On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Matthew East wrote:

> [1] https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/gutsy/ubuntu/broken_translations
> [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation

Finnish (fi) should be fixed now in Rosetta (basic-commands, hardware, 
internet). I took the svn version of ubuntu-docs, Rosetta PO files as 
downloads and used the translate.sh to find broken parts of XML:s. Then I 
searched for the corresponding point in the fi.po file, fixed it there and 
made the same correction manually in Rosetta after finding the correct 
spot there.

I also recommend everyone to find the correct point to fix in Rosetta 
instead of uploading a PO file, since the queue for gutsy is currently 
huge. It might help to put manually eg. ?batch=100 in the URL to get a 
bigger amount of strings in Rosetta at the same time.


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