Dear distinguished AI Professor or Senior Scientist (PhD holder),

the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) aims to become a reference
initiative for AI education in Europe and implement mechanisms for
inter-university sharing of AI educational assets at PhD-level. As part of
the program, AIDA offers a series of courses on Artificial Intelligence and
related fields given by distinguished lecturers.

*We invite you to contribute to this initiative for the definition of the
AIDA Spring 2024 semester program*.

You can participate in the AIDA program by offering new or opening-up
existing courses targeted to AIDA students* or other students worldwide
according to the participation terms of your own organization.
Short/Very Short course formats (5-16 hours) are typically encouraged,
while semester courses, or asynchronous mode web courses will be considered
as well. Accepted courses will be listed on AIDA website (
 and will be advertised for free with the support
of AIDA dissemination channels. Proposals for courses for the AIDA Spring
2024 semester program should be sent to: Prof. Prof. Stefano Berretti, and Ms. Efi Patmanidou no
later than *January 31st, 2024* and will be evaluated by the AIDA Committee
by *February  10th, 2024*.

Proposals for AIDA Courses should include (pls, fill in the attached

*Course title:*

*Lecturer name & affiliation:*

*Host Institution:*

*Content and organization: *Course details about the content. 1 paragraph

*Level: *(Undergraduate/Postgraduate)

*Course Duration: *Hours

*Course Type: *(Short/Semester/Lecture series/Seasonal School*)*

*Participation terms: **Registration fee policy for external (non-AIDA)
students*, e.g., free of charge or fee of ??? Euros. *Special terms for
AIDA students*, e.g., discount 50% or free for X number of AIDA students. *Add
text for a) non-AIDA student registration and AIDA student
registration/enrollment, as in (6) below.*

*Lectures plan: *Days/time

*Proposed schedule: *Start date – End date

*Language: *English/Other

*Modality: *Online/in person

*Notes: *Are there exams? Details on how to successfully complete the
course. 1-2 sentences.

*Course Link:*

*AIDA students may be PhD students, post-doc researchers, possibly
qualified MSc students or professionals of AIDA Members

Best regards,

Stefano Berretti

AIDA course planning


Prof. Stefano Berretti, Ph.D.

Media Integration and Communication Center (MICC) &

Department of Information Engineering (DINFO)

University of Florence

via S. Marta 3 - 50139, Florence - ITALY

email: stefano.berretti 'at'

phone: +39 055 2758529

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