Messages by Thread
[UAI] Assistant Professor of Computer Science - Hybrid Modeling
Diochnos, Dimitrios
[UAI] Open positions in machine learning at Microsoft Research Montreal
Nicolas Le Roux
[UAI] [jobs] Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computer Vision and AI
Ardhendu Behera
[UAI] Postdoc position at the University of Pittsburgh
yu-ru lin
[UAI] Postdoctoral fellowship/Senior data scientist position at University of California, San Francisco
Feng, Jean
[UAI] Research Fellowship on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence solutions for recommendation systems in software engineering - University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)
Giuseppe Desolda
[UAI] 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024) - FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
Stavros Vassos
[UAI] Special Session on ML under Weakly Structured Information at SMPS 2024
Jansen, Christoph
[UAI] Available Ph.D. Position in Health Care and Machine Learning
Amir Aly
[UAI] [Call for Applications] [Postdoc Position Open at the Chilean National Center for Artificial Intelligence] 📣 deadline for application: March 30, 2024
Giovanna Campos
[UAI] 1 Week Extension! CFP: Canadian AI 2024 - The 37th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Mark Crowley
[UAI] Young tenured scientist position in ML/DL open at INRAE, France (Institute for life, human and earth)
Thomas Schiex
[UAI] [JOBS] Postdoc Opening in Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Optics at the National Research Council of Canada
Bellinger, Colin
[UAI] Special session on imprecise probabilities at SMPS 2024
Van Camp, Arthur
[UAI] FW: [ECAI-2024] Deadline for Tutorial Proposals approaching
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] Deadline Extension: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) @ FLAIRS-37
Kai Sauerwald
[UAI] PhD position "Machine Learning for Automated Reasoning" (fully funded) @ University of Amsterdam
Balder ten Cate
[UAI] Two fully funded postdoctoral research positions on "Machine Learning and Computer Vision" and the “International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA)” in AIIA Lab, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
[UAI] IJCAI 2024 Call For Tutorial Proposals
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
[UAI] Call for Tutorials at UAI 2024
Kocaoglu, Murat
[UAI] Available Ph.D. Position in Cognitive Robotics / Human-Robot Interaction
Amir Aly
[UAI] [jobs] 2 PhD positions at University of Amsterdam in causality and reinforcement learning for fintech (Deadline: 11 March)
Sara Magliacane
[UAI] [CFP] UAI 2024: 40th The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
Kocaoglu, Murat
[UAI] Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Beyond Interpretability at ESANN 2024
Benoît Frenay
[UAI] [JOB] Postdoc in ML, University College London
Silva, Ricardo
[UAI] Still four days time to apply to ML postdoc and PhD positions in my team
Kaski Samuel
[UAI] CALL for Spring 2024 International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) course proposals
[UAI] Full Professor Position in AI & Robotics at Örebro University
Luc De Raedt
[UAI] IJCAI 2024 Call For Workshop Proposals
Hadi Hosseini
[UAI] [CFP] Call for Papers: Special Track “Logic & Reasoning for XAI”
Huimin DONG
Re: [UAI] NAFIPS 2024 submissions open
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] Two postdoc openings at the University of Amsterdam
Jan-Willem van de Meent
[UAI] [CfP] Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) @ FLAIRS-37
Kai Sauerwald
Re: [UAI] IEEE WCCI 2024, submission deadline extended to January 29
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] PhD/Post-doc Positions on reinforcement learning, imitation learning and generative modelling, University of Geneva and University of applied sciences
Alexandros Kalousis
[UAI] [Jobs] NSF-funded Postdoctoral fellow on Human centered RL at Columbia University
Iñigo Urteaga
[UAI] [Job Opening] Postdoc in Complex Network Analysis @ Luiss University
Alessio Martino
[UAI] Tenure Track Assistant Professorship in Data Science @ University of Copenhagen
Yevgeny Seldin
[UAI] IPMU 2024 special session: Imprecision and uncertainty in image processing and analysis
[UAI] I am hiring: Postdoc and PhD researcher positions in machine learning in Helsinki and Manchester, DL January 28, 2024
Kaski Samuel
[UAI] Postdoctoral Researcher offer at University Paris Saclay - 12 months - "Causal Inference and Discovery for learning and intervening on welding quality prediction"
myriam . tami
[UAI] research position on deep learning for video processing
Marek Grzes
[UAI] Assistant Professor in Statistical Machine Learning, Linköping University, Sweden
Fredrik Lindsten
[UAI] Post-Doctoral Fellows positions \\ Faculty of Computer Science
Вера Шинакова
[UAI] Four TT vacancies at the Department of AI, University of Groningen
Bart Verheij
[UAI] Industry-PostDoc: Machine Learning for Material Science (Oxford/London)
Jakob Zeitler
[UAI] CFP: special session on imprecise probabilites at IPMU'2024
Enrique Miranda
[UAI] Workshop on Uncertainty in Machine Learning
Eyke Hüllermeier
[UAI] Multiple PhD and Postdoc positions in Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods
Nils Jansen
[UAI] Call for Papers – Special Issue on Combining Probability and Logic (JLC - Journal of Logic and Computation)
Doder, D. (Dragan)
[UAI] Postdoc positions in the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, EU
Jirka Vomlel
[UAI] [jobs] Postdoc, Research fellow, and PhD student positions in Machine learning and AI (Helsinki, Finland; deadline Jan 14 / Jan 21)
Kyrki Ville
[UAI] Research Associate Position at the Computational Intelligence Research Lab of Frederick University
Harris Papadopoulos
[UAI] Postdoc Fellow at Univ. Melbourne in ML (Adaptive Data Analysis, DP)
Benjamin Rubinstein
[UAI] PhD Student in Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning
Fredrik Lindsten
[UAI] Assistant Professor in AI and Machine Learning – Tenure Track
[UAI] [jobs] Multiple PhD Studentships (Computer Vision, DL, ML and AI)
Ardhendu Behera
[UAI] Master 2 internship at LIST (Luxembourg) - Time Series Forecasting
Pierrick Bruneau
[UAI] [jobs] PhD positions in Physics-Informed Robot Learning at Purdue CS
Ahmed Qureshi
[UAI] INFUS 2024 CanakkaleTurkey
[UAI] Manchester-Melbourne Fully-funded Dual-Award PhD on Optimization / AutoML / Automatic Algorithm Configuration (deadline Jan 19, 2024)
Manuel López-Ibáñez
[UAI] [CFP] UAI2024: 40thConference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
Murat Kocaoglu
[UAI] Call for Application: 1 Researcher Position, Ancona, Italy
Alexander Gebharter
[UAI] ECAI-2024: Call for Papers, Tutorial Proposals and Workshop Proposals
Luis Magdalena
[UAI] Tenure Track Faculty Position in Machine Learning at Polytechnique Montreal - Deadline 15 Dec 2023
Sarath Chandar
Re: [UAI] The 8th International Conference on Belief Functions (BELIEF 2024)
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] SIPTA seminar on the 28th November: Causality and credal networks.
[UAI] associate senior lecturer position on learning and reasoning (e.g. neurosymbolic) within AI available at Örebro University (Sweden) in WASP Program
Luc De Raedt
[UAI] PhD position on Interactive Causal Explanations for Patient-centric Personalised Health (1.0 FTE, 4yrs.)
Tom Claassen
[UAI] Call for Nominations: ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award
Nicholas Mattei
Re: [UAI] Deadline extended to 5th of December: MS06, MS13 & MS24 at ASCE-ICVRAM-ISUMA 2024
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] CFP OLA'2024 Optimization & Learning @Dubrovnik
El-Ghazali Talbi
[UAI] Faculty position in Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh
Michael Gutmann
[UAI] University of Cyprus: Academic Vacancy in A.I. with emphasis in Machine Learning
[UAI] [job] Postdoc AI/ML positions at TU Eindhoven
Cassio de Campos
[UAI] Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Data Science at the University of Toronto
Eldan Cohen
[UAI] Faculty positions at HKUST in all areas of computer science
Prof. Nevin L. Zhang
[UAI] IE University Madrid: Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Data Science 2024-2025
Manuele Leonelli
[UAI] PGM 2024: 1st Call for Papers
Renooij, S. (Silja)
[UAI] [jobs] Postdoc Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence at TU Eindhoven
Cassio de Campos
[UAI] [Call For Participation] 3rd International Joint Conference on Learning and Reasoning (IJCLR 2023), Bari (Italy), 13-15 November 2023
[UAI] Postdoctoral position in large language models and explainability
Vaishak Belle
[UAI] AI/ML/NLP Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty Position in Computer Science
Jennifer Schmidt
[UAI] associate senior lecturer position on learning and reasoning within AI available at Örebro University (Sweden) in WASP Program
Luc De Raedt
[UAI] Postdoc position in machine learning at the University of Washington
[UAI] Ph.D. position at the university of Bath
Georgios Exarchakis
[UAI] [jobs] Open PhD positions in a new HORIZON project in aerial robotics for safe, healthy, environmental ship recycling.
Erdal Kayacan
[UAI] Postdoc position on "AI-based surrogate modeling of fatigue in composite"
Vahid Yaghoubi Nasrabadi
[UAI] Fully funded PhD student position in medical AI @ TU Hamburg
Alexander Schlaefer
[UAI] Tenured Professor of Computer Science (specialisation in Artificial Intelligence for Robotics) at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany
Teena Hassan
[UAI] Two career track assistant/associate professor positions @ VU Amsterdam
Hoogendoorn, M. (Mark)
[UAI] [Jobs] Two Postdoc in Statistics/ML/Data-Assimilation at NUS (Singapore)
Thiery, Alexandre Hoang
[UAI] Next SIPTA seminars (3pm Paris time): 18th October (statistical validity), 28th November (Causality), 12th December (Robust optimisation)
[UAI] Tenure-track Faculty Positions at the IMDEA Software Institute
Manuel Hermenegildo
[UAI] ISAIM 2024: Submission Deadline Extended
Diochnos, Dimitrios
[UAI] PhD position in Causal Time-series Analysis for Ecology (1.0 FTE, 4 yrs)
Tom Claassen
[UAI] Tenured associate professor (maître de conférences) position, Université de Caen, France
Albrecht Zimmermann
[UAI] Pre-Call for Application: 2 Researcher Positions, Ancona and Turin
Alexander Gebharter
[UAI] Funded PhD Studentships in Hybrid AI at the University of Edinburgh
Craig Innes
[UAI] Full Professor at Graz University of Technology (Austria)
Johannes Wallner
[UAI] Research fellow, University College London
Silva, Ricardo
[UAI] [jobs] Senior Scientist at Seminar for Statistics, ETH Zurich
Jonas Peters
[UAI] [jobs] Assistant Professor vacancies in Data Science & Statistics @ LSE
Zoltan Szabo
[UAI] faculty positions in Computer Science at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] [jobs] Open PhD position at Hamburg University of Technology
Pierre-Alexandre Murena
[UAI] [jobs] Two open PhD positions at Paderborn University
Erdal Kayacan
[UAI] Postdoc, Research fellow, and PhD student positions in Machine learning and AI (Helsinki, Finland; deadline Oct 1)
Kaski Samuel
[UAI] Ph.D./Post-Doc Positions in RL and MAS at RUB-Germany
[UAI] [Call for Papers] NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Generalization in Planning
Pulkit Verma
[UAI] PhD / PostDoc on Learning and Reasoning @ TU Dortmund University
Jean Christoph Jung
[UAI] Open positions in AI/ML at Linköping University, Sweden
Fredrik Heintz
[UAI] [Jobs] UToronto PostDoc Positions in AI/CV/Robotics
Igor Gilitschenski
[UAI] NeurIPS Workshop on Distribution Shifts
Shiori Sagawa
[UAI] [JOB] Post-Doc Fellow at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
Yuichi Motai
[UAI] ILP 2023: call for late-breaking abstracts and recently published papers (1 Sept. 2023)
Riccardo Zese
[UAI] Fully Funded 3-Years PhD Position @ Bruno Kessler Foundation
Massimiliano Luca
[UAI] ISAIM 2024: Call for Papers
Diochnos, Dimitrios
[UAI] Call For Papers ICBINB@NeurIPS2023 - Failure Modes in the Age of Foundation Models
Tobias Uelwer
[UAI] Postdoc and Research Fellow positions in Machine Learning, Centre for AI Fundamentals, Manchester, UK
Samuel Kaski
[UAI] [CFP] NeurIPS workshop on Causal Representation learning - deadline extended to Oct 2
Sara Magliacane
[UAI] 2nd Call for Participation: PROGIC 2023: Combining Probability & Logic, Utrecht (The Netherlands), August 30 - September 1, 2023
Doder, D. (Dragan)
[UAI] Full Prof position @ Utrecht University
Renooij, S. (Silja)
[UAI] Vacancy: Assistant professors in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Renooij, S. (Silja)
[UAI] PhD position on explainable Graph Neural Networks
Steven Schockaert
[UAI] CFPart: PROGIC 2023: Combining Probability & Logic, Utrecht (The Netherlands), August 30 - September 1, 2023
Doder, D. (Dragan)
[UAI] Open faculty positions in DS/ML/AI at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
[UAI] Multiple research positions available in ML/CV
Xubo Song
[UAI] CSL 2024: Final call for papers
Munyque Mittelmann
[UAI] Call for Participation: 28th Intl. Conf. on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023)
Kai Sauerwald
[UAI] [jobs] Join our new groundbreaking EU Horizon project in artificial intelligence (AI) & robotics!
Erdal Kayacan
[UAI] Call for Participation: - JELIA 2023, the 18th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (20-22 of September, 2023)
Lucia Gomez Alvarez
[UAI] Call for Papers & Talks | ContinualAI Unconference 2023
Vincenzo Lomonaco
[UAI] Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Assoc/Asst Prof) in Machine Learning, Manchester, UK
Samuel Kaski
[UAI] [CfP] ICCV Workshop and (SMART-101) Challenge on Vision and Language Algorithmic Reasoning (VLAR 2023)
Anoop Cherian
[UAI] [CFP] NeurIPS workshop on Causal Representation learning - deadline Sept 29
Sara Magliacane
[UAI] Postdoc position at the Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien
Thomas Lukasiewicz
Re: [UAI] IEEE-WCCI 2024 - Call for Papers
Kreinovich, Vladik
[UAI] Dual-Award Fully-funded PhD on Optimization / AutoML / Automatic Algorithm Configuration at University of Manchester and University of Melbourne
Manuel López-Ibáñez
[UAI] PhD position in Learning and Reasoning, also with Language Models at Örebro University (Sweden)
Luc De Raedt
[UAI] FCR-2023: 9th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning -- Final Call for Papers + Deadline Extension
Kai Sauerwald
[UAI] [jobs]Multiple fully funded Ph.D. in Embedded AI, Robot Learning, Tactile Intelligence & Neuromorphic Computing at RoboTac, Lab, BMW AI Robotics COE, Munich, Germany.
[UAI] Postdoc and data scientist position at UCSF/ZSFG
Feng, Jean
[UAI] Open faculty position at KU Leuven, Belgium: Research Professor in Programming and Modeling Languages for Artificial Intelligence
Wannes Meert
[UAI] Postdoc and PhD positions in learning for planning at ANU
Sylvie Thiebaux
[UAI] [CfP][FCR-2023] 9th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning
Kai Sauerwald
[UAI] Post-doc position at TU Wien on (D)QBF (Correction)
Stefan Szeider
[UAI] PhD Vacancy in the Netherlands: interpretable causal machine learning for intervention development from wearable sensors
Baratchi, M. (Mitra)
Riccardo Zese
[UAI] [CFP][IJCLR 2023] 3rd International Joint Conference on Learning and Reasoning (IJCLR 2023) - Remainder
Riccardo Zese
[UAI] Vacancy: PhD student in Machine Learning @ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Hoogendoorn, M. (Mark)
[UAI] [CFP][ILP 2023] 32nd International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming
Riccardo Zese
[UAI] AIxIA 2023 - regular papers can be submitted until June 30th!
Domenico Lembo
[UAI] Jobs: Assistant and Associate Professors in AI/ML at TCG CREST, Kolkata, India
Md Sahidullah
[UAI] [jobs] Permanent post-doc position in robotics at Paderborn University
Erdal Kayacan
[UAI] Two fully funded PhD positions available on AutoML & medicine
Frank Hutter
[UAI] CFP: ECML/PKDD Workshop on neuro-symbolic metalearning and AutoML
Henry Gouk
[UAI] [Final CFP] ICML 2023 Workshop "The Many Facets of Preference-Based Learning"
Róbert Busa-Fekete
[UAI] Faculty position in AI at University of Michigan - Dearborn
Qiang Zhu
[UAI] Research Associate in hybrid optimization algorithms for modern supercomputers
Grégoire DANOY
[UAI] CFP: 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DSCI-2023), China, 28-30 December 2023
[UAI] "Epistemic Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence" workshop at UAI 2023
Shireen Kudukkil Manchingal
[UAI] CFP: 32nd International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming
[UAI] Postdoctoral Position on Under-supervised Visual Recognition at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Hossein Azizpour
[UAI] PhD Positions on Deep Learning for Modeling Proteins, at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Hossein Azizpour
[UAI] [Deadline Extended] TPM @ UAI 2023: Deadline Extended to June 12th
YooJung Choi
[UAI] [CfP] 3rd Int. Joint Conference on Learning and Reasoning (IJCLR 2023), 13-15 November 2023, Bari, Italy
[UAI] [jobs] PhD Position: Robot Learning For Vision-Driven Manipulation, KULeuven, Belgium
Renaud Detry
[UAI] IUKM 2023: Final Call for Papers
Van Nam Huynh
[UAI] UCML Workshop @ ECML PKDD 2023 : Uplift modeling and causal machine learning for operational decision-making
Wouter Verbeke
[UAI] UK PhD Studentship in Mining Electronic Health Records to Identify Effective Dietetic Factors
Shangming Zhou
[UAI] Amii Postdoctoral Fellow Position - Advertising
Danielle Drozdiak
[UAI] [CfP] “Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision” Workshop & Challenge at ICCV 2023
Trapp Martin
[UAI] [jobs] Professor of Machine Learning / Data Science at University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Steinbrener, Jan
[UAI] postdoc position on Hidden Markov and Automata Theory models
Dominik Wojtczak
[UAI] Deadline Extension -- CfP for KR4HI 2023 - Second International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Hybrid Intelligence
Erman Acar
[UAI] Open CIFRE-funded PhD position in Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
[UAI] Postdoc and data scientist position at UCSF
Feng, Jean
[UAI] 6th School on Belief Functions and their Applications: Call for Participation
[UAI] IUKM 2023, 2-4 November 2023, Kanazawa, Japan [Extended deadline]
[UAI] CfP: ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery, Prediction and Decision (CDPD 2023)
Sofia Triantafillou
[UAI] Call for Contributions to the CoLLAs 2023 Journal Track - Deadline June 01.
Sarath Chandar
[UAI] ESSAI 2023 Travel grants and early registration extended
Magdalena Ortiz
[UAI] Postdoc, RA & Ph.D. student positions in AutoML, active learning, Bayesian optimization, AutoRL, multi-agent RL & AI in the Sciences at National University of Singapore
Bryan Low
[UAI] Call for Papers: ICML 2023 Workshop "The Many Facets of Preference-Based Learning"
Branislav Kveton
[UAI] Deadline extension: FCA4AI 2023 Workshop (colocated with IJCAI 2023)
Amedeo Napoli
[UAI] 2nd Call for papers: GRID Workshop @ KR2023
Sihem Belabbes
[UAI] CSL 2024: First call for papers
Munyque Mittelmann
[UAI] [CFP] TPM @ UAI 2023: The 6th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling
YooJung Choi
[UAI] Tutorial & Workshop @ ECML PKDD 2023 : Uncertainty meets explainability in Machine Learning
Christos Diou
[UAI] XVI Madrid UPM Machine Learning and Advanced Statistics Summer School (June 19th - June 30th, 2023) - Early registration deadline
[UAI] Last Call for Papers - JELIA 2023, the 18th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
Lucia Gomez Alvarez