At 987701236s since epoch (04/19/01 06:27:16 -0400 UTC), Andre Berger wrote:
> * Deirdre Saoirse Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001-04-19 09:53 +0200:
> > 
> > (I'm still waiting for DNS to catch up with me...)

Perhaps that's your problem...  do you have "ReverseMappingCheck" set to
"yes" in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file?  If so, then you cannot log in if
your IP address does not reverse-map to a valid hostname.  If your DNS is
wacky, this might keep you from getting in.

Check /var/log/auth.log and see if ssh is giving you any more info.


Jason Healy    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LogN Systems   |

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