2015-10-02 19:33 GMT+03:00 Michal Karnicki <michal.karni...@canonical.com>:
> You can find the translation page here:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/telegram-app

Could there be clarification (here/code) on what "checking in" is in
Telegram? I've used Telegram for some time and I'm not familiar with
that, so I also don't know how it should be translated. I'm sure the
Finnish word for flights check-in is not correct here :) The string is
"%1 has checked-in".

Also the "Call" in
/home/karni/src/telegram2/telegram/scope/preview.cpp:94 - would be
useful specify whether it's the verb "Call" (to call) or if it's a
"Call" (received call or something). They are two completely different
words in Finnish.

Thanks for the great app and the upcoming update!


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