Hey there Jason,

> By the way, while on the topic of email formatting, I have noticed that
> some of the list seems to prefer correspondence to be sent in plain text
> rather than html formatted.


> I must admit, I am a relative newbie to Debian, and email is one of the
> last bastions holding me to windows.  Soon, my email will be done
> through linux, and my machine will spend the majority of its time
> booting linux rather than mircos~1.

Welcome aboard! 

> but until then i have attempted to configure outlook express to use
> plain text.

Bless you.

> but of course, outlook express is capable of receiving html formatted
> emails, so I have no way of checking if it actually works.
> so, is it working?

It sure seems to be. Thanks for being considerate of others! 


Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
ICQ: 43599611
"Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books... Men 
should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives 
and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I 
can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that." 
"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" -- James Stewart

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