Gb drives... why not use 3 drives as stripped disks... and compress backups of those 3 drives to the 4th disk... use the entire 120Gb of disk space... if you have 40 users doing cvs... - you should stripe your data drives... - disks should be on different

Re: crash?

2001-04-19 Thread Alvin Oga
hi ya sometime netscape runs amockand need to be killed... ( what does "ps auxw" show ? ) - same for kde or gnome... when the system ran out of space... what were you doing??? - compiling stuff ??? - just in screen saver mode ?? get into a habit of running top and/o

Re: mutt-1.3.15

2001-04-19 Thread Jan-Hendrik Palic
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 01:35:20AM +, Robin Gerard wrote: >Hello, >I tried to compile mutt-1.3.15 >All seems ok with ncurses-5.2 and libiconv-1.6.1 >but when I was running make in ~/mutt-1.3.15 it failed >with this message : iconv no good >try libiconv instead > >Is, libico

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread Jason Pepas
By the way, while on the topic of email formatting, I have noticed that some of the list seems to prefer correspondence to be sent in plain text rather than html formatted. I must admit, I am a relative newbie to Debian, and email is one of the last bastions holding me to windows. Soon, my email

Re: Need help with apt and offline computer

2001-04-19 Thread Preben Randhol
Andrea Vettorello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 18/04/2001 (21:44) : > Preben Randhol wrote: Now you could copy the packages in > "/var/cache/apt/archives" like the above method or you could put it > wherever you like in your filesystem (in your home or under /usr/local > is a wiser choice), and fol

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
Hey there Jason, > By the way, while on the topic of email formatting, I have noticed that > some of the list seems to prefer correspondence to be sent in plain text > rather than html formatted. Yup. > I must admit, I am a relative newbie to Debian, and email is one of the > last bastions hol

Re: good laptops

2001-04-19 Thread christophe barbe
About Toshiba: I use a satellite 2520 cds. It contains (certainly like the 2100) a lucent winmodem. I use this modem with a close source driver which works great. Everything work but I've had to fight for. I hope other laptop manufacturers are more linux-friendly. (I believe sony is better it wo

Use Linuxdesktop to login to an NT server.

2001-04-19 Thread carl . tan
HI all, I am not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but please guide me to the right location. How would I go about, using Linux on my workstation, to login to an NT server on my company LAN? I know SAMBA, pam_smb, and possibly NIS is involved in some way, but I don't know much more.

decyphering NIC module names

2001-04-19 Thread Jason Pepas
well, 2 weeks after I needed it, I found it. thanks murphy. jason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: full duplex ethernet ?

2001-04-19 Thread Remco van de Meent
Felipe Alvarez Harnecker wrote: > is it possible to query the kernel ( 2.2.19 ) if a given ethernet > card is in half o full duplex mode ? > > cat /proc/something ? Not that I know, but for a lot of cards diagnostical programs are available from . cheers, Remco.

nvidia_drv.o and XF864.0.2

2001-04-19 Thread Anthony Lau
Hi, I've been playing with Linux for a few months (Suse) and just started playing with Debian. I have installed a custom 2.4.3 kernel with a custom Debian install based on testing/unstable. Being adventurous I only installed the base system, then upgraded and installed specific packages through AP

Re: full duplex ethernet ?

2001-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Chaton
* Felipe Alvarez Harnecker [Wed, 18/04/2001 at 19:01 -0400] > is it possible to query the kernel ( 2.2.19 ) if a given ethernet card > is in half o full duplex mode ? mii-tool (in net-tools package)

replace apm suspend with shutdown when closing notebook

2001-04-19 Thread Martin Würtele
hi, is there a way to configure apm to perform a shutdown instead of a suspend when i close my notebook. power off with shutdown works and apm works as well. tia martin -- | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | .''`. | | \ / CAMPAIGN AGAINST | work: http://www.factline.

Re: 320X240

2001-04-19 Thread Ilya Martynov
AO> hi ya oliver... AO> for running X11 on i810 chipsets..w/ Xfree-3.3.x ...*ouch*... AO> you need to use intels driver XCom_i810 No, No. He said that he uses XFree 4.0.2. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | Ilya Martynov (

Re: Can't ssh in as a normal user anymore

2001-04-19 Thread Vinh Truong
* Deirdre Saoirse Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010419 00:27]: > I rebooted my system today (probably after a few too many things were > changed) and all of a sudden I can't ssh in as a normal user. does this mean you *can* ssh as root? or does it mean you can't ssh in at all? > I've got a fairly mi

Re: Can't ssh in as a normal user anymore

2001-04-19 Thread Andre Berger
* Deirdre Saoirse Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 09:53 +0200: > I rebooted my system today (probably after a few too many things were > changed) and all of a sudden I can't ssh in as a normal user. > > I've got a fairly minimal system, but it seems a strange thing to break > upon reboot. All

Re: mutt-1.3.15

2001-04-19 Thread Andre Berger
* Robin Gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 02:51 +0200: > Hello, > I tried to compile mutt-1.3.15 > All seems ok with ncurses-5.2 and libiconv-1.6.1 > but when I was running make in ~/mutt-1.3.15 it failed > with this message : iconv no good > try libiconv instead > > Is,

Re: Can't ssh in as a normal user anymore

2001-04-19 Thread Andre Berger
* Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 12:43 +0200: > * Deirdre Saoirse Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 09:53 +0200: > > I rebooted my system today (probably after a few too many things were > > changed) and all of a sudden I can't ssh in as a normal user. > > > > I've got a fairly mi

Re: no puedo compilar kernel

2001-04-19 Thread javi
  Hola!     Lo que te falta son las ncurses, o sea las librerias del programa que se ejecuta bajo terminal:     apt-get install libncusrses5-dev , libncurses4-dev     Puedes compilar el kernel en modo texto sin las ncusrse con     make config     o bien desde las X:     make xconfig (creo) Un sal

Re: nvidia_drv.o and XF864.0.2

2001-04-19 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Anthony Lau wrote: > > The problem is that I am trying to run X with the Nvidia drivers. > I've got XF86 v4 running fine with Xfree86 framebuffer driver. > However switching over to the nvidia driver, I get an error. > Unresolved symbols: XAARotateMonoPattern, XAARotateMonoPat

Potato install termwrap problem

2001-04-19 Thread Synaptic Chaos
I also had the problem listed below. I tracked the problem to /etc/inittab there was a temp /etc/inittab tring to run /sbin/termwrap but I found the real inittab at /etc/inittab.real just,cp /etc/inittab.real /etc/inittab I just inst

/var/lib/dpkg/lock ?

2001-04-19 Thread Barry Mathieu
I am a Debian newbie attempting to use cron for apt. In the cron response mail message, I noticed the following lines, in response to, "apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade": E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administratio

Re: applying _only_ security updates

2001-04-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:32:20PM +1000, Price, Tim wrote: > Regardless, > > Is it possible to do? > > I ask because I am running a potato system with many packages from woody, > and some security packages take longer to get into testing then they do to > get into stable. in this context probab

Re: /var/lib/dpkg/lock ?

2001-04-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 07:39:50AM -0400, Barry Mathieu wrote: > I am a Debian newbie attempting to use cron for apt. > > In the cron response mail message, I noticed the following > lines, in response to, "apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade": > > E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open

Woody, 2.4 Kernels, Ramdisks and ReiserFS

2001-04-19 Thread Jim Farrand
Hi, I just upgraded from Potato to Woody, and installed Kernel 2.4. (Using only a 28.8k internet connection that drops after 2 hours. It's a tribute to the greatness of apt that this was still a relatively painless process!) I have a few queries. What exactly is the purpose of the initial ramd

Re: Can't ssh in as a normal user anymore

2001-04-19 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
> "Deirdre" == Deirdre Saoirse Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Deirdre> I rebooted my system today (probably after a few too many things were Deirdre> changed) and all of a sudden I can't ssh in as a normal user. Deirdre> I've got a fairly minimal system, but it seems a strange

Re: Can't ssh in as a normal user anymore

2001-04-19 Thread Jason Healy
At 987701236s since epoch (04/19/01 06:27:16 -0400 UTC), Andre Berger wrote: > * Deirdre Saoirse Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 09:53 +0200: > > > > (I'm still waiting for DNS to catch up with me...) Perhaps that's your problem... do you have "ReverseMappingCheck" set to "yes" in your /etc

Re: Wordperfect8 missing

2001-04-19 Thread p
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:25:17PM +1000, Doug Hespe wrote: > Hi, > > I'm having trouble reinstalling Wordperfect8 on a Potato system. > It was running fine a couple of months ago after I installed libc5 > and xlib6 but it is now complaining > /usr/local/wp8/wpbin/xwp: can't load library 'l

module net-pf-10

2001-04-19 Thread Nathan
could anyone help me with this: Apr 19 21:53:03 basha modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-10 This module has been missing ever since i installed Debian, does anyone else have this missing or has anyone else found this module and fixed there problem?? any help would be appreciated Nath

Re: Wordperfect8 missing

2001-04-19 Thread Alan Shutko
Doug Hespe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm having trouble reinstalling Wordperfect8 on a Potato system. > It was running fine a couple of months ago after I installed libc5 > and xlib6 but it is now complaining You need the xpm4.7 package. Or you could forget about wp8 and help my nightmares

modprobe: Can't locate...

2001-04-19 Thread Pierre Hyvernat
Hi to all, I recently added the following line in /etc/syslog.conf "*.* /dev/tty9" to get all messages on console 9. It is quite interesting to see all the messages, but also a little scary :)... There is a message that I would rather not get: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-5 I used

fb setup on console

2001-04-19 Thread Trevor Callow
Answer to this question is probably very simple but it alludes me. I have a alpha station 4/166 running Debian potato. It has tga card and would like to run a fixed frequency monitor on it "hp a2094b". The console works fine with fbset "my mode" @ 1280x1024 then loses it next boot. My problem is

downloading question

2001-04-19 Thread SomeNothingNess
Is there a way to download Debian using GetRight instead of ftp?

Re: module net-pf-10

2001-04-19 Thread Sean Quinlan
* Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-04-19 14:22): > could anyone help me with this: > Apr 19 21:53:03 basha modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-10 > > This module has been missing ever since i installed Debian, does anyone > else have this missing or has anyone else found this module and

[Fwd: downloading question]

2001-04-19 Thread robert bronsing
-- Robert Bronsing--- Begin Message --- Can't you point GetRight to the ftp server? I thought GetRight is just a daemon, you should be able to say to GetRight where to get what it should get, right? > SomeNothingNess wrote: > > Is there a way to download Debian using GetRight instead of ftp?

Re: 2.4 kernel how good is it?

2001-04-19 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:03:32PM +1000, John Griffiths wrote: > 1) Is it any better on low end machines? > I've got a swarm of 486's, p133's up to a p266 running 2.2.19 right now. > Is 2.4 going to give me any recognisable performance boost on this kind > of hardware? (i've heard virtual memory

logout freezes system

2001-04-19 Thread Alexander Steinert
Dear list, when I log myself out from X the screen shows starnge vertikal lines. The system doesn't react anymore (no keyboard, no mouse, no ping from another host; just hard-reset) This happens only sometimes / is not reproducable. It's not WM specific. I'm running potato with a custom 2.2.18 k

Re: libungif version (unstable)

2001-04-19 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> ii libungif-bin 4.1-6 programs to convert GIF images >> ii libungif3g 3.0-2.4shared library for GIF images (runtime lib) >> ii libungif3g-dev 3.0-2.4shared library for GIF images (development >> f >> ii libungif4g 4.1-6 sh

The internal modem question

2001-04-19 Thread eBucks13
Good day Everyone I am a new user with Debian and I have a question that I am sure has been answered a thousand times. I hope the answer is Yes and not No :) I have a generic internal K56Flex modem which uses COM4 under Win2k. 1. Is it possible to get this modem to work using Debian GNU/Linux 2.

RE: Use Linuxdesktop to login to an NT server.

2001-04-19 Thread Rick Commo
A lot depends on what you are trying to do on the NT side of things. For purposes of moving files back and forth I connect from my debian box to my Win2K box using the SMB client, "smbclient". The command I use is smbclient //win2k/d\$ -U username It will connect you to the machine and

relay_entire_domain in sendmail

2001-04-19 Thread glynis
i have FEATURE(relay_entire_domain) in my, but i still get errors trying to relay to other machines with my domain name. this machine should be an mx host for the domain of machines. i get authentication errors when i try to send to a host on my domain from an outside site. is there

Problems with USB hub

2001-04-19 Thread Brian Nelson
This might not be the best place to ask this, but... I have a Viewsonic P815 monitor with a built-in USB hub in the base, and I seem to have problems using devices connected to it. I have problems in both Win98 and Debian, though I seem to have a little better luck in 98. The devices behave erra

Re: downloading question

2001-04-19 Thread robert bronsing
> SomeNothingNess wrote: > > Is there a way to download Debian using GetRight instead of ftp? Ok, I checked to see how you should use GetRight for downloading. What you do is you open GetRight, you press ctrl-n (new URL) and enter the URL of your choice (e.g. :

Re: PS/2 mouse under X.

2001-04-19 Thread Andrzej Swedrzynski
On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, I asked the following question: > Recently I've installed Debian 2.2 potato. I tried to make my mo­ > use working under X but I can not. This is Logitech M-S48a PS/2 > mouse. It works great under gpm, but doesn't want even to move in > X. I selected PS/2 as a mouse protocol

Re: crash?

2001-04-19 Thread robhr
> > I eventually got to a black screen with an immobile mouse and an > > unresponsive keyboard. I had to reboot. > > Sometimes necessary, but often not. You'll also want to read up on the > "magic sysrq" key combinations. I've got these taped up in strategic > locations. What are these "magic sy

[debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Randall Hansen
Hello folks ~ I'm trying to get my 3Com 3c900B-TPO working under Debian 2.2.18pre21. Here's what I've tried, and what I know, or think I know :P - Debian installer didn't detect the card. - The card's not detected by Debian at boot (I found no 'eth0' in dmesg) - 'ifconfig' lists only "lo" (loc

OT: compiler flags: what is "-lqt" ?

2001-04-19 Thread Kenward Vaughan
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to modify a Makefile for my system. The program depends on Qt, of which I have libqt-emb-dev installed. The compiler portion of the file is below. After changing the two commented lines as shown, I get an error after the object file compilation about /usr/bin/l

Re: full duplex ethernet ?

2001-04-19 Thread D-Man
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 07:01:49PM -0400, Felipe Alvarez Harnecker wrote: | | Hi, | | is it possible to query the kernel ( 2.2.19 ) if a given ethernet card | is in half o full duplex mode ? Most cards (that I have/have seen) have LEDs near the RJ-45 jack. They usually tell you. The switch I ha

xfree4 installation

2001-04-19 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all, I just got a Matrox G450 video card, and decided to upgrade to testing for xfree86 4.0.2, which it looks like it needs. The apt-get dist-upgrade seems to have gone okay, but I can't seem to get xfree 4 installed correctly. I thought I needed xserver-common, and xserver-xfree86 for it, but

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread D-Man
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 02:26:35AM -0500, Jason Pepas wrote: | By the way, while on the topic of email formatting, I have noticed that | some of the list seems to prefer correspondence to be sent in plain text | rather than html formatted. Yes. I, for example, use mutt+less to view mail. It does

Debian on old Macintosh

2001-04-19 Thread Cameron Matheson
Hey, I just got this rad, old-school Apple Macintosh Classic II. I know that Linux can run on anything that's i386+ w/ 4-5M of RAM, but what about Macs? This thing is expandable to 8M of RAM (I have about a million unused 4M sims, so that won't be a prob), but will this thing run Linux? That wo

3C905c summary.

2001-04-19 Thread Andrzej Swedrzynski
Hello! Recently I've posted a mail describing trouble with new computer and 3Com 905c network card inside it. Thanks to everybody who has responded to me. I made my card working by replacing driver 3c59x delivered with Debian potato kernel (2.2.17) by its later version (from 2000) and recompiling

Re: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Jason Healy
At 987687039s since epoch (04/19/01 11:30:39 -0400 UTC), Randall Hansen wrote: > I'm trying to get my 3Com 3c900B-TPO working under Debian 2.2.18pre21. > Here's what I've tried, and what I know, or think I know :P I have had trouble getting Linux (of all flavors) to find my 3Com cards at times.

Re: Problems with USB hub

2001-04-19 Thread D-Man
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 10:59:19AM -0400, Brian Nelson wrote: | The devices behave erraticly through the hub--they sometimes work fine, | sometimes sorta work and then stop responding, or just don't work at | all. But, if I connect them directly to the motherboard, they always | work just fine.

Re: OT: compiler flags: what is "-lqt" ?

2001-04-19 Thread D-Man
The '-l' option to gcc and g++ is sent to the linker and tells the linker what libraries you want to link against. If your program has any symbols (references) in it to things like QString (a Qt class) the linker will complain that it can't resolve the symbol. When you add the proper -l options

APT Questions.

2001-04-19 Thread Andrzej Swedrzynski
Hello! Recently I started to use apt (*Really great tool!*) and I have following questions. I couldn't find the answers in documentation, so please help. 1. I installed system from CDs (Debian 2.2) and now I can use the net to download packages. So I do not want to use CDs anymore. How can I conf

Re: OT: compiler flags: what is "-lqt" ?

2001-04-19 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 08:39:08 -0700, Kenward Vaughan wrote: > I get an error after the object file compilation about /usr/bin/ld being > unable to find -lqt. I assume this is the -lqt in the LIBS line. > I'm not a programmer, so even my changes are guesses based on what I think > I'm looking a

Re: OT: compiler flags: what is "-lqt" ?

2001-04-19 Thread Pietro Cagnoni
> I'm having a bit of trouble trying to modify a Makefile for my system. The > program depends on Qt, of which I have libqt-emb-dev installed. try installing libqt2-dev pietro.

Re: xfree4 installation

2001-04-19 Thread ray p
Hey how are things down in Provo? Try apt-get install aptutils apt-get install debconf then try it again. You will also need to run xf86config to make a new config file and you will have to make a sym link from /etc/X to the spot where xfree86 ends up. You might also have to apt-get install some

RE: 3C905c summary.

2001-04-19 Thread Michael Marziani
I'm not sure how different our 3c905C cards could be, but I installed potato 2.2r2 a few days ago (2.2.18 kernel) and simply loaded the 3c59x module on install and the interface came up with no problems. Even pump and all installed correctly without my intervention and grabbed me a DHCP lease. Ju

Re: Debian on old Macintosh

2001-04-19 Thread D-Man
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 09:57:31AM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote: [ You wrote nothing? Oh, wait, it was text/richtext. Not a good format, FYI ] See The table on says the Mac Classic II has a Motorola 68030 CPU with 1

Drive images

2001-04-19 Thread Bill Fowler
I want to replicate my Debian system onto a number of other PCs, not all of which have the same size hard drive. Is there a good way to make an image of a partition(s) and replicate to other PCs. Thanks, Bill Fowler

locale && Xlib

2001-04-19 Thread Johannes Jörg
Hello List After my dist-upgrade to woody, I had the problem that my locales were gone (Messages were: locale not supported by c library...) This was fixed after re-generating the locales. Now, the c library does not complain about the locales anymore, but Xlib still is: (Warning: locale not suppo

RE: 3C905c summary.

2001-04-19 Thread Andrzej Swedrzynski
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Michael Marziani wrote: > I'm not sure how different our 3c905C cards could be, but I installed potato > 2.2r2 a few days ago (2.2.18 kernel) and simply loaded the 3c59x module on > install and the interface came up with no problems. Even pump and all > installed correctly wi

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread Hall Stevenson
> That "Content-type: text/plain" shows that the message was sent in > plain text. Any half-*** mailer should allow you to view all message > headers when you want, so you can see exactly what is going on. So Outlook Express qualifes in that regard then... I can view the message headers with a fe

Re: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Andrzej Swedrzynski
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Randall Hansen wrote: > I'm trying to get my 3Com 3c900B-TPO working under Debian 2.2.18pre21. [snip] I suppose that all that errors with 3Com 90x cards under Debian 2.2 are because of version of the driver it uses. The source file 3c59x.c of module 3c59x was last edited in 1

Re: Debian on old Macintosh

2001-04-19 Thread Andre Berger
* Cameron Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 18:02 +0200: [Please don't send anything but plain text mails to this list!!] The Classic II is 10 MB RAM max. Check, esp. for Linux on vintage Macs. Subscribe to the debian-6

RE: Network card

2001-04-19 Thread Michael Marziani
You shouldn't have to. My /etc/rcS.d (script files that are run at bootup even when going into single user mode) looks like this: README S30procps.shS40networking S30setserialS40pump S55urandom S10checkroot.shS35devpt

Re: APT Questions.

2001-04-19 Thread Moritz Schulte
Andrzej Swedrzynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Hi, > I can easily add new CD using apt-setup or apt-cdrom, but how can I > remove informations about them? comment out the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list. > 2. Can I use apt to upgrade my potato to woody? Using apt-get dist-upgrade > I upgraded f

RE: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Michael Marziani
I'm not sure how linuxconf works on debian (I actually hadn't used it since I switched from redhat). I'm still learning about the whole Debian subculture, but I think the "Debian way" is to just edit the files directly. As I've begun to do that more I feel like I understand the system a lot better

NB : unsubscribing

2001-04-19 Thread Joris Lambrecht
Dear all, Since this must be the first time i unsubscribe from debian-user (change o jobs) i post a newbie question. I've unsubscribed by posting to the adres mentioned at the bottom of each mail. I've even posted my adres on the webserver for unsubscribing and received the proper confirmation ma

Re: apt-get upgrading packages of same version

2001-04-19 Thread Nate Amsden
CaT wrote: > > Because I have mysql dealing with a db whose files are >2gig I've > apt-get -b source libc6 > dpkg --install libc6_2.1.3-18_i386.deb libc6-dev_2.1.3-18_i386.deb > locales_2.1.3-18_i386.deb > dpkg --install glibc-doc_2.1.3-18_all.deb [..] > It still wants to download and install em

Re: crash?

2001-04-19 Thread Wayne Topa
Subject: Re: crash? Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 10:21:34AM -0500 In reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > What are these "magic sysrq" key combinations and where could I read > up on them? I thought I knew atleast some of them, but without

Booting Problems

2001-04-19 Thread Benjamin Pharr
Hi guys, I'm having a bit of a problem with my laptop. I'm not blaming it on any particular software or OS, but I thought someone might could help me out. My laptop dual boots Win98 and Debian (testing) using LILO. I can boot up into Linux any time I want to, no problem. However, if I'm in

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread Andre Berger
* D-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 17:58 +0200: > PS. Does anyone know how to instruct mutt to view the text/plain part > of a message by default with both text/plain and text/html parts? Here's what I use: auto_view text/html text/enriched application/x-gunzip \ application/po

Re: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Tony Crawford
Randall Hansen wrote (on 19 Apr 2001, at 8:30): > Hello folks ~ > > I'm trying to get my 3Com 3c900B-TPO working under Debian 2.2.18pre21. > Here's what I've tried, and what I know, or think I know :P "The" site to read about the 3com cards is Donald Becker's I se

Re: any women here?

2001-04-19 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 03:05:32PM -0600, Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier wrote: > On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote: > > > Not that there aren't some men out there with real lives, of course. > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# apt-get install real-life > Reading Package Lists... Done > Building Dependency

Re: Shell prompts (was Re: floppy permissions)

2001-04-19 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 12:48:55AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote: > > It's a shame that you've solved your problem; now I don't have an > > excuse to tell you that this is a great root prompt. > > Not half bad. My own approach is slightly more subtle, but reasonably > effective: Here's mine, whil

Re: logcheck

2001-04-19 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 04:34:05PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > i have logcheck installed on a few systems. i cleared out most > of the things generating the reports still emails me > every hour and the only contents of the email are the log entries > of it sending the previous email(m

Re: X Window System - Mouse - Newbie Question

2001-04-19 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 09:38:14PM -0700, Anthony wrote: > Thanks Tim, > I got my mouse working with the GUI but when I start X it doesn't work. > Also I can't quit X. I hit ctrl+alt+backspace and it quits and brings me to > the text mode but than the log-in pops up again. > It's like X just keeps

Re: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread alburrow
Hi, Regarding your NIC woes: > I'm trying to get my 3Com 3c900B-TPO working under Debian 2.2.18pre21. > Here's what I've tried, and what I know, or think I know :P > > - Debian installer didn't detect the card. > - The card's not detected by Debian at boot (I found no 'eth0' in dmesg) > - 'i

Re: 2.4 kernel how good is it?

2001-04-19 Thread Scott_Patterson
>Hi All, > >now that Adrian Bunk has created an apt method for upgrading >to kernel 2.4 while running potato I've got a couple of >questions I'd appreciate some help with. >1) Is it any better on low end machines? You can optimize the kernel for various processors. So, there is some improvemen

RE: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Mark S
If that doesn't work, you could try 'alias eth0 3c59x' -Original Message- From: Michael Marziani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:40 PM To: 'Randall Hansen'; '' Subject: RE: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles I'm not sure how li

snns crashes...

2001-04-19 Thread Pierre Hyvernat
Hi, I tried to compile SNNSv4.2 (a neural network simulator). Compilation went fine, but when I run it, some of the buttons make it crash. For example "File" -> "Done" results in the following X Error of failed request: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 54 (

Re: Drive images

2001-04-19 Thread Daniel Freedman
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001, Bill Fowler wrote: > I want to replicate my Debian system onto a number of other PCs, not all of > which have the same size hard drive. Is there a good way to make an image > of a partition(s) and replicate to other PCs. > > Thanks, > > Bill Fowler Bill, Hi. While it won

Re: Drive images

2001-04-19 Thread Scott Fraser
Good Morning Bill, Norton Ghost works nicely for this. Just make sure you make a smaller "default" install on the first system. If you don't want to use Ghost, the following is a good link taken from the SGI Sys-Admin manual. Just ignore th

Re: [debian-users] 3Com 3c900 NIC troubles

2001-04-19 Thread Andreas Jellinghaus
the driver by 3com isn´t good. try the vortex driver, it works very fine here. (but i´m useing kernel 2.4.*). andreas

Re: applying _only_ security updates

2001-04-19 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:32:20PM +1000, Price, Tim wrote: > Regardless, > > Is it possible to do? > > I ask because I am running a potato system with many packages from woody, > and some security packages take longer to get into testing then they do to > get into stable. I've heard that the mo

Re: Debian compatibility

2001-04-19 Thread D-Man
On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 12:22:07PM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote: | > That "Content-type: text/plain" shows that the message was sent in | > plain text. Any half-*** mailer should allow you to view all message | > headers when you want, so you can see exactly what is going on. | | So Outlook Expres

Re: modprobe: Can't locate...

2001-04-19 Thread Wayne Topa
Subject: modprobe: Can't locate... Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 03:32:32PM +0200 In reply to:Pierre Hyvernat Quoting Pierre Hyvernat([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > Hi to all, > > I recently added the following line in /etc/syslog.conf > "*.* /dev/tty9" > to get all messages on console 9.

Re: Booting Problems

2001-04-19 Thread Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Benjamin Pharr wrote: > Hi guys, I'm having a bit of a problem with my laptop. I'm not blaming it > on any particular software or OS, but I thought someone might could help me > out. My laptop dual boots Win98 and Debian (testing) using LILO. I can > boot up into Linux a

[ xmesa.h etc?]

2001-04-19 Thread Branden Robinson
- Forwarded message from Thomas Netter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - From: Thomas Netter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: xmesa.h etc? Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 21:31:27 +0200 Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello Branden, I'm worried this might be a FAQ but I searched and

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