On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 21:28:58 +0200
Tiresia GIUNO <tires...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry I switched to Italian without thinking that other people
> could be interested. I proposed the translation "Tensore" from
> "tendere" (in French "tendre", then maybe Tenseur???) or to keep the
> english word (BTW, it looks like the Italian "Spanna", also Span in
> english, has the same origin as "Spanner")
> Right now I see that this word "Tensore" is used in mathematics
> (english Tensor, french Tenseur) - I don't know...

It the graph theory (a branch of mathematics), a k-spanner of the graph
G if it is a subgraph of G in which every two vertices are no more than
k times further apart as they are in G.

That's something closer to the meaning of spanner in Lilypond than
tensor.  Tensors represent contiguous fields.  k-spanners are graphs.
One can walk over k-spanners from one point to another.

Try asking Italian mathematicians how they call k-spanners.

The Italian Wikipedia is not of much help:

But the French Wikipedia uses the word "spanner" as is:

Pavel Roskin

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