
Thanks for the feature that we can now finally fix the possible damages
done in Rosetta by selecting the "Packaged" translation, and keep the
improvements so that we can at least manually send them upstream.

Before the "changed in Launchpad" filter was there, it was next to
impossible to send any improvements upstream even manually. This is a
great step, though maybe something that many of us would have liked to
see from the very beginning.

I hope all the best to those languages that took everyone willing to
their teams and had more havoc than our language (Finnish). We had some
damages, but nothing that we now cannot repair. And if some language
team still hasn't established any clear requirements for the members, I
recommend having such. QA is still too hard to do in Launchpad to accept
any willing people to the translation teams.

I'd hope to see the following improvements in Rosetta in the future:

1. "mass revert", meaning an upload PO file option where one can select
"treat this as upstream and overwrite any Rosetta changes". I've
currently clicked through eg. one package's 400 changed in Rosetta
strings, in both gutsy and feisty, that were caused by an earlier manual
upload of upstream translation that is now outdated but marked as having
been done in Rosetta. mass revert would be very welcome if we had more
packages like this

2. This one would be _really_ welcome: A new column, maybe optional, to
the translations list called "Changed in Rosetta", that has the number
of changed strings in Rosetta per package. This would allow us to sort
by the most changed packages and examine those in more detail, possibly
reverting to upstream or taking the improvements to upstream.

3. Download option "download only changed". This would allow for a
neater way of having the improvements to be sent to upstream. Currently
I've left the improvements I approve in Rosetta, and sent an URL to the
changed strings in a package to the GNOME upstream language team leader,
who is luckily in our translation team too and willing to copy-paste a
few tens of strings from the web pages to the SVN translation files.

Could you consider these in your future plans, if they're not there yet?
In a short term, the 2nd improvement would be the most welcome, since it
enables teams to check for possible bigger damages more easily. Of
course, if big damages are found, 1st improvement could be very handy.

Btw, I tried to use Firefox extension to automatically select "Packaged"
form items on a page, but unfortunately the names of the items are IMO
unidentifiable from others.


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