Re: LibreOffice desktop entries up for translation

2011-04-15 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2011/4/13 David Planella :
> The LibreOffice desktop entries (shown in the Unity launcher and in the
> classic desktop), along with their Unity quicklists (shown when
> right-clicking on the launcher icon) are up for translation in the wiki:

Any particular reason that the actual application names are not merged
(according to wiki pages)? Since the name is what actually is shown in
eg. Unity, it'd be nice to have the localized versions in use for
those languages that have had those before as well.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Localisation of

2011-05-05 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2011/5/3 Matthew East :
>> I'm not very happy with a redirection vs. a full localization solution.
>> As far as I know, that redirection project is now stalled.
> Perhaps it needs to be rejuvenated...
> Could you also provide your reasons or counter-arguments as to why you
> prefer a full localization solution?

My last summary was at:

The key thing is that is linked from Ubuntu start page
(as is the community page), and the links themselves are translated
indicating that there would be localized information available.

The full localization would be preferred mainly since the user would
be immediately served with what she needs, instead of extra
information reading and clicking. However, the banner would be ok as
well, simply because anything is better than the current situation
which is surely disappointing to any non-English speaking person
seeking for help via the browser front page.

Well, optimally there maybe should be both the localized link and full
localization of, since most users would benefit from
easier access to LoCo pages as well.

Full localization also has the benefit that it can be centrally
automated for all translations available, while the level of
automation possible/doable by LoCos for their sites varies and some
would perhaps not do it at all because of the technical skills it


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation of the word "Dash"

2011-05-30 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2011/5/22 Hannie :
> In short, there are two options:
> 1. do not translate it
> 2. find a new word for "Dash" that describes best what it is. Some
> suggestions are: startmenu, dashboard (which is an accepted word in Dutch),
> snelstartmenu (= quick start).

I think we haven't settled on anything specific yet in Finnish. When
possible, I try to omit the whole Dash from the sentence completely if
the context already tells the reader what's being talked about. Then
in the other cases I've used the "launcher" term to cover all of Dash,
because the whole Dash is mostly about launching stuff, whether using
the launcher quick start items or browsing via the Dash views.

Also, as an user of Unity it hasn't made much sense to me what's Dash
and what's launcher, since the whole Dash term isn't used anywhere in
the UI while the Launcher is (when right clicking on launcher icons).
It's almost like the whole "Dash" term was a nice codename for what
the UX team was designing, but the term is not actually that necessary
for users. It's just the "launcher", "left bar" (+ overlay that comes
"from the left bar"), "top left corner icon" etc. Eg. "Open the top
left corner icon and type into the search field" is much better for
users than "Open the Dash and type into search field" since the Dash
term doesn't tell anything about where it is actually.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translations are not properly imported into Launchpad.

2011-10-05 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2011/10/6 Andrius Štikonas :
> There are a lot more examples, so it is not possible to list them all. It
> seems to me that at lease KDE Lithuanian translations are no longer properly
> imported. Maybe somebody can tell if this happens with other languages or
> with non KDE translations. Unfortunately, I do not have time to look at this
> issue more thoroughly.

I have seen this since 2005, and I haven't ever been completely
assured the imports still work 100% problem-free. And I don't mean the
import queue problems, but something deeper. The KDE translations have
always been the ones I've been most worried about, but recently I've
been suspicious about a few Gnome translations equally. Unlike you, I
don't have direct evidence at hand.

At time, and it was a long time ago, I filed bug reports against LP
with examples, and those ones have been marked as fixed. If you could
take your direct examples and file a bug against LP at , I think it could help to again
start looking at if it's possible to truly make everything work as


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translations are not properly imported into Launchpad.

2011-10-06 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2011/10/6 Andrius Štikonas :
> Bug #818230 is slightly different issue, where Ubuntu modifications get
> overwritten by upstream translations. On the other hand, the issue that
> I reported is about upstream translations not overwriting older upstream
> translations which is quite bad in my case. At least for Lithuanian
> language, KDE S.C. is only translated by upstream translators (as far as I
> know, nobody does work on KDE translations into Lithuanian on Launchpad), so
> if translations will get old relatively quickly.
> Andrius Štikonas

I was also talking about this mainly. I used to fix some of the
outdated KDE upstream translations problems by uploading a few
translations manually when it was still possible to upload with the
"published by upstream" method or what was it called. This did it at
the time and then if there were LP specific changes, they were shown
as "changed in Launchpad".

Nowadays that method is not possible, but I wonder if after the
numerous changes in Rosetta and various numerous attempts over the
years to fix the translations have left some more or less hidden bits
set in the translations that prevent correctly importing actual
up-to-date upstream translations that are in the tarballs from
upstream? Just a guess.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation status for ubuntu-docs

2012-03-25 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2012/3/26 Jeremy Bicha :
> I uploaded the potfile for ubuntu-docs tonight and opened up
> translations on Launchpad for the precise branch.

What about the ubuntu-docs under /ubuntu/precise/+source/ubuntu-docs -
it'll be updated at the time of actual upload?

For future, do you think that ubuntu-docs under the Ubuntu
translations should simply be not visible until the final template is
uploaded? Or this current system still better? I think one of the
biggest invisible problems in Ubuntu translations making people go
away (if they notice it) is the fact that work is wasted. Most of the
people translating do not know that probably a lot of their
translations will not be used if they've been translating ubuntu-docs
in the last month or so, or even this coming week.

This would not be such a big problem it is today without being
combined with the lack of supporting fuzzy strings in LP. Then when
the docs team do a cleanup of commas, articles or word orders (I'd
assume there is always a bunch of those in addition to total
rewrites), quality translations that would still have a lot value
(either 100% match or something easily fixed to match the new form)
are being lost. This is especially big problem in ubuntu-docs, since
it has long strings, and a single small change anywhere will always
reset a big amount of translated text compared to application UI texts
that are usually much shorter.

With the new precise ubuntu-docs template, I see that while the total
number of strings have stayed roughly the same (+100 strings), the
number of untranslated strings have raised from 358 to 1086. What I
personally will do is:
- now very quickly save the current Ubuntu precise's ubuntu-docs PO file
- when the new ubuntu-docs gets to precise proper, fuzzy match the
downloaded PO file to the new template manually with gettext tools
- in case of simple word order / punctuation / etc changes simply
unfuzzy or make a little fix in the translation
- upload the new PO with "saved" translations back to Launchpad

But I'd estimate that not many of the languages have the luck of
someone doing this work. In the other language teams, there might be
frustrated people noticing that the hard work they've done
(translating ubuntu-docs is really hard work since there is so much of
it) has for a part disappeared.

Not that this would be a new problem of course, but what do you think
about the template hiding idea or do you have any other ideas to help
this problem (other than contributing to LP code)?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation status for ubuntu-docs

2012-03-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2012/3/26 Matthew East :
> We don't use this, but I've amended the settings to ensure that
> translations are shared between the two places.

For translators those are technical details, but indeed at least when
the docs are fully translatable the availability of those under the
Ubuntu umbrella is very useful for discoverability.

> But if translators want us to make changes, or if there are things we
> can do to make their job easier, please let us know so that we can try
> and help.

I'm not aware of anything special the docs team could do better. Maybe
if something could be suggested, it would be to be careful when doing
mass changes, for example to punctuation, unless it's really, really
needed. Because of the Launchpad problematics I mentioned, they cause
havoc in the translations that is disproportionate to the perceived
amount of changes in the documentation itself.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation status for ubuntu-docs

2012-03-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2012/3/26 David Planella :
> In terms of hiding the template until freeze is in place, I'd personally
> recommend against that. I realize docs are a very special type of
> translation, as translations themselves are harder to do than in shorter
> strings, and as small changes in the sources mean a higher amount of
> work in retranslation than regular UI translations.
> The main reason why I'm against hiding templates is consistency: we show
> translation templates for all of the rest very early in the cycle, so
> that actual translations can be tested as soon as possible. A few years
> back we used to open translations relatively late in the development
> process, but at some point translators requested to have them open
> earlier, so now we tend to do it around alpha time, at the same time the
> first language packs are rolled out.

I understand, and also agree. If thinking about the specific case
here, your other suggestion would help here a bit:

> - Keep the POT file in upstream and Ubuntu in sync.

I think the last template update and upload on the Ubuntu side was on
February 5th. Had there been some middle point upload between that and
now, the upcoming change in Ubuntu translations would have been
somewhat smaller. I don't know if the upstream LP templates were
updated between early February and now this update, but if not,
possibly there was some point at which some portion of the
documentation updates was finished and could have been offered for
translation earlier together with an Ubuntu upload.

That said, I did an about hour's job merging the current Ubuntu
translations (old template) into the new ubuntu-docs upstream
translation template, starting with msgmerge output. I unfuzzied a lot
as is, ie. I didn't notice anything changed in the English string that
would have an effect on the translation, and also unfuzzied a lot with
eg. one word changes. There were for example a lot of even long
strings with the only change "top panel" -> "menu bar", which were
quick to fix while salvaging the rest of the translation that
Launchpad would have just lost.

In the end this relatively small job fixed about 60% of the new
according-to-LP untranslated strings. The new template brought the
untranslated strings count from ca. 360 to 1080, and this work
lessened that delta with over 400 strings. Those language teams that
won't do this will have a lot harder job to translate those 400
strings from scratch.


(for reference, here's how I did it:
1. downloaded ubuntu's ubuntu-docs translations, let's say as ubuntu-strings.po
2. downloaded ubuntu-docs upstream translations, as newtemplate.po
3. msgmerge ubuntu-strings.po newtemplate.po > newcombined.po
4. make sure your comment headers in newcombined.po match the
newtemplate.po strings - especially the Launchpad export tags
5. use your favorite localization editor to go through all the fuzzy strings
- skip those that have clearly some different content (unless you're
in the mood of doing the translations, but I'd recommend first getting
the real offline job done)
- if you recognize that the strings seem very similar, first check
that all tags and URL:s are correct in the translated string at least
- there are a couple of subtle changes - then go casually over the
content that it still matches the English string. make changes as
necessary. mark as translated.
6. upload the newcombined.po to ubuntu-docs upstream LP translations
7. wait for the queue to handle it (it will be in 'needs review' for some hours)

ubuntu-translators mailing list

UIFe: home lens ordering

2012-09-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki

With humble apologies, here would be another UIFe for a home lens
ordering improvement (
The design people explain the feature as follows:

"Displaying the content type most relevant to the user's search query
is one of the headline features of the 12.10 Dash.  This feature
enables all content types to be searched directly in the home lens, so
that users no longer need to navigate to content type specific lenses
before performing a search.  This feature solves identified usability
problems, and lays part of the foundation for further Dash
enhancements in 13.04.  Although slightly late landing, this is one of
the most important features to land in 12.10."

The feature is ready, and the question is if we can ship it. It's
available for quantal for example in the staging repository Unity


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Request for UIFE for a string in Application Lens filters

2013-10-03 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2013/10/1 Pawel Stolowski :
> I'd like to ask you for considering UI feature freeze exception for the
> following bug:
> This change fixes an inconsistency in naming of "Search plugins" filter
> option vs the corresponding "Dash plugins" results category.
> This should remove any confusion among users. Since filters are collapsed by
> default, I believe this change has minimal impact
> on screenshots.

With my translator hat on, this seems ok. If anyone disagrees, please tell.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Trusty translation import queue status?

2014-04-09 Thread Timo Jyrinki

Can anyone say what's up with the translation import queue? The queue
for trusty [1] a jolly three hundred thousand "Needs review"
translations, a mix of user uploads and automatic uploads.


Is there something that needs to be done/kicked to unblock processing
the bulk of it?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Trusty translation import queue status?

2014-04-09 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2014-04-09 22:56 GMT+03:00 Milo Casagrande :
>> [1] 
> I took a look, but it is hard to make sense of that pile of PO files.
> I approved and fixed some POT files (that at least I'm sure about),
> but others, have not even idea what template they should be or where
> they should go.

Thanks for your work, Milo! At least my app-install-data is now
approved (pending import), and I also see that regarding the evolution
reported there's nothing non-approved.

So it looks good from .pot file / manual uploads side at least, and
those generally are the most important ones to know to be functional.

My remaining worry, which also comes from experiencing the history of
problems in the past, is that if we're getting the latest upstream
translations or not. I'm positive similar to Ask that at least
Evolution translations from the upstream version we're shipping were
not (properly?) imported to Launchpad. While LP showed >800
untranslated strings the fi.po in apt-get source evolution has only
~400 untranslated strings, and it was possible to copy strings
directly from the fi.po we're shipping in the source to LP web
interface. This was the case until it was fixed manually this week.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

12.04 LTS hardware enablement support translatable messages

2014-08-06 Thread Timo Jyrinki

Heads up that 9 messages related to the recently required HWE stack /
distro upgrades for 12.04.2 LTS - 12.04.4 LTS users are in need of

After that we'd also naturally need langpack updates for 12.04 LTS for
the translated messages to become available.

I just tested 12.04 LTS in VM out of curiosity. Hopefully in case of
14.04 LTS this could be handled better (=earlier), and for that I now
filed a bug:


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: updated gallery-app translations for OTA5

2015-07-06 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Simos Xenitellis
>> msgid "MMM "
>> msgid "dd"
> "This is a QT DateTime format string. Most probably you will keep the
> same value in your translation.
> But if you want to modify, you need to select acceptable values from the list 
> at

That's a good comment, you probably want to keep them as is if gallery
works and looks good in your language.

Also, not translating them only looks bad in statistics, it will just
continue to work as before, using the default values.

It's customizable since Qt offers some too long strings in some
languages when using the default values.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Telegram translations

2015-10-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2015-10-02 19:33 GMT+03:00 Michal Karnicki :
> You can find the translation page here:

Could there be clarification (here/code) on what "checking in" is in
Telegram? I've used Telegram for some time and I'm not familiar with
that, so I also don't know how it should be translated. I'm sure the
Finnish word for flights check-in is not correct here :) The string is
"%1 has checked-in".

Also the "Call" in
/home/karni/src/telegram2/telegram/scope/preview.cpp:94 - would be
useful specify whether it's the verb "Call" (to call) or if it's a
"Call" (received call or something). They are two completely different
words in Finnish.

Thanks for the great app and the upcoming update!


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Re: Ubuntu phones and l10n

2016-01-22 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2016-01-22 14:39 GMT+02:00 marcoslans :
> I use a BQ 4.5 Ubuntu Edition and I've just checked that Gaelic is
> available in the locale list. I can't find Breton though.

Breton translations would be welcome at

Comparatively, Gaelic is pretty much complete when it comes to the
important packages:


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: uNav 0.59 translations

2016-04-20 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2016-04-19 21:22 GMT+03:00 Nekhelesh Ramananthan :
> If there are strings which are confusing, please let me know and I can add
> translator comments to them.

"Route so long"
Is it a funny way to say "you've such a long route" or does it mean
"do routing for as long as ..." ?

" to take the %1"
To conjugate correctly, one would need to know the complete context or
possibilities of contexts.

", %1" 
Probably nothing to translate really, but checking.

"Swipe Results"
Does it mean "swipe to view results" or some sort of "results of a


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translations for the new ubuntu-software/snap-store

2020-04-15 Thread Timo Jyrinki
ke 15. huhtik. 2020 klo 20.43 Sebastien Bacher ( kirjoitti:
> The default ubuntu-software application in Ubuntu Focal has been
> transitioned from gnome-software to 'snap-store', the project can be
> translated on launchpad at that url

Note that in my case the first ~700 untranslated strings were XML
translations that are not that useful to translate, while the last 15
untranslated strings are the important ones ie categories like Finance


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Call for testing: langpack updates for 20.04.2

2021-02-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
to 28. tammik. 2021 klo 13.27 Sebastien Bacher ( kirjoitti:
> The snaps don't use translations from language pack so respinning
> wouldn't make a difference for that specific case. We should refresh the
> snap with updated translations at some point

Has this been done at some point? I'm just wondering since I see some
of the untranslated strings in snap-store (3.38.0-59-g494f078) I can
find were translated in April 2020 according to

For example Devices and IoT, Books and Reference, Development... the
Permissions has a known bug, are all the others also victim of the
same problem ?



ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translating the Ubuntu flutter applications (including the installer)

2024-04-16 Thread Timo Jyrinki

Sebastien Bacher kirjoitti 27.3.2024 klo 17.03:
The translation project got renamed as part of the changes and includes 
the installer/provisioning components as well as the app-center and 

Thank you for the access rights.

I quickly ran through the Finnish translations, they should be ok now. 
There were some bits of getting used to Weblate after Launchpad, see below.

Notably for people coming from Launchpad background you will want to 
seek the "Zen" buttons to get a familiar, not too slow translation mode.

As you translate (or review existing translations), you need to click 
Approve (or whatever it is in your language) for each string, otherwise 
it will stay only as Translated but waiting for review.

Additionally, there are flagged "errors" for reasons like reused 
translations, no change from the original string etc which in all their 
redness seem alarming at first, but seem like harmless once you 
understand how they're flagged. I'd prefer being able to mark them 
"ignore" and make them green again.

If I understand correctly, there are a lot of Translated translations 
but almost none (aside from Finnish now) that are also Approved. It 
would be nice to get clarified that the Approved status is probably 
required for being included? If that's the case, hurry up or aim for .1 
release instead :)

Thanks, looking forward to a great distro release.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Feisty translations now open

2007-03-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
> Ubuntu Feisty translations are now open in Launchpad!


I wonder where the normal Ubuntu's desktopguide has gone? I can only find 




ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Feisty translations now open

2007-03-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> I wonder where the normal Ubuntu's desktopguide has gone?

As as an educated guess, it has something to do with the new templates 
"newtoubuntu", "office", "programming" etc., but all of those are 0 size 
at the moment.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation of Ubuntu Documentation

2007-03-22 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Matthew East kirjoitti:
>> Ubuntu documentation is now ready for translation in Rosetta at this
>> address:

It'd have been nice that those would not have been allowed to be
translated before they were "ready" to be translated. It seems that now
that some final upload was done, it overwrote some of the strings that
were translated during the last few days, ie. putting worse translations
from the old desktopguides on top of some of the translations.

It also seems that the translations that were done are not necessarily
even available as suggestions anymore.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation of Ubuntu Documentation

2007-03-22 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Carlos Perelló Marín kirjoitti:
> Well, the final upload just did an autoaprove of what Edgy had, you
> still got those translations as suggestions. Anyway, yes, once the split
> was done, the translations should also be split to prevent this kind of
> things.

Yes, translations should be locked in case there will still be some
imports that will overwrite translations, as otherwise there's much of
double-reviewing to be done.

Generally the translations done later on are of more high-quality,
because the existing suggestions from other POTs are already being shown
and it's easier to spot problematic translations when doing the
translations again.

> If you still think this happened, could you point me to a concrete
> message so I can debug this a bit more to see whether it's indeed a bug?

Well, it might be too late as I already quickly went through the
translations to fix any damages. One easy example was this:
The 6th string, "Users and Groups", I know I translated it as "Käyttäjät
ja ryhmät" a few days ago, as there was this existing suggestion with
uppercase "R" (Ryhmät) which I fixed to be lower-case as usual in
Finnish. Now it was overwritten by edgy's "Käyttäjät ja Ryhmät", and
before I now fixed it again, it did not show my previous translation
done a few days ago in the suggestions at all.

There were not too many translations that were overwritten, but I think
I noticed something similar with two or three longer translations, too -
I had to rethink what I had written earlier.

If someone else notices something similar in some other language, please
tell Carlos before fixing those so that he can check it :)


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Feisty string freeze: new ubiquity strings

2007-03-28 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Colin Watson wrote:

> I felt that this justified breaking the string freeze as the extra 
> error handling in this case fixes a large number of reported bugs -

My opinion is that these kind of things are perfectly fine, as long as you 
inform the translation teams like you just did. If there would be no 
developers that upload packages to main with changed strings after the 
string freeze without informing this list, it wouldn't matter even if it 
was almost daily (in case there are really important string changes that 
often). Unfortunately this does not always happen.

Any active translation team does not have a problem to fix even tens of 
new strings in a few days time, but the problem is that many times you 
just have to be "hunting" for the new strings in Rosetta, checking the 
applications have been already translated one-by-one etc. It's quite 
obvious that eg. restricted-manager is still under construction, but it's 
harder to spot if some small changes are done to eg. yelp or *gksu*.

Not a big problem, though, and has been a bigger problem in the past, so 
just mentioning.

So thanks for letting us know, and feel free to do other changes too if it 
significantly improves the installer :)


ubuntu-translators mailing list

bluez-gnome now fully translatable

2007-04-03 Thread Timo Jyrinki

My small patches went in, making it possible to translate bluez-gnome 
fully (including the .desktop item):

Just FYI.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Deadlines for ubuntu-docs translations

2007-04-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> We'll be importing the last set of translations for ubuntu-docs before
> the release this Friday/Saturday, so you have a few days now to get some
> last translations done for the documentation.

The first ubuntu-docs with translations included was now uploaded, but 
when are the yelp front page translations going to show up? The side bar 
elements are now translated, but not the translations for the rest of the 
page, translations for which have been done in Rosetta a long time ago 

They don't seem to be coming from the language packs, daily or not.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Deadlines for ubuntu-docs translations

2007-04-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Matthew East wrote:

>> The first ubuntu-docs with translations included was now uploaded, but
>> when are the yelp front page translations going to show up? The side bar
>> elements are now translated, but not the translations for the rest of the
>> page, translations for which have been done in Rosetta a long time ago
>> already.
> As I said in another post, these translations should be in the yelp
> package (and hence the language-packs). Please check to make sure that you
> have these strings translated. If the strings are not present, there is a
> bug somewhere, which we should definitely fix as a matter of urgency.

Yes, like I said / meant they have been translated in Rosettas yelp 
package for a long time (no untranslated strings), yet they are not 
showing up.

I'm using the latest language packs from


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Deadlines for ubuntu-docs translations

2007-04-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
> Yes, like I said / meant they have been translated in Rosettas yelp
> package for a long time (no untranslated strings), yet they are not
> showing up.

Digging a bit deeper, msgunfmt shows that the translations are there in, but they do not show up.

(eg. msgunfmt /usr/share/locale-langpack/fi/LC_MESSAGES/ | grep 

I thought they'd thus somehow require a manual upload of yelp to include 
the translations, but apparently there is actually some problem?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Yelp translations (was: Deadlines for ubuntu-docs translations)

2007-04-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> Right, this sounds like a yelp bug, certainly. Is it happening with all
> languages?

I now also tried out German and French, both showing the same problem. 
Translations for eg. "Common Questions" (and others) are under 
locale-langpack/XX/LC_MESSAGES, but the yelp main page is in English for 
each of the languages.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: yelp translations

2007-04-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> I've uploaded a version with updated translations, the categories are
> still in english apparently though

No, it's all okay now! The latest ubuntu-docs update from yesterday 
brought the translated topics for those languages that had them 
translated, and it's now all translated.

Thanks for your work!


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: All changes in translation don't come up in Feisty

2007-04-14 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Hi Ari!

On Sat, 14 Apr 2007, Ari Torhamo wrote:

> Feisty. For example, I made a correction for the string (are they called
> strings?) number 3 on nineth of april, but it still hasn't been moved
> into the documentation. The changes I made have not disappeared, they
> just stay in Launchpad and can be seen next to the label "Current
> Finnish".

ubuntu-docs packages is a package that is one of the "non language pack" 
translations. The deadline for NonLanguagePackTranslations was on April 
5th according to , which 
means that the strings for the final release were frozen back then (or, as 
it turned, actually around the following weekend).

Updates will be done to the ubuntu-docs package after the release at some 
point, so any further translation work will be included in Ubuntu 7.04 
updates later on.

Also, non language pack translations are never automatically updated, 
but manually, which means that even if the deadline had not yet come, 
translations could only be seen if the ubuntu-docs package was updated, or 
if you followed the instructions at to test the 


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Stuck in the priority loop

2007-06-07 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Daniel Nylander kirjoitti:
> I have done seriously large changes in the GNOME translations but they
> will not be automatically imported because of the import priority
> (Launchpad translations are superceding upstream translations).

Even on the larger scale, this is a real problem that needs to be
addressed. Known-good upstream translation should be allowed to be
somehow override the Launchpad translations, indeed by resetting the
origin field or something similar.

Is there any chance the "Published upload" upload option could do this,
or is the option reserved for some other usage? I haven't noticed any
difference from "User upload", or documentation on the difference.

For the Finnish language team, we'd have similar needs as Daniel has,
but for a few of the KDE translations (possibly GNOME too), and also
Gaim-now-Pidgin that I'm the official translator of.

Any comment from the Launchpad/Rosetta team? Daniel's original post may
be seen at


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Next steps improving Rosetta

2007-07-24 Thread Timo Jyrinki

Thanks for the feature that we can now finally fix the possible damages
done in Rosetta by selecting the "Packaged" translation, and keep the
improvements so that we can at least manually send them upstream.

Before the "changed in Launchpad" filter was there, it was next to
impossible to send any improvements upstream even manually. This is a
great step, though maybe something that many of us would have liked to
see from the very beginning.

I hope all the best to those languages that took everyone willing to
their teams and had more havoc than our language (Finnish). We had some
damages, but nothing that we now cannot repair. And if some language
team still hasn't established any clear requirements for the members, I
recommend having such. QA is still too hard to do in Launchpad to accept
any willing people to the translation teams.

I'd hope to see the following improvements in Rosetta in the future:

1. "mass revert", meaning an upload PO file option where one can select
"treat this as upstream and overwrite any Rosetta changes". I've
currently clicked through eg. one package's 400 changed in Rosetta
strings, in both gutsy and feisty, that were caused by an earlier manual
upload of upstream translation that is now outdated but marked as having
been done in Rosetta. mass revert would be very welcome if we had more
packages like this

2. This one would be _really_ welcome: A new column, maybe optional, to
the translations list called "Changed in Rosetta", that has the number
of changed strings in Rosetta per package. This would allow us to sort
by the most changed packages and examine those in more detail, possibly
reverting to upstream or taking the improvements to upstream.

3. Download option "download only changed". This would allow for a
neater way of having the improvements to be sent to upstream. Currently
I've left the improvements I approve in Rosetta, and sent an URL to the
changed strings in a package to the GNOME upstream language team leader,
who is luckily in our translation team too and willing to copy-paste a
few tens of strings from the web pages to the SVN translation files.

Could you consider these in your future plans, if they're not there yet?
In a short term, the 2nd improvement would be the most welcome, since it
enables teams to check for possible bigger damages more easily. Of
course, if big damages are found, 1st improvement could be very handy.

Btw, I tried to use Firefox extension to automatically select "Packaged"
form items on a page, but unfortunately the names of the items are IMO
unidentifiable from others.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

gnome-app-install now fully translatable in Feisty

2007-08-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Hi all,

With thanks to Carlos who uploaded a new POT file manually to Feisty, 
gnome-app-install's codec installation dialogs among else are now finally 
translatable in Feisty. See
for your language.

As for gutsy, there were problems still with the POT file generation, but 
those have been solved. However, the new POT file is in "Needs Review" 
state, so gutsy version is still not translatable. Everyone can keep an 
eye on it so that we'll have also that one fully translatable before 
gutsy release.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: translating gnome-user-docs

2007-09-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> In this release cycle Ubuntu has made some customisations to the
> gnome-user-docs packages, in particular regarding the Gnome User Guide
> and Gnome Accessibility Guide.

Just as a sidenote, are you going to update to 2.20 gnome-user-docs since 
the current version is 2.18.2+svnxxx? Partial Finnish translation is now 
available in the trunk, and I'd like to know if we should submit an 
Ubuntu-specific patch before the release.

Greek is also now a newcomer to the trunk version of gnome-user-docs.

> My question involves the Ubuntu changes. Would people prefer to see
> the templates for these uploaded to Rosetta as with ubuntu-docs, and
> translate them there?

Well, I personally would prefer not, as it's not being done for other 
documentation either. I would rather encourage every Ubuntu translators to 
also work with the upstream, a starting point for gnome-user-docs would 

1. If your language is not already included, get the POT file and start 
translating for your own language
2. If your language is there but only partially translated, get the 
existing PO file and continue translation from there
3. Find out who's able to do svn uploads to GNOME repository so that you 
are able to send your new or updated PO file (possibly with figures) to
4. Remember to make sure that the translation will be included in Ubuntu, 
if the case is (like it's here) that Ubuntu release is nearby and the new 
GNOME version is about to be released soon.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: translating gnome-user-docs

2007-09-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> Working with upstream is not enough in this case - there are
> *ubuntu-specific* changes which we are making to the documentation,

Okay, yes. I'm fine with updating ubuntu-specific changes manually by 
sending updated PO files for eg. gnome2-user-guide via Launchpad. Rosetta 
is okay too - it is not necessary to use it to other stuff besides 
Ubuntu-specific changes if one does not want to. One problem with Rosetta 
during gutsy timeframe is though that it's currently quite loaded and 
adding new big translations there might make it harder to keep 
imports from upstream, translation templates from ubuntu packages and 
syncs to language/doc-packs up-to-date. So I wouldn't recommend it for 

The thing that is needed anyway is to send e-mail to ubuntu-translators. 
So when 2.20 final has been imported to gutsy, I think another 
announcement could be made that "please take the source to 
gnome-user-docs and update the translation + check it with these 

We've a couple of places where Rosetta is not used, like Firefox front 
pages etc., but I don't think it's really necessary for 100% everything to 
be put there if it requires much hacking. There should be enough people 
who are able to commit a few translations in other ways besides WWW 
forms, or otherwise we wouldn't have GNOME/KDE translated at all.

A wiki page about these "exceptions" would be nice, though. I think I saw 
such during dapper timeframe or something.

> As for updating: the +svn in the version number means that all changes
> from the latest upstream svn trunk are merged into the package. 2.18.2
> is simply the latest upstream release.

Ok, thanks. Please do one more sync after 2.20 is released, 6 languages 
have been updated since then.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation import queue slowness

2007-09-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Gabor Kelemen kirjoitti:
> Anybody knows, what's going on in the import queue? It's slow, very very 
> slw...

I also noticed the same, Evolution being imported for about two whole
days. Now there's new stuff before it (probably from Needs review
-queue), and the Evolution is still there... if it's again going to take
several days handling Evolution when it gets there, we really have hard
time seeing the whole queue imported in time for the string freeze.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Documentation for Gutsy (string freeze exception request)

2007-09-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Phil Bull kirjoitti:
> Because making string changes at this point will affect the translations
> of the documentation, I'd like to ask for your permission to make the
> necessary changes. Ideally, we'd fix all of the bugs and upload updated
> translation templates by Friday/Saturday.
> Please let me know whether it's OK to make the proposed changes, and
> sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi. I think it's good to correct (English) typos. The only problem is
that non-language-pack translation freeze is already on next Thursday
(4th of October), and currently the time it takes for Rosetta uploads to
get imported is way over 5 days usually, unless the documentation
templates can somehow be imported in higher priority. It might become
impossible to actually have the ubuntu-docs translations done by the

Any other thoughts?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Gutsy: Pictures, Documents, Music etc.

2007-10-01 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Erdal Ronahi kirjoitti:
> in which template can I find the new folder names like Pictures,
> Documents, Music etc. that appear also in the "Places" menu?


While on the subject, I'd like to know if someone can confirm my bug at I
filed a new bug since my original bug was actually about not having the
translations at all, and currently I'm just worried that many users will
see English folder names in the Places menu because xdg-user-dirs
translations aren't always available since they depend on the
installation of language packs during the installation time.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: broken translations in ubuntu-docs

2007-10-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> [1]
> [2]

Finnish (fi) should be fixed now in Rosetta (basic-commands, hardware, 
internet). I took the svn version of ubuntu-docs, Rosetta PO files as 
downloads and used the to find broken parts of XML:s. Then I 
searched for the corresponding point in the fi.po file, fixed it there and 
made the same correction manually in Rosetta after finding the correct 
spot there.

I also recommend everyone to find the correct point to fix in Rosetta 
instead of uploading a PO file, since the queue for gutsy is currently 
huge. It might help to put manually eg. ?batch=100 in the URL to get a 
bigger amount of strings in Rosetta at the same time.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Updating Feisty translations for ubuntu-docs

2007-10-08 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> I'm currently considering doing translation updates for the
> ubuntu-docs package in Feisty. I'd intended to do this much earlier
> but was prevented by the time consuming nature of the exercise - given
> that the exercise is now a bit smoother, we could definitely succeed
> in updating the translations.
> I'd like to hear your views: is this useful, or is it too late to be useful?

I think it'd be useful, and would be very happy to have updated 
ubuntu-docs for Feisty. The schedule for Feisty translations was tight, 
and we made huge progress after the release. We have also had considerable 
marketing/spreading efforts with Feisty CDs, and many people do stay with 
Feisty for a long while despite newer release being available. It would be 
nice to have more complete documentation available for those.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Gutsy: Pictures, Documents, Music etc.

2007-10-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007, Danilo egan wrote:

> This approach maybe works for those who don't distribute language
> packs, but it doesn't for those who do.  I guess Ubuntu should ship
> these translations as part of the package instead of putting them
> inside language packs.  Something to discuss with Ubuntu developers.

Ubuntu already ships the translations as part of the package. I suggested 
it in a bug report about a month ago, and it was implemented in 
0.9-0ubuntu1. There might be still problems if the upstream doesn't have 
the translation but it's been added in Rosetta, but that's natural. 
Upstream currently has 35 languages translated.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: request for release notes translations

2007-10-16 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Daniel Nylander wrote:

>> is would be or
>> something like that.
> I have already started to translate the page over at

I translated the Finnish Release Notes now to , but Matthew Nuzum 
will probably instruct us on what actually should be done.

It doesn't hurt to do the work now anyway, pages can be moved/copied etc. 
when needed. The release notes translations have to kept synchronized with 
any changes in the English version, though.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: request for release notes translations

2007-10-16 Thread Timo Jyrinki
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Timo Jyrinki wrote:

> Matthew Nuzum will probably instruct us on what actually should be done.

Ok, he replied on the loco-contacts mailing list:

So, the correct form is, ie. lower case 
language code like "fr", "fi" or "de".


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Reminders: 1. UI freeze == string freeze, notifications needed for translators. 2. please remember i18n.

2008-03-07 Thread Timo Jyrinki

I'd like to remind developers about the UI freeze, which is string
freeze at the same time. See

I'm generally more interested in getting stuff done that following
processes that tightly, but for Ubuntu localization to succeed (one
thing in the core of Ubuntu philosophy) at the very least
notifications about changed/new strings are needed to be sent to
ubuntu-translators mailing list.

Two most recent ones of which there is no notification, are:
- network-manager-applet 0.6.6-0ubuntu1
3 new strings
- language-selector 0.3.0
2 new strings

...and those are just quick examples from ca. today. There are more.

It's not a problem for me to open the list of 1500 translation
templates, sort it by the import date and look through recent changes
that have introduced new strings in important packages, but it's not
what every translation team / member knows how to do or that it should
be done in the first place.

There are going to be changes to important packages also in the coming
weeks, I'm almost certain - Firefox is currently totally untranslated,
and the ubufox extension definitely needs translations finally now
that an LTS release is being done.

Reminder2: please take care that all the stuff you hack on that needs
to be translatable, is translatable and that the i18n also works in
practice. You may check if your package (in main) is translatable for
the Ubuntu translators at -
you should also double-check that all the needed strings are generated
to the pot file in your source package, ie. all code / glade files are
included in the POTFILES and proper i18n initialization is done.

-Timo / Ubuntu Finnish translators

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Reminders: 1. UI freeze == string freeze, notifications needed for translators. 2. please remember i18n.

2008-03-07 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/3/7, Scott James Remnant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Package maintainers are no more in the light than the translators, all
>  the package maintainer is doing is packaging a new upstream version and
>  uploading it.

The wider subject is an interesting one any maybe something that
should be part of some tool - telling "stringinterdiff" between

Anyway, I'm most interested in the ubuntu-specific packages, where the
maintainers are also the developers - they should note whenever they
change any text in the program during UIFreeze. Also the program UI
should of course be ready by that time. If eg. GNOME application has
strings changed during their own string freeze, package maintainer
cannot be excepted to always notice that. But when a new upstream
version of some user-visible main-repository program is put in, like
network-manager-applet, I think it should be part of the process
during UI freeze to notify translators since it's almost certain have

I'm not sure about the best way developers could spot the changes if
one is not sure. One is that once the template from the source package
is updated in Launchpad's Rosetta, it's seen in the most common
packages easily if all languages now miss some translations. But
that's more a tip from the translator's perspective...

Part of the subject is also, as noted, that if application
functionality is changed so that documentation needs updating, the doc
team needs to be contacted. These collaborations with documentation
and translator teams during UI Freeze should be part of the very basic
developer documentation (if it's not there yet).

> Both of the packages referred to, I believe, are part of a standard
>  freeze exception -- as is the entire GNOME desktop.

Maybe FeatureFreeze exception, but not UserInterfaceFreeze exception?
The UIFreeze process might very well need changing, and spreading
information about it, but it's currently as it is described on the page.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Reminders: 1. UI freeze == string freeze, notifications needed for translators. 2. please remember i18n.

2008-03-10 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/3/8, Scott Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Does string freeze include changes to package descriptions?

Not sure if I'm the correct person to answer this, but I'd say no.
Package description translations is not what Ubuntu translators do
every day, or at least Ubuntu doesn't offer a framework like Rosetta
to do those. I personally think package description translations
should mostly be done in Debian anyway.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: gnome-user-docs translateable

2008-03-21 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/3/20, Matthew East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  You can now translate gnome-user-docs in Rosetta at the following url.

Thanks! Is the "Assistive Tools" on the Yelp front page coming from
Rosetta's accessibility-guide now, among else? If so, people should
definitely find and translate that string since it's so highly
visible, and Ubuntu-specific. It's string number 27 in
accessibility-guide template for those searching for it.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: request for release notes translations

2008-04-18 Thread Timo Jyrinki

has now apparently been moved to:

Under which should the translations go? If under the latter, should
all the existing translations be moved likewise to exist at instead of current


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Rosetta-Feedback - UDS Prague

2008-06-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/6/11 Sebastian Heinlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Arne, Jerome, Danilo and Ubuntu translators,


> at UDS Prague I had a short discussion with Arne and other translators
> about Rosetta and the general translation process. Here is a summary of
> the raised issues.

Yep, unfortunately I left for the airport before the session.

I've just a few additional comments and tips that I was aiming to
share, and also an English translation of our home page.

> So the education of good translators is more important to us than
> getting a huge number of translated strings (of questionable quality).

Yes, definitely. The most important parts to do in Rosetta is checking
for highly visible omissions in translations (new strings not in
upstream, or possible import errors), translating *ubuntu-docs and
checking that translation do not diverge from upstream translations.
Contributing back to upstream when such stuff is done in Rosetta is
necessary, too.

All that requires quite educated use of Rosetta and other tools.

> As far as I know the Finnish team made a manual clean up of their
> translation. But to be honest this involves a lot of click-click work
> and I am not sure if I find anybody who is willing to do so for the
> German translation.

Yes. What I did was to use URL ,
when it still worked in the previous LP version, sorted the whole by
the "Changed" column and went through each translation that had 1 or
more string changed from upstream. It was a relatively huge job,
clicking one by one "Packaged" on each template's each changed string,
but in the end I had reviewed that the changed strings left were
actually necessary, and also such that were contributed in newer
upstream versions so that they will be marked "Packaged" in the next
Ubuntu again.

The effort would be nearly impossible for those languages that had
more of the "wild times" in the early Launchpad / Rosetta times when
some teams accepted everyone (hundreds!) on the language team and
there was _no_ way to do QA.

For some very largely changed templates, I took the upstream PO file
and simply uploaded it as the "User upload" (since Public upload
doesn't overwrite Launchpad changes). That's a way to revert big
problems in specific packages, though at the same time one might
overwrite some good changes with regards to upstream translations.

Regarding QA, that batch=1500 URL was the only easy way to do QA also,
since the only QA method in Rosetta is sorting by the "Last Edited"
column and looking through what was changed. Now that the batch size
was limited, I use a bookmark folder with five links like

These methods I use to keep Finnish translations in good condition
speak also about the clear problems in Rosetta, though by knowing
these tricks helps of course. Until a year ago Rosetta was also so
broken that the "Changed" column didn't really work, so the first time
it was possible to systematically fix broken translations for Ubuntu
was for the gutsy release.

Anyway, Sebastian had so good points I won't go on commenting all of
them. Just wanted to share some of what I've done to keep things in
shape - Finnish translations are currently in a rather good shape in

We also have a list of requirements for any potential new translations
on our home page, which has proved to be good enough so that the new
people on the team are sufficiently capable and communicative.
Especially the part about writing something about itself on one's
Launchpad page has been a good measurement about whether the applicant
has read the home page or not :) Sebastian asked me at UDS-Prague (if
I recall correctly, it was in the bar) to list them in English, so
I'll just translate the whole home page more or less. The text below
is written by me and in public domain.


= Ubuntu Finnish translators =

Ubuntu Finnish translators translate Ubuntu into Finnish. Translating
Ubuntu in Rosetta is most useful a month or two before the next
Ubuntu's release, when all pieces are in place but some translations
are missing. Before this it's useful to participate eg. GNOME
( or KDE ( translation projects.

[a chapter about only "main" being in Rosetta, and "universe" packages
are always translated in upstream projects]

Group's mailing list is at - each
member should join it.

[a chapter about current situation, eg. link to Rosetta's hardy
translations and saying that until August-September it's recommended
to join upstream translation projects so that 8.10 translations are as
complete as they can get, coming from upstream - at the same time
translations are not forgotten to be sent to upstream when they are
done in upstream]

Note! Translator group's membership la

Re: Rosetta-Feedback - UDS Prague

2008-06-15 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/6/15 Neskie Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  I would like to work with somone,
> interested on implementing features and writing/collecting
> documentation that would make this easier for other new translation
> teams.   This would be helpful for groups in North America, Papua New
> Guinea, South America, and other areas where people are starting
> fresh.

Since this is clearly something very close to Ubuntu philosophy in
general, I'd hope someone at Canonical could spare some time helping
in writing this kind of documentation together. But anyway since you
seem to have quite a lot of knowledge already, it would be great to
have at least something written down in page named eg. "Getting new
language up and running HOWTO" in Ubuntu wiki or other place. I don't
think there's a general guide anywhere that covers all of glibc locale
information adding, keyboards, fonts, Unicode CLDR information and
other stuff like that?

Some statistics about Sami languages that are spoken around here in
the Nordic countries, even though I don't speak any of them: out of
the 9 still existing Sami languages, only the biggest one (Northern
Sami, sme, 3 speakers) has the mentioned basic things covered and
some KDE translations are actually in Ubuntu. Out of the rest, at
least Southern Sami (sma_NO, ca. 500 speakers), Lule Sami (smj_SE, ca.
1500 speakers), Skolt Sami (sms_FI, ca. 400 speakers) and Inari Sami
(smn_FI, ca. 300 speakers) could have IMO real possibilities of
translating Ubuntu. For example Skolt Sami and Inari Sami have quite
well preserved status here in Finland despite the low number of
speakers. Kildin Sami spoken in Russia has apparently no approved
language code even though it has ca. 650 speakers, because of
orthographical issues + lots of dialects.

One interesting topic is also how to decide the default country codes
for the locales to be used - it's relatively clear when the largest
proportion of speakers is in one country (like I chosed countries for
the mentioned other Sami languages), but there might be quite corner
cases. I think the default Northern Sami configuration had _NO
assumed, even though there are thousands of speakers in Sweden and
Finland, too.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: ANN: Nightmonkey - new project to help the translation of package descriptions

2008-08-28 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/8/27 Gabor Kelemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The Ubuntu-l10n-hu team proudly presents it's newest development, called
> Nightmonkey.

Hi. Nightmonkey looks great! Just what is needed to fill in the
missing really-important bits late in the schedule. I have sometimes
searched through ddtp-ubuntu translations with great pain (guessing
after how many thousands of strings would be a certain package), and
that eases the pain a lot.

However, it is important to note that the primary place to do package
description translations is Debian, from where descriptions are synced
to Ubuntu but not the other way around.

I updated the page to reflect this.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: No KDE upstream translations imported to Rosetta?

2008-09-29 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/9/28 Matthew East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> To try to minimise future problems, could it be considered for
> communications between Rosetta and Ubuntu to be done on this list?
> Ubuntu is a community project and unless there is a good reason to do
> things privately (maybe there was in this case, I don't know), I think
> that using this list is probably the best way to avoid
> misunderstandings, because more eyes will see the mails.

I agree. Launchpad's Rosetta people, please communicate and discuss on
the ubuntu-translators list.

Jeroen gave a good description of some of the problems a few days ago
on launchpad-users:

Launchpad-users is a moderated list, and my post from three days ago
is still not visible. I'd like to re-iterate a part of it:
As the KDE4 pot:s seem to be imported now (though po files not yet),
there's "only" 132 "Needs review" pot:s queued. Of those, I'd like to
point out this one:

...just because being able to translate those entries in
gnome-app-install would be a major l10n improvement in intrepid.

That is: translators, if you see app-install-data-ubuntu becoming
available (it still isn't), translate! It will patch up a rather
visible i18n problem seen by everyone eg. installing codecs via
gnome-app-install. The problem and the current fix were discussed at
which I reported two months ago.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: ubuntu-docs updates for translation into Intrepid

2008-09-30 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/9/30 Ricardo Pérez López <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> When will be the ubuntu-docs templates updated in Intrepid, so we (the
> translators) could translate them before Intrepid release? We only have
> less than a month to get the documentation fully updated & translated
> for this release.

Actually a lot less, since the nonlanguagepackage freeze is already on
16th of October.

Documentation freeze is on Thursday this week, and by then we really
should have the new ubuntu-docs translatable, since there's only two
weeks time anyway.

Any update on this? In the past, Launchpad team has been able to
priorize imports by changing their dates so that they go to the front
of the queue.

(and doc team could say if the current POTs queued are final or not)

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Call for intrepid translations

2008-10-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/4 Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I thought there had been progress on it last week and assumed the translation
> stats reflected the real status.

Progress, yes, but there are still (at this moment) over 40 thousand
PO or POT files queued for import:

The progress is that they are Approved now, which is great, but the
time is getting short regarding getting them all in on time,
especially as new stuff is being uploaded all the time and the
deadline of some of the translations is on 16th of October.

There is also currently 53 POT files still needing review still at
(is there some problem with the app-install-data-ubuntu, it's still
not Approved?) and 13 000 PO files needing review.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

App-install-data-ubuntu now available for translation

2008-10-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/9/29 Timo Jyrinki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> That is: translators, if you see app-install-data-ubuntu becoming
> available (it still isn't), translate! It will patch up a rather
> visible i18n problem seen by everyone eg. installing codecs via
> gnome-app-install. The problem and the current fix were discussed at
> which I reported two months ago.

Hi all. This is now translatable at:

Since gnome-app-install is the most easy way to install applications,
now it's a great time to start translating the all too common English
strings there into variety of languages.

I'd especially note the gstreamer strings quite near the beginning.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: App-install-data-ubuntu now available for translation

2008-10-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
> Is this going to be a langpack or should we treat it as a non-langpack?

AFAIK langpack, but I'm not a developer of gnome-app-install as such.
In other words, ubuntu-docs / debian-installer translation should be
priority until next Thursday if you have something left to translate

2008/10/12 David Planella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In addition to Milo's question, is there a Debian equivalent to this?
> What I mean is, do we have to take care of coordinating the
> translation with Debian, or is this simply a package where Ubuntu is
> upstream?

I'd say Ubuntu is pretty much the upstream. Debian (or anything else)
doesn't have a systematic way of translating .desktop files, instead
(real application) .desktop translations should all be delivered to
real upstreams individually. On the other hand, a huge pile of the
.desktop translations in app-install-data-ubuntu are for .desktop
files which have been fake-generated just for gnome-app-install's
usage since there is no corresponding desktop item anyway (for example
the GStreamer packages which are just libraries).

While going through the app-install-data-ubuntu, I found that some
real application .desktop were included, and not translated even
though it is translated in the corresponding package - Freeciv for
example. For many others, the correct translation was suggested but
not automatically used. I'm not sure if the .pot file generation
currently is optimal, but most importantly it will let us translate
some important entries in gnome-app-install anyway.

There is however
- so like with update-notifer and update-manager, translations
generated at Launchpad should be at some point exported by the
developer for the Debian package, or alternatively the developer
should be poked to do this.

Ubuntu-developed packages have not had translations exported
optimally, seen in eg. bug reports of update-notifier etc. in Debian,
but I'd think the translation exports should anyway be done mostly by
the developer or Debian package maintainer, ie. all translations at


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: App-install-data-ubuntu now available for translation

2008-10-12 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/12 Timo Jyrinki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> AFAIK langpack

Right, tested this and the translations seem to work just fine if
they'll just get into langpacks.

Ie. you can test the translations by downloading as PO from Launchpad,
and doing msgfmt -c -v [downloaded_translation].po -o ; mv


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: new strings in ubuntu-docs

2008-10-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/12 Matthew East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This is to let you know that we have modified a few strings in
> ubuntu-docs and uploaded new templates to Launchpad. This was to fix
> some issues in the documentation introduced by changes to network
> manager and other quite serious bugs in the instructions.
> I hope these templates will be imported soon.

Hi Jeroen. How about these? If these do not get both imported, and
translated by translators, before this week's Thursday, we're going to
have non-complete documentation translations, right? So basically
ubuntu-docs should again be put in the front of the queue since their
deadline is a week earlier than others.

In other news, 25000 PO files to go, too slow to have translations in
good condition for the release... :( GNOME 2.24.1 is not even
included, it will bring a good amount of PO files very near to the
freeze (next Monday), so queue should optimally be empty before those.

Anyway, thanks for all the efforts so far. KDE4 is now in a lot better shape.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

desktop-* from KDE4 not imported automatically

2008-10-16 Thread Timo Jyrinki

We've noticed desktop-* have not been brought from upstream, even
though otherwise KDE4 (among all else) is starting to look fine
finally. This can be seen eg. by looking at:

Apparently the rare ones with green bars have done "Published
upload":s of PO files downloaded from KDE's translations site,
including a member of Finnish translation team which did it for us.

Just FYI. I'm not sure if they even come in some source tarball or
not, or is it a special case that should be done "manually" (by
Rosetta developers)? In the upstream translation stats, they are
available under each module separately, like


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: new strings in ubuntu-docs

2008-10-17 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/16 Jeroen Vermeulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> A great majority of the files still on the Approved queue are OpenOffice
> ones.  I moved those to the back of the queue (as before) because we've
> already run full OpenOffice imports, and these would probably give us
> relatively little compared to the other files we could be importing in the
> same time.

This is great, and indeed the new OOo uploads have been of the same
upstream version so there shouldn't be changes.

Unfortunately it seems like the queue is somehow quite stalled now -
it has been importing gimp stuff for the past two days or so, and the
beginning of files is staying at a little over 3000 PO
files away (similar to two days ago). At the usual 2000-3000 / day
rate, the machines should already be churning after
having imported everything else.

Since the GNOME 2.24.1 will come in a few days, it would be important
for the import to work at (more or less) normal speed. I don't know
GIMP is "the new OpenOffice" regarding import speed or there is
something else.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: desktop-* (KDE4) and some other PO files not imported at all

2008-10-18 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/16 Timo Jyrinki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> We've noticed desktop-* have not been brought from upstream, even
> though otherwise KDE4 (among all else) is starting to look fine
> finally. This can be seen eg. by looking at:

Some more:

GNOME has a lot more translations than what's in Launchpad, and eg.
Finnish was completely empty in Launchpad before my "Published upload"
upload even though it was fully translated in 2.24 release, and
probably many of these others were too at the release time already:

I've also had to manually upload 1.0.x system-config-printer
translation, it might be a similar case since the SVN versions used in
Ubuntu should have had full translations already.

I've noticed that also other people than me make up for these problems
by manually uploading, but please let both other translators and
Launchpad developer know the problem points! Each one should be
investigated about why the files were not imported like they should.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: desktop-* (KDE4) and some other PO files not imported at all

2008-10-21 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/21 Kenneth Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Isn't manually uploading to compensate for lack of automatic
> integration of upstream translations, a bit like peeing in your pants
> to stay warm? As far as I know, as soon as you upload manually it
> counts as a LP translation, which means that all the usual fun and
> horror with override priorities start kecking in.

No, if you upload it as Published upload instead of User upload. The
uploaded file's translations are marked as being upstream, ie.
possible Rosetta translations take precedence but all the "empty
slots" are filled (and the rest can be reverted also back to Packaged
if there was some work done in Rosetta).

So, it exactly works as a hack to workaround current Rosetta problems,
but both we (all translation teams) and Rosetta developers need to
know about the problem points to do both short-term and long-term


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Current Intrepid translation issues page

2008-10-22 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/22 Kenneth Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> David Planella wrote:

Great stuff!

>> Also, I'm told that this particular translation is not done using
>> gettext

Like stated by Kenneth, those do use ordinary PO files,


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Current Intrepid translation issues page

2008-10-23 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Is there any idea why the queue every now and then seems stalled? Like
now with
- is there a constant flow of new kde-packages put in front of the
queue, since there has been a bit over 1000 PO files until the OOo
ones for a long time (two days or so)?

The deadline for translations would be tonight, and not all eg. GNOME
2.24.1 translations will be in. I think there has never been a case
that language packs would be actually up-to-date during the time of
language pack deadline or release, so I'd hope the performance issues
would still be investigated for jaunty.

Anyway, it's time to also say thanks for catching up from the lack of
communication and other problems to a state that we are (probably) not
worse than with previous releases. Ubuntu 8.10 will be a solid release
from langpacks point of view, and the main i18n problems are on the
source packages side this time


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: renaming ubuntu-translators to launchpad-translators

2008-10-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/26 Adi Roiban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Also if for example (just hypothetical) Fedora Project would like to
> translate Fedora distribution using Launchpad (when it will be free
> software) I doubt they will be happy to assign the localization to
> Ubuntu Translators groups but maybe they are ok with assigning to
> Launchpad Translators.

Just as a quick note. Ubuntu Translators are groups which only work
under Ubuntu project, in Launchpad under
They have no special rights elsewhere in Launchpad, and there are no
Launchpad-wide translation groups.

If there would be eg. Fedora in Lauchpad, it would be at, and it would have its own translation
groups. It's the same for any project using Launchpad for
translations,, except for that many
smaller projects unfortunately do not have teams established and allow
anyone to change translations.

I think it should be (about) like this, since one can join multiple
translation groups and a successful background in other translation
groups should allow joining to be also more easy. It's not like GNOME
translators should automatically be allowed to join KDE translators
(if both projects were using Launchpad), since the terminology differs
and the projects might have different QA processes etc.

So probably when Launchpad becomes free software, it'd be possible to
migrate _existing_ Fedora translation project members to the new
Launchpad / Fedora translation project, and interested Ubuntu
translators could join in.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Help needed for start page

2008-10-29 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/25 Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> An explanation of the strings: This is a web-page (included in the
> tarball). Therefore there is a page title that makes up one string.
> There's also three links, one to the help documentation, one to the
> community site and one to the ubuntu shop.

I think there is now a big lack of ability to find your local Ubuntu
resources. Previously, it was easy to go to the LoCoTeam's site or
forums, now it's basically impossible other than doing a search for
"ubuntu" using the Google search. I know it's available via
"Participate" (or "Osallistu" in Finnish), but if you are searching
for help on eg. forums in your own language, you cannot be expected to
"Participate" and read through multitude of English choices to finally
find "Local Ubuntu Teams" which still doesn't sound like "Local help
by the community" but some activity you have to join.

Basically the Ubuntu Help should IMHO include some of the stuff
currently found at As is not yet open, of course I don't know
if it already has some of that stuff! It could even have eg. two
panes, one with the ubuntu-docs stuff and one with eg. the translated
"Getting Help with Ubuntu" paragraph from Would something like that be doable?
Likewise, the localized "Participate in Ubuntu" could be used as an
introductory text on the Participate page.

So all the three linked pages are in English only currently. could be translated since all translations
for ubuntu-docs are in Launchpad, but apparently it's still not (at
least for Finnish, fi). Is this going to be improved for Ubuntu 8.10?

Furthermore, indeed the Search button should be translated too. In
Finnish/fi it's "Hae".

Anyway, thanks all for the work done, it's a tight schedule.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Help needed for start page

2008-10-30 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/30 Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Also, regarding the few comments for translated resources, this is not
> going to be fixed soon unfortunately. I'd like to point out that I
> believe we've implemented one main improvement, the search results
> page should be localized. Now that we have infrastructure in place for
> translating I think we can do a better job for the next version of
> this page.

Thanks for all the information you provided.

The localized search results page is indeed a very good improvement
and seems to work, thanks for it. It also makes it somewhat more easy
to find the local resources before jaunty improvements, if one uses
the search to find help about Ubuntu.

I'd still hope translations could somehow be
put into use, since it would not require any new translation work. Was
it so that generation code was also included
in ubuntu-docs bzr, or was it somewhere else?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Help needed for start page

2008-10-31 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2008/10/30 Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I'd still hope translations could somehow be
>> put into use, since it would not require any new translation work. Was
>> it so that generation code was also included
>> in ubuntu-docs bzr, or was it somewhere else?
> I'm not sure what you mean by this, are there translated versions of
> If so, won't people see the localized version
> automatically when they visit that site?

I mean that since the content is the same as is already used in
Ubuntu's integrated Help Center, and the content is all translated in
Rosetta for numerous languages, it would only need conversion of also
the other languages to HTML similar to what has been done with

I did not mean the HTML conversion would be done for other languages
yet, just that all the translated content is available so it should be
a matter of how good the scripts are, ie. can all translations be
generated automatically with a few runs.

But the thing is that you have probably nothing to do with, it's doc team's?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Reminder: translation of short descriptions of programs

2008-12-04 Thread Timo Jyrinki

Just to make sure every language team has noticed: the short
descriptions seen eg. in Add/Remove... program lists are nowadays
translatable at:

Installing software is a bit English experience in most languages
still, but now it's possible to get at least the big lists looking
more friendly with relatively low level of effort. Despite the amount
of strings, many program names need not to be translated, and the
actual descriptions are usually quite short.

Additionally, as always there is almost endless work to be done with
the long descriptions, available at the Debian's DDTP project - all translations done
there will be merged to Ubuntu too, but not yet from ubuntu's ddtp to


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Update: translation errors with msgids and msgstrs

2009-01-19 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/1/16 Arne Goetje :

Everything should be fixed for Finnish (fi) in hardy, intrepid and
jaunty. Some false positives (pure % signs) were naturally left alone.

Please regenerate the lists at some point so that one can make sure.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Translators as upstream teams

2009-02-22 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/2/21 Adi Roiban :
> To help with that I have created the follosing page:

Thanks! Your pages are invaluable in coping with Launchpad/Rosetta limitations.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Jaunty I18N/translation issues

2009-02-23 Thread Timo Jyrinki

I started JauntyTranslationIssues page in the wiki a while ago to
followup the previous similar page David created for Intrepid:

Please help to keep it up-to-date as soon as the issues take shape and
are verifiable as I18N bugs, that is not just missing translations,
but impossible to translate. File bugs for all the I18N issues
developers should fix. If you can, offer the code fix also and prose
it for merging. One example was the usb-creator menu item fix I
created a bazaar branch for and which is now merged to the main code
repository (not yet released). Similarly many other problems are
relatively small, but of course out of reach for most translators who
are not also coders. Documenting the problems is anyway to first step
to have them fixed.

I have also updated the Intrepid page recently with some more stuff.
Let's make Jaunty a more solid release I18N-wise than Intrepid was.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: translating the categories in the totem BBC plugin or not?

2009-03-06 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/3/6 Sebastien Bacher :
> The change add the list of categories to the translatable strings and I
> would gather some opinion on whether people think that's a good idea or
> not knowing that the media content available is in english.

I'd think it's enough that the actual titles are in English. To the
extent that there is also video content, people can enjoy sights and
sounds even if they do not understand the speech, and it's nice to
have categories in an understandable language for random surfing.

I cannot seem to be able to connect to the server at the moment, but
in the case there are no videos and won't be much in the future
either, I'd say it's also ok to remove the I18N of the categories from
the patch since usually there is not much enjoyment in audio-only in
foreign language. I seem to recall I was unable to find video content
something like half a year ago easily from there.

But in either case, because of the titles being in English, I don't
see much reason to worry about being mislead. Also like Adi just
wrote, it can be left for translator teams to decide, which means
keeping the L10n possibility.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Translations for "Search" button

2009-03-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki

Please add / check the translation for the Search button at bug
#329367 (

I think that even though there would not be a proper infrastructure
for the website start page translation for 9.04, though hopefully
there will be, we should push the Search string translation through
manually. It's by far the most visible I18N problem in Ubuntu and
gives an amateurish look in eyes of many.

I'm trying to push the issue a bit, and I have also offered one sort
of fix for the scripts used to generate the start pages on the
ubuntu-website mailing list, though it's ugly. If someone would know
how to use gettext directly with ease, I think it should be fairly
trivial to fix properly instead of battling with po2html/html2po


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translations for "Search" button

2009-03-13 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/3/13 Adi Roiban :
> Instead of parsing a bugreport by hand and extract the information I was
> thingking it would be much easier if we could create a POT file
> containing all the string from the page, put it somewere in Launchpad
> and link the bug to that template.

There are such plans already, and something was done for 8.10 too, the
problem is to get a suitable HTML -> POT -> PO -> HTML conversion
loop. See

I have there a very poor-looking POT generation described - it now
contains everything necessary, including the Search string and the
Participate and Ubuntu Help URL:s, but the strings include too much
cruft. I don't know if it's accepted that such strings can be
translated (even though it could be manually checked that they are ok
or not), but either I just don't know how to use either
translate-toolkit's tools or the separate tools I used in that
attempt, or the tools are just so limited that they cannot be used

That's why I asked if someone would have time to implement a that uses gettext directly to translate the 7
strings in the HTML template instead of using these tools, to replace
the current The strings would be the already-translated
(for some languages) Ubuntu Start Page, Ubuntu Help, Participate,
Ubuntu Shop, and additionally these new ones Search, Ubuntu Help URL
and Participate URL.

So I'm kind of gathering the Search string translations on the bug
report as a backup resort, in case a more sophisticated does not work
out yet, because of lack of resources or not being able to reach the
correct people on time. So those strings could just be copy-pasted
manually as a last resort, although naturally also that would require
pushing the right people.

Using Launchpad for this would require the things I mention in that
post, ie. changing the already existing ubuntu-start-page project's
translation settings, tweaking the POT generation and the localize
script if my (so-called) solution isn't enough, creating a bzr
repository at Launchpad for the existing code and pages, allowing PO
downloads and allowing bzr commits for specific people.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translations for "Search" button

2009-03-18 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/3/18 Adi Roiban :
> Timo, is this OK ? Or do you see that we need to do something else in
> order to assure a nice translation of the start page?

Hi! Thanks a lot. It's otherwise great, but the two URL:s (for Ubuntu
Help and Participate) should be added to the template still, as
discussed on the ubuntu-website mailing list. Reasoning being that
it's not sensible to translate wholly or partially, and we
are not going to get people easy access to resources in their own
languages otherwise at the moment, which was a regression from 8.04
start page.

Ubuntu Shop URL is naturally not to be changed.

That way people can find resources in their local language. In case of
some languages, it would be worth an internal discussion what links
are used or if even a new "select your country" page would be good to
be linked to in some cases.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translation status for Ubuntu Start Page

2009-03-21 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/3/20 Adi Roiban :
> I have done it for 8.10, but right now there are not many changes in
> 9.04.

The results look great! Huge thanks for your coding and other work.
Hopefully the 8.10 could be gotten into use soon already, since that's
what's already visible for most.

Just FYI to others, we were told that for 9.04 the Help and
Participate URLs wouldn't be made translatable, thus they will still
lead to English-only resources for now. If we want that to change for
9.10, we should start planning it in eg. June already instead of so
close to a release. In the future, there could be a minimal
translatable Participate page in with links to local pages,
which could be quite nice with the current URL also. But I do think
the Ubuntu Help URL should be made translatable (for 9.10) since many
LoCos already have the equivalent of, ie. ubuntu-docs
in HTML format, available on their sites in local language(s).


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Translating Xubuntu docs

2009-03-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/3/26 Jim Campbell :
> I have refreshed the .pot files that are included as part of the
> documentation, and have committed those .pot file refreshes to my bzr
> branch, but in examining the translations page of Xubuntu docs, it concerns
> me that it looks like people are translating older versions of the
> documentation.

The translations at Launchpad / Rosetta are only updated when you
upload a version of xubuntu-docs package with updated .pot files
included in the source to the Ubuntu archive. Then the build system
rips off the .pot file and .po file, and uploads those to Rosetta. In
case of UI:s, the PO file translations then automatically come as part
of language packs, but for documentation the documentation maintainer
has to manually download the translations from Rosetta (there should
be an option to translate all languages at once, if you have
sufficient privileges at Launchpad) and upload again new package to
the archive with the translations included.

So if xubuntu-docs source is now ok, it should be uploaded to the
archive as a package. Then on or after 9th of April, which is the
NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline, translations should be fetched
from Rosetta, translated XML files should be updated in the source
with the new PO files and a new xubuntu-docs with all translations
included should be done. If you can automate this well enough, the
translators could benefit of download PO files - upload .deb cycles
also before the deadline, since unfortunately testing documentation in
real use is not within every translator's capabilities. (also it would
be good practice in general so that it can be found if there is
anything wrong with bringing the translations into use)

The ubuntu-docs maintainer(s) have also experienced in the past that
if the translators make typos in the XML tags, it may bring additional
work to the maintainer when a fully translated upload is prepared.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Kubuntu-docs into Rosetta?

2009-03-27 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/3/27 Milo Casagrande :
> Sorry Arne, I must be confusing myself... but I supposed it was already
> in Launchpad.
> Is it something different from the following one?

I believe Arne is referring to the newest kubuntu-docs upload, which
probably includes changes in the strings. Those translations templates
are currently not approved, so the texts translatable in Rosetta
currently are not up-to-date.

So the real question probably is: are kubuntu-docs maintainers going
to update kubuntu-docs with translations manually downloaded from
Rosetta at around NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline, so that it is
useful that the latest kubuntu-docs texts are translatable in Rosetta?

And I'd guess the answer is yes, but also that kubuntu-docs
maintainers please take a note to have all the translations in so that
translators' efforts on improving Kubuntu experience does not go in

Docs translations have never come with the language packs, so they
need to be downloaded from Rosetta manually by the maintainer, using
the "Download all translations" selection (or something similar, to
get all languages at once).


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Difference between »bluez-gnome« and »gnome-b luetooth«

2009-04-03 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/4/3 Jochen Skulj :
> I think it may be a problem to translate bluez-gnome via Launchpad since
> it may result in different translations for the same strings. Can I just
> upload the gnome-bluetooth translation as an bluez-gnome translation to
> keep both translattions in sync or do you think that's a bad idea?

That should be fine. Gnome-bluetooth is nowadays a fork of
bluez-gnome, and Ubuntun will probably switch to gnome-bluetooth later

More info at


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

2009-04-06 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/4/2 David Planella :
'> as announced by Jono on his blog [1] (and now on my brand new one as
> well ;) [2]), I'll be joining Canonical as the Ubuntu Translations
> Coordinator on Monday the 6th of April (next week), so I simply wanted
> to send a brief introductory message before starting in full swing on
> Monday.

Congratulations indeed! The position you are taking has been needed
for a long time, and I'm very happy to see someone like you fulfilling

I think Jaunty is going to be a great release already, and with you on
board I have no doubt Ubuntu will soar to new territories with
fascinating languages, all well supported :)

-Timo (not sure about Barcelona at the moment, depends on travel budgets)

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: release notes translations: 9.04 final

2009-04-24 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/4/22 Steve Langasek :
> As before, please use
> for your
> translations, and coordinate with Matthew Nuzum
>  (cc:ed), when you are ready to have these
> translations linked from the Ubuntu website.

fi up-to-date:

That said, not even the English version is showing up currently when
launching from the installer:


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Regression in getting fully translated Ubuntu installation - what to do for karmic?

2009-09-22 Thread Timo Jyrinki

CC:ing ubuntu-translators just to get interested people on-board, no
need to continue CC:ing.

Please look at
- do you think I'm missing something, can the report be refined? The
new way of handling supporting translations, writing aids etc. moves
them from package dependencies to language-selector. However, it means
that new installations of Ubuntu do not get the full language support
at install time, even when connected to Internet. My previous guidance
for those reading an installation guide has been to enable Internet
connection before starting the installer to get eg. Finnish support. describes the user
should get a notification after installation. First of all, I tested
it and it seems non-functional at the moment (a bug on its own).
Secondly, I do strongly think it's not enough - for example 50% of the
users could easily not be interested at the one-time popup, forgetting
about it - but they will run into a bad Ubuntu experience once they
are in a situation of lacking a spell-checker for example, or reading
English documentation.

Also, it does not seem Ubuntu tools currently are very error-proof in
case of lacking an Internet connection - they will simply fail and no
new notifications (or guiding to connect to Internet) are given.

To match Ubuntu 9.04 functionality, I think Ubuntu installer should
call language-selector to install full language support at the
installation time, if the Internet connection is available. This would
result in a similar behavior to 9.04, with the pop-up being there to
hopefully help those who didn't enable the Internet connection (there
is no guidance for it when starting from the Live CD).

Besides "am I correct or could you refine the bug report", I'm
interested in against which packages the bug should be filed? Is it a
a) bug against language-selector (to have some silent "--fix-missing"
to be used by the installer), b) bug against installer (launch
language-selector, silent or not), c) bug against update-manager (I
would like to have more than just one pop-up about installing full
support - for example, update-manager could completely automatically
download full support together with the first updates for a single
time), d) bug report against The Whole World (language-selector +
lang-pack-o-matic changes + ...) since the problem appeared in the
first place? If you know the answer or part of it, please go ahead and
refine the bug.

I'm also interested if these were thought about during creation of the
Karmic language-selector blueprint? The popup notification is not
enough IMHO, and it wasn't enough in 9.04 either. But especially as
the situation is now worse in 9.10 than it was in 9.04, can we bring
it to 9.04 level somehow? After that, we might think how to actually
make it Just Work for lucid (I'm thinking about guiding the user by
hand to connect to Internet etc).


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: ubiquity - template dup

2009-09-29 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/9/29 David Planella :
>> Second
>> Name: ubiquity
>> Domanin: debconf
> Contains the "real" ubiquity translations.

Looks like, though, these were all just erased and replaced with the
same 3 strings as the ubiquity-desktop:

Also, despite
, it's clear not all translations correctly went to the installer even
before. Just launch daily-live, and for example erase whole disk
option is not translated, or some of the advanced partitioning
options. Unless it's a known problem, eg. templates were not
up-to-date in the first place (some small changes to text etc.).

Finally, the ubiquity-desktop also lost the existing "Install RELEASE"
translations for all languages, and that part has not yet been updated
to the install disks even when the translations still were there.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Getting some languages over the 80% complete level

2009-10-01 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/10/1 David Planella :
> And for those interested in the details, the calculation scripts can be
> found in the Branches section of the ubuntu-translations project:

The README in code answers some of my concerns I presented in my post
to loco-contacts [1], but it still probably does not make the
statistics non-broken. The most serious issue out of my hat is the help files I mentioned. They are, AFAIK, still
completely broken in the way that no (new?) translations get in to
Launchpad (like I said, Finnish has almost 100% translated and shipped
in Ubuntu in karmic, but 0% according to Launchpad), and neither
nothing done in Launchpad for OOo help is currently used anywhere, ie.
never exported for use.

I tried to see details about the calculation (which POT files
exactly), but the files referred to from README were non-accessible
(Canonical intra) so I couldn't check for certain that OOo issue for
example or any other stuff (like how big proportion of the strings are
in low-level stuff that ordinary users never see etc.). Anyway, in
principle a good idea to have some pseudo-statistics about the default
installation content translations.



ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Getting some languages over the 80% complete level

2009-10-01 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Hi David. Thanks for your answers and the link to the OOo document.

2009/10/1 David Planella :
> As you can see, it is a complex
> process, and for anything not addressed there, feel free to ask here as
> usual.

Well, at least this helpcontent2-* part which I was talking about.
"the imports are working for Karmic" does not seem to be true in case
of those. See eg.
- is new in Debian/Ubuntu OOo 3.1 packages and
is pretty complete as is, shipped in Ubuntu. However, in Launchpad
it's not shown at all while its of tens of thousands of strings. Quite
a few other languages have had those imported to Launchpad at some
point at least.

> These are no private data. The only reason why they are internal is a
> practical one: the files must be generated there and it is not trivial
> to sync them to another location. I have already spoken to Danilo about
> putting them in a more accessible place, and we'll see if it can be done

That sounds good, as it opens all kinds of stuff that can be interesting.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: The latest message after installation - where can I translate it?

2009-10-05 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/10/5 Bruno Patri :
> I had the same issue with French translations and Karmic Beta. You should
> try with the latest daily build:

Still broken yesterday at least. Can someone reproduce (or not)?

2009/10/5 malditoastur :
> When I need to find or correct a string, I download the language pack
> at:
> After that, I uncompress the package, and search the desired string with
> the command:
> find . -type f | xargs grep 'the_string_you_want'

I find it easier to search the .mo files directly. Open
- it's a simple script that I/we use. It searches both langpack PO
files (/usr/share/locale-langpack) and universe PO files
(/usr/share/locale). Not debian-installer and such though, but most
and not only those in Rosetta. Launchpad.

It's currently hardcoded to Finnish (fi) and could indeed be more
intelligent otherwise as well, but it is easy to change. You can use
it to search words or sentences, and it gives the file name for each
occurrence found. It's especially useful to more inexperienced users
when one sees eg. some typo and wants to know which PO template it's
coming from.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Untranslated Yelp main page (Ubuntu Help Center)

2009-10-15 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/10/15 Matthew East :
> If the left hand side is untranslated, it's an ubuntu-docs bug. If the
> right hand side is untranslated, it's a yelp bug. I'll test with es
> myself tomorrow and we'll see if we can diagnose it.

What about the "Assistive Tools"? It's broken in karmic, but used to
come from gnome-user-guide, which I do have installed (also for my
language) and which also contains the translation in Rosetta. Is it
broken for others, too, and maybe perhaps something related to the
split of gnome-user-guide to language-specific packages?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Untranslated Yelp main page (Ubuntu Help Center)

2009-10-15 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/10/15 Matthew East :
>> What about the "Assistive Tools"?
> No, just that the translations for gnome-user-docs have not yet been
> imported from Rosetta.

Ok, I just thought it was done as part of the merge mentioned at

No problem, tracking the bug report Ricardo filed. Of course, in an
ideal world we wouldn't need these kind of manual interventions, but
on the other hand / have those reasonably covered.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Kubuntu Docs status

2009-10-24 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2009/10/24 Adi Roiban :
> I have generated the translated XML and HTML files for Kubuntu Docs
> You can see the report here

Once again thanks, fi corrected by me and Heikki.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

String break in ubuntone-client without freeze exception

2010-03-11 Thread Timo Jyrinki
Hi Rodney,

You recently uploaded a new version of ubuntuone-client source
package. Please note that Ubuntu has been in UserInterfaceFreeze since
March 4th, requiring freeze exception including a bug report and a
note to relevant mailing lists. See more information at
. I see that there has been an ongoing feature freeze exception, which
probably should have been user interface freeze exception at the same

cc:ing ubuntu-devel-discuss just to remind everyone of how to handle
the user interface freeze exceptions. Let's just try to keep the
processes in mind, since they are there for a reason. The translators
and documentation people are mainly interested in getting a proper
notification on time to make sure documentation changes and new
translations for both UI and the docs are done as completely as

The new UI strings are available at


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Dell Recovery ready for translation

2010-03-18 Thread Timo Jyrinki

On behalf of Mario Limonciello, I'm announcing that the Dell Recovery
project is ready for 10.04 translation love at:

Go ahead! I think our friends at Dell deserve some quality
translations. Deadline April 12th, but the sooner the better as usual.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: String break in ubuntone-client without freeze exception

2010-03-19 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2010/3/15 Rodney Dawes :
> which there are translations, and doesn't really explain which
> strings you feel broke this freeze. Can you list them please, so
> we can determine which ones exactly you think broke the freeze?
> I'll leave you in the capable hands of Elliot if there are any
> ones that do violate the freeze.

It's not as this specific case would be a problem anymore since I
basically took care of the string freeze exception announcement, it's
mainly for the future and all other developers as well. Ubuntu
translators and documentation community have been battling with all
kind of package uploads after string freeze release by release, and I
simply took an opportunity to point out an example so that more
developers would become aware of what the UI freeze means for
translations and docs team, and basically the whole Ubuntu experience.

But just as a note, after 1.1.3 the following new or changed (some
ever so slightly) strings were added in 1.1.4, resulting in those
being untranslated for all languages (until teams catch up, if/when
they notice it) and documentation being potentially out of date:

"The devices connected to with your personal cloud network are listed below"
"Stop sharing on Ubuntu One..."
"Stop sharing this folder on Ubuntu One"
"Stop synchronizing this folder with Ubuntu One."
"Synchronize this folder with Ubuntu One."
"Copy Ubuntu One public URL"
"Copy the Ubuntu One public URL for this file to the clipboard."
"Stop publishing via Ubuntu One"
"No longer share this file with everyone."
"Publish via Ubuntu One"
"Make this file available to anyone."

1.1.3 was btw also released after the UI freeze, but that was close enough.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: contemplating some string changes

2010-03-24 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2010/3/24 David Planella :
> It would be interesting to hear what other teams say, especially those
> who have already completed translations.

+1 otherwise, but in these kind of "small changes in original strings"
situations I'd prefer some place the current translations would be
kept. There is effort put to those, and if eg. the English string has
one word changed, the high quality translation should not be lost by
forcing all translators to think about the new string from a fresh

Earlier with the first lucid changes the complete, well thought
Finnish translation from karmic was lost when small things were
changed in the English strings. I then inspected string by string the
template in karmic, compared the strings to lucid's English strings,
took the karmic's translation to the lucid template and modified it
only according to the changes in the English string. Ideally of course
Launchpad itself would show the change history of the original string
and the translated string in an intuitive way.

I would otherwise download the current PO to be looked as a reference
for the new strings when they come, but I'm currently getting
"Unexpected form data" when trying to export in both edge and non-edge
launchpad. Please don't update the templates at least until you have
all PO:s downloaded somewhere :)


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Paraphrasing "Social from the Start" for translators

2010-04-07 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2010/4/7 Fumihito YOSHIDA :
>     "Social from the start" is highly important, please tell us (non-English
> translators) *your* synonymous words of  "Social from the Start"s.
> English = English paraphrasing can provide great help for translating.

Some ideas from me, although I'm not sure how accurate they are:
- readily social
- network with your friends right away
- be in contact with your acquaintances

I settled now on the last one for the Finnish equivalent of "be social".

I think a related possibly difficult term is "broadcast", which I
first translated more directly, but it felt quite non-descriptive in
Finnish (not sure how people understand brodcasting in English) so I
then changed to more like "social networks" and "social network


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Paraphrasing "Social from the Start" for translators

2010-04-07 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2010/4/7 Timo Jyrinki :
> - be in contact with your acquaintances
> I settled now on the last one for the Finnish equivalent of "be social".

Er, I meant "equivalent of "Social from the start"". I first had more
like "be social" but changed it.


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Ubuntu start page translations update

2010-04-26 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2010/4/24 Adi Roiban :
> Monday morning ( 10 UTC ) there is a schedule of updating the Ubuntu
> 10.04 start page.
> I will export all translations around Sunday 23.00 UTC and generated the
> translated files.

The new start page is there. Have you been able to extract similar ETA
for the translations to appear there?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Ubuntu start page translations update

2010-04-28 Thread Timo Jyrinki
2010/4/28 Adi Roiban :
> I have tested and I can confirm that this problem is due the Ubuntu
> start page server. The sysadmin were informed and asked to update the
> configuration.
> I hope it will be fixed tomorrow.

Finnish is ok at, but not at the actual
start page about:home. What's the difference, and is about:home broken
for everyone?


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