Andrea Vettorello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 18/04/2001 (21:44) :
> Preben Randhol wrote: Now you could copy the packages in
> "/var/cache/apt/archives" like the above method or you could put it
> wherever you like in your filesystem (in your home or under /usr/local
> is a wiser choice), and following what is written in the doc, tell apt
> where to fetch them:
>  apt-get -o
>  dir::cache::archives="the_path_where_you_put_your_packages"
>  dist-upgrade
> (in this case you will probably need to create a directory called
> "partial", as i said before).

I'll try this again and see it it works, perhaps it didn't work because
I had run apt-get check earlier or sth.

> Keep in mind that sid is fast changing, sometimes a version of a
> package exist only for few hours, so it could happen sometimes some
> package is missing... =)

Ah :-) I'm upgrading to testing on my offline, I just have some unstable
packages as I need them. I tried once to upgrade to sid and then I had
to reinstall potato again to get the system up... *dangerous*
escpecially with off-line computers, just don't do it if you are not
prepared that you can break your whole system.

Thanks for your help.

Preben Randhol ---------------------- --
+---+ "There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle."
+---+      -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

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