>> ii  libungif-bin   4.1-6          programs to convert GIF images
>> ii  libungif3g     3.0-2.4        shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
>> ii  libungif3g-dev 3.0-2.4        shared library for GIF images (development 
>> f
>> ii  libungif4g     4.1-6          shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
>Is there no libungif4g-dev?

It seems to be called libungif4-dev. The 'g' is a relic from the libc6
conversion in hamm, and a lot of packages have got rid of it now, but
shared libraries are a little harder to rename than development
libraries because other packages often have versioned dependencies on

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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